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Posted By: BL

Posted On: Jan 14, 2005
Views: 1403

This game sux, its nothing but a rehash of the first, except that you cant choose your class.

Posted By: floater

Posted On: Jan 9, 2005
Views: 1721
Not better or worse than the first, just different

I thought this was going to be the same as the first game with a different story, but it turns out that the story and movement to a different development company changed the experience completely. In some ways, it was disappointing and in others it was much better than the first game. Altogether I had a good 40+ hours with it, so it gets a 3.

Posted By: Sathiroth

Posted On: Jan 7, 2005
Views: 1725
Star wars of course

I thought that this game was goning to the same as the first, but when i played it i was wrong.This has to be the best RPG game out ever on XBOX.

Posted By: burdon

Posted On: Jan 7, 2005
Views: 1569
wait a second

1 is the highest?
now i'm all confused.

Posted By: burdon

Posted On: Jan 7, 2005
Views: 945
i confess

i gave it a 1!
dam cr@ppy rating system got me al confused.
can u all for give me?

Posted By: ivan

Posted On: Jan 6, 2005
Views: 826
i dont like star wars...but

i dont like star wars ...but this game is the coolest

Posted By: revan+bastila=darkside

Posted On: Jan 2, 2005
Views: 1293
kotor 2: the sith lords

How could people give this game a 10!. They are losers. I played it for a month i'm not even done with it. email me if u want to talk about the game

Posted By: YoungCY

Posted On: Dec 30, 2004
Views: 1557

How can you people give it a 10!!! I think maybe some people don't READ the thing and THINKS that 10 is the highest.... Which usually are though. hahaha... i was almost gonna give it a 10 too.. if i didn't read it.

Posted By: reymer

Posted On: Dec 21, 2004
Views: 2428

this game rules. better then the original and way darker. i gave it a one ( i think 1 should be lowest).

Posted By: burdon

Posted On: Dec 13, 2004
Views: 2736

they're just a bunch of fwakin peness eaters thats why. lol

Posted By: Kenny

Posted On: Dec 12, 2004
Views: 2569

Oh great. Why is there always a bunch of people who give the games 10s. Well, I loved the first Kotor so this one should be great, but probably not too better.

Posted By: jon blaze

Posted On: Dec 12, 2004
Views: 1646

i like any game that lets u kill innocent and "good" guys

Posted By: rob

Posted On: Dec 10, 2004
Views: 988
kotor 2

this game is as great as its predesscor i will go as far as say this is the greatest game ever created. the first one had an epic story that kept you wanting to play untill the end. and now with the sith lords its expanded on everything except for the turn-based combat you know have even more force powers new wepons and new attacks oh yeah and the biggest improvement is that if your evil your team will follow in your path of darkness and if you are good and be a nice jedi than your team mates will do the same i would give this game a 9.9 out of ten

Posted By: burdon

Posted On: Dec 9, 2004
Views: 1069
this week!!!!!

it's coming out this week!
i can't wait to slaghter more sith.
that fwaking darth maul said somthin about my momma

Posted By: seth

Posted On: Dec 4, 2004
Views: 1535

This is one of the worst games I've played.

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