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Posted By: Sarah

Posted On: Dec 12, 2007
Views: 919
No g

^^ She looks old. Her neck looks horrible.

Posted By: courvid

Posted On: Dec 12, 2007
Views: 918

read imdb..there you can see its clearly not a fact that she looks like a 40 year old. Thats the opninion of some people because if someone gets compliments all the time on the internet for looking so much younger then she actally is, its courteney.

Posted By: courvid

Posted On: Dec 12, 2007
Views: 912

Ive seen every candid from her, im her fan, what you expect, without makeup, and you know what i think? that she looks even younger and more beautiful without make-up then with, i always said that, so what are you trying to convince me from? I think she is the most beautiful and last week there was a video from her work for a skincare line kinerase where they even say she has the greatest looking skin, not like an 43 year old at all. Ive seen her without makeup thousands of times and she hasnt one wrinkle. And even if she has, true beauty never fades, she has the most gorgeous smile, eyes, hair, and nothing cant change that.

Posted By: Sarah!

Posted On: Dec 12, 2007
Views: 919
Wrong Again!

She is beautiful. You dont just stop being beautiful, but she looks old. That is a fact! Have you seen her recently with no make up? She looks bad.

It is an opinion on whether you think someone is beautiful or not, and my opinion is that she is beautiful, but it is a fact that she is in her 40's and she looks it.


Posted On: Dec 12, 2007
Views: 918


Posted By: courvid

Posted On: Dec 12, 2007
Views: 921

No your saying it wrong, you think she doesnt look beautiful anymore, its an opinion, not a fact. Because if that was true, where do this more then 100 votes come from? no your really mature that you cant even get that!

Posted By: Sarah

Posted On: Dec 12, 2007
Views: 916

I am not acting childish, Courteney does look old, that is the truth. I love Friends, and she is beautiful, but she doesnt look good anymore. It is the truth.

Sarah is more beautiful than her imo.

Posted By: courvid

Posted On: Dec 12, 2007
Views: 914

i dont know this people so what would i care. everyone here gives their opinion about their favourite, i do so too and when you have to act like a child and want to call people names just because you cant stand someone others opinion, you have some problems to work on. Spent your time on that and not on me, its not working,

Posted By: Juan

Posted On: Dec 12, 2007
Views: 910
stop it !

Some people here are really just plain stupid..I've voted for sarah but I wont start insulting others just to get more votes for her.. Cox is a beautiful and talented woman stop badmouthing her ! and about this Kristen girl I cant say much cause I really dont know who she is...

Posted By: Sarah

Posted On: Dec 12, 2007
Views: 910

I have not used Eve or Robert, why would I use a male name?

Dont accuse me just because somebody else doesnt like you!

Posted By: courvid

Posted On: Dec 12, 2007
Views: 919

please just reply under one name, not under 3 names like; sarah robert & eve, that makes you even more dumb.

Posted By: courvid

Posted On: Dec 12, 2007
Views: 916

omg how childish do you have to be to insult others from this list just because you want some other celebrity to win. i dont give a **** about what you or anyone else thinks, kristen & sarah may be above her, but she is 43 and as i can see the votes not many people agree with your childish opinion. And she is still popular, also about other reasons then just looks while im sure all the so called young 'hotties' from this list dont mean anything anymore when they reach her age because wth do they have except their young look now.

Posted By: Eve

Posted On: Dec 12, 2007
Views: 917
Shut Up

courvid shut the hell up!

Posted By: Sarah

Posted On: Dec 12, 2007
Views: 894

'who cares sarah and if you read the post right, he meant that sarah & courteney are 'old news', with other words, not famous anymore. he didnt even meant looks, so please stop making a fool of yourself, and courteney is nr 3 allthough she is one of the oldest, i bet alot from those other woman cant say that then. Your to damn stupid!'

She is still to old and she looks ugly in recent pics of her!

Posted By: Eve

Posted On: Dec 12, 2007
Views: 894
All the way

Courtney cox all the way xD

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