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Post InfoTOPIC: There are too many anime userlookups!
Posted By: hardy gurl

Posted On: Nov 24, 2002
Views: 238
There are too many anime userlookups!

why cant people think of anything other than anime userlookups and guild layouts! its really annoying when you have been searching for a good site and it only has cute and preppy anime stuff.

Posted By: Jessica Kennedy

Posted On: Dec 2, 2002
Views: 230
RE: There are too many anime userlookups!

lol..I know what you mean...they are everywhere!

Posted By: laura_diamond

Posted On: Jan 11, 2003
Views: 215
RE: There are too many anime userlookups!

I know it used to seem only japeneese people did it now its everywhere sorry any japeneese people i did not mean to insult you

Posted By: emily

Posted On: Jan 16, 2003
Views: 199
RE: There are too many anime userlookups!

agreed:) *I* voted for celebitiy!

Posted By: brianne

Posted On: Feb 13, 2003
Views: 179
RE: There are too many anime userlookups!

sup hardy gurl i totally agree. check out my userlookup, tallyho46 account. i voted for sports, i think surfing and skating is a koo theme. k seeya peeps. love, bri


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