THE DRAGON'S LAIR - .:LIQUID SILVER:. -> PoopStart A New Topic | Reply
Post InfoTOPIC: Poop
Posted By: LnknPrkLuvur

Posted On: Oct 9, 2002
Views: 62

PLZ WRITE SUMPTIN!!! (from me, the maker of dis site!)

Posted By: Bakurafan

Posted On: Nov 16, 2002
Views: 59
RE: RE: Poop

I don't get it. what is this little mini mesage board for? FYI (for your information): I voted that your site is the best site on earth! everyday i have a special list (no, not my "favorites list" ` although yur on there) of sites that i check at least once a day for updates and new posts. You are the first site i check! It is going to take longer though, cuz of this new forum.All I am trying to say is I might not post on this one as often as the udder one. Poop! Moo. Oh now i see what this is for... at the bottom it sayz "submit comment". I think i actually stayed on topic without realizing it! I am so smart.

Posted By: Bakurafan

Posted On: Nov 16, 2002
Views: 58
RE: RE: Poop ~hee hee you said poop!

what is a "view"?

Posted By: sum41luvur

Posted On: Nov 16, 2002
Views: 56
RE: RE: RE: Poop

dont worry. u dont have to post on this one!


The Dragon's Lair