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Posted By: sokrates

Posted On: May 7, 2005
Views: 647

My TOP 10 ESC 2005

Posted By: mark

Posted On: May 7, 2005
Views: 615

cant you stop this greek madeion(i cant spell)thing.this is meant 2 do with eurovision song contest NOT eurovison history contest if you want to moan do it sumwhere else

10.serbria +.....

have you heard the new serbria + monteg.... ITS MINT go to media on this site and here it its well better then the other one (coz the other 1 was crap)

Posted By: Diva

Posted On: May 6, 2005
Views: 641

Well said Alex.

Posted By: Alexis

Posted On: May 6, 2005
Views: 628

Macadonia ???? FYROM you mean mate. Next you will try to persuade us that Thessalonika is the capital instead of SKOPJE...
Stay in your little country, stop trying to steal Greek History , civilization and names. Remember... Greeks have invested billions in your little country. Dont bite the hand that feeds you! Bad idea.

Posted By: Igor Pacemski

Posted On: May 6, 2005
Views: 663
Friday and Rula

love you both x

Posted By: Igor Pacemski

Posted On: May 6, 2005
Views: 627
Re: Greeks

I am totally sick of overpoliticising this issue. I am a Macedonian and half of my family comes from
what is today known as Greece. The modern Greeks should realise they have about as much in common with the ancient Greeks as Macedonians do. The ancient tribes left after the demise of the Greek Civilisation, were assimilated by the Slavic tribes and were under Turkey for 5 centuries since circa 1370, so the Greeks are dissing a nation of their genetic clones. And to show I am not a biased moron, I am voting for lovely Helena this year.

Posted By: titan

Posted On: May 5, 2005
Views: 829
Macedonian boy

I am from Macedonia and i think the old Macedonia eas bellon Greece not the new Macedonia..Th nwe Macedonia eas in Yoguslavia and från Tito..don´t talk politics, and hostory.. if you dont now the histpry of macedonia dont sy nothing

Posted By: Patrick

Posted On: May 5, 2005
Views: 964

Please stop all this political ****!! who cares about greek history and what we should call FYROM WE DO NOT CARE!!, if alexander the great were alive today he'd be backing Bosnia's song cause its camp and queer just like he was. Lighten up!

Posted By: YIANNIS

Posted On: May 4, 2005
Views: 1371
this is a celebration not a war

Well the macedonian issue is a difficult one
On the one hand FYROM occupies only one third of the area called macedonia 55% belongs to Greece and a smaller part to bulgaria.... so they have no right to use this name. Maybe north macedonia would be a good solution. In addition some of the "macedonians" in FYROM have a dream their new capital to be THESSALONIKI and to extend their borders to the south.
On the other hand nationalists and the greek orthodox church in greece prevent by all means any compromise. They have the hope that this small country wont survive in the future.
Besides was the alexander great??? great killer maybe great man NO. Is there a difference between him and sadam or hitler??? NO
Finally please stop writing about politics. Contest is a celebration there is no room for politics and this stupid nationalist.
Good luck Helena.....
Thank you Yiannis

Posted By: chrishty

Posted On: May 3, 2005
Views: 1310

Dear eurofriends,

First of all I want to say that I am boring to read messages which say that the Greece will be the winner.The song is good but there are more and more beautiful songs.For exemple i think that the Romanian and Iceland songs are the best!!!!
i don`t understand why the people love so much the greek song.........
Mybe they didn`t heard all the songs.They listened only the greek song and they think that it is the best.
In my oppinion the winner will be Luminita & Sistem from Romania.
Vote for them.Vote for the best!!!!!!


Posted By: roula

Posted On: May 3, 2005
Views: 1193
Comments about the 2 messages of Friday

Bravo! You said with not many words the essence of the 2 subjects. Sou vgazo to kapelo.

Posted By: friday

Posted On: May 3, 2005
Views: 855

I am Greek and I love Greece.
I am Balkanian and I love Balkan.

You, the people from FYROM have all the right in the world to call your country Macedonia. I never understood how all this fuss happened. Only because some idiots from Greece, fasists, believe that Greece should rule the world or something...

Also, some idiots from your country, talk about Great Alexander and horses and symbols and all that crap. You have a history of your own, you are great people, you do not need anything borrowed.

Anyway, I believe that the tragedy is that Yugoslavia was a strong and great country, and that is the reason USA and many north European Countries wanted (and succeeded) to distroy you.

Don't play their game of hate and stupid and unreal historic differences. We all are Balkans, we have same culture, same beliefs and thus, we must be united as one country.

I love you all.

Posted By: friday

Posted On: May 3, 2005
Views: 700
About the greek song

Dear friends from all Europe,

I would like to give you some information about the greek song.
Apart from the refrain, the song is a typical traditional melody from the Aegean islands called "sousta". Of course the composer added and RnB rythm. The refrain is totally different, pop or something. The greeks like the song because is close to our culture and many believe that the refrain shouldn't be this. We also hate the lyrics which are stupid.

We like Elena because she is fresh, sexy (though her voice is not anything special).

For those who "Number one" makes them remember of Sertab, let me just explain to you that Turkey and Greece are neighbours, many rythms are similar but, Elena sings a "sousta", Sertab sung a "tsifteteli". Listen again the Sertab's song and explain to me the similaries, because maybe I find them different because I am used (as Greek) to listen to this kind of songs and rythms.

And something last but not least: the organ in greek song is called "lyra" and does not come from Asia. It is the most ancient organ in Greece, comes straight from ancient songs and tragedy plays and is more traditional the the bouzouki.

Visit Greece this summer, we all love you and dance in our clubs in Myconos or Santorini with Number One.

If you don't like the song, it doesn't matter. Eurovision contest is just a game. Come to Greece anyway!

P.S. I really like Malta's song and also I like Spain and Romania.

Best luck to all songs. Kisses!

Posted By: coco

Posted On: May 3, 2005
Views: 659
elena no.1

let's forget about politics and vote no.1 no.1 o.k. Eurovision is not the place to resolve our differences between greeks and "slavs". Ellines olloi na eimaste civilised. Elena! elena!

Posted By: patrick

Posted On: May 2, 2005
Views: 800
Re Aidan Feeney's Saint+Sinner

What the f**k are you on about??????????

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