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Posted By: Ruben

Posted On: Oct 24, 2004
Views: 3809
Ballot Security


We've been trying to improve the security of these once-a-day ballots so please be patient. We've now installed a new EMAIL CONFIRMATION method.

Now when you vote, the ballot will email you a link. Check your email, click on the link, and your vote counts. The same link should work once-a-day.

AlSO: We may have to adjust or reset the votes, (but if we do, we will ARCHIVE the ballot as it currently stands).

We're also monitoring the COMMENTS now, so it might take a few days for them to be posted.

Final Award Decisions will be averaged from the following scources:

1. Ballot #1 - once total
2. Ballot #2 - once per day
3. email votes -
4. mail in votes - Rock City Awards, 7030 De Longpre Ave, L.A. CA 90028
5. participation - publicity, votes sent in, table reservations, ads, etc
6. judges weight - quality of music and performances

For important questions, nominations, or to reserve a table, email us at

Thanks for voting,

Ruben MacBlue

Posted By: Vincent Desolte

Posted On: Oct 19, 2004
Views: 3941

Pinhead for over 5 years now has given L.A. some of the most original alternative music out there, it is time to reward them, cast your vote for PINHEAD....

Posted By: David Waldman

Posted On: Oct 16, 2004
Views: 4124
Vote for BlareBitchProject!!

If you havent seen BlareBitchProject, go check them out, then cast your votes!

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