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Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Jul 20, 2004
Views: 1528
I blow so much

I blow way to much. I live in west virginia and only get gratification by people hating me on these forums which i take way to seriously. i am fat and single.

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Jul 20, 2004
Views: 1522
RE: I blow so much

Same old ****.

I've already said that I'm fat, ugly, single, bla bla bla.

Come up with something new would you? Jesus.

Hopefully not everybody hates me. If I've ticked everybody off that wasent my intention. I thought only the very young, or close minded would get mad for being asked to rethink things. You'll have to get over it. I'm not going to change, nor am I going anywhere. One day You'll slip and say crap like this to someones face and get your head kocked off.

Use my name if you want. Most of you will know if it's realy me or not.

Posted By: Syrgot

Posted On: Jul 20, 2004
Views: 1519
RE: I blow so much

I dont hate you :)


Posted On: Jul 20, 2004
Views: 1509
RE: I blow so much

But some of your ideas, just don't have anything to do with reality, I mean its sweat, but you don't really expect it out of anyone's mouth, but a childs, and you even hope they grow out of it by about 10.

Posted By: Dragonmasterbater

Posted On: Jul 20, 2004
Views: 1507
RE: I blow so much

Iame noot tat dummb annd idont missspell tat offand

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Jul 21, 2004
Views: 1490
RE: I blow so much

You mean kids go around finding literary evidence of Dragons and Aliens instead of just talking about them? Or where there some other ideas you where talking about? The cold fusion thing and battery that recharges itself are on the back burner. I need lots of money to work on that stuf. Anyway, some other people have already done both of those, so it's not like I can get a patent.

Posted By: DragonmM I NOW THINK YOU BLOW

Posted On: Jul 21, 2004
Views: 1478
RE: I blow so much

Look I won't argue aliens, but dragons? Seriously only a shild would pursue that idea. A man-child at best. Cold-Fusion? O come of it. Do you even know what the concept is? Then you know its most likely not gonna become anything. The cold-fusion idea, has been majorily abandoned, most agree its a crack-pot idea, and yes there were some good crack-pot idea's, but we are not talking of things like the string theory. A battery that recharges itself? Done, Solar batteries problem is that enegry is always lost, and perpetual motion, is just a fairy tale. A patent? Seriously are you a moron, read a damn book, not on damn dragons, but on common sence things? A patent on a perpetual motion device and cold fusion? They've never been done. Seriously read some damn articles online at least. So you don't sound like a moron. You talk like a child talks, a child who's constantly dreaming, living in fairy tales, mumbling incoherently. And if im correct you play video games? Maybe that time coud be spent else-where. And one final thing: You mean kids go around finding literary evidence of Dragons and Aliens instead of just talking about them, yes and some even talk about cold fusion and perpetual motion devices, granted some are in advanced programs, but thats what they do.

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Jul 21, 2004
Views: 1475
RE: I blow so much

Have you been to my site? I've more to add but dragons may not be around anymore, but they once where. It's like saying Dodo's didn't exist becouse you have never seen one. They are in the books of the time. When an animal goes extinct it is not put into Animal books after a time. Dragons where in the nature/animal books of their time. When they died out then there was no proof that they existed, so scientists stoped putting them into the books, but they survived in Myth and lore untill today for people like me to go and find the evidence.\

More later, I'm in a hurry.

Posted By: Sneaky Penguin

Posted On: Jul 22, 2004
Views: 1458
RE: I blow so much

Ok if dragons were real then wouldnt more than 6 people in the world believe in them and make websites like yours I really think it was a dumb idea implanted in your head by a gay-ass game or something. Early sailors thought mantees were merimaids did you ever think it possible that the authors of those books saw something else?

Posted By: SuperNerd

Posted On: Jul 22, 2004
Views: 1450
RE: dragons

Dragons are just a way for primative people to explain Dinosaur fossils they found. But who said that a dinosaur cant breate fire. There is a small bug that does why not a giant lizard.

Posted By: Sneaky Penguin

Posted On: Jul 22, 2004
Views: 1448
RE: I blow so much

Another thing I looked at your proof of dragons and the earliest date was in the 1700's unless they all caught a fatal disase (which is unlikely because of the vast varety of species described in your reference)then they would have had to have been killed but wouldnt they keep bones or capture the young to raise or something? A third and highly unlikely possiblity is that they evolved but with your earilest reference showing in the 1700's and that is almost completely impossible. I would be interested in knowing how you beileve they disapeared or if you still believe they are alive.

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Jul 22, 2004
Views: 1445
RE: I blow so much

Sneaky Penguin,

More than 6 people know that dragons where here.
As far as games, the dragons in the Final Fantasy serries that I love to play are mostly to large to be possible, putting aside the powers. I'd like to think that there is a Bhamut out there, but lol, I'd definatly be insane if I thought that.
Merimaids arent known to every section of us humans. Dragons where around at a time when people couldent travel over the oceans, or long distances, and still every contenent has art, stories, and most of the time objects that could not have been built by humans alone. Something happend that turned people against dragons, and changed their status.
The authors of the time are the foundation of the nature books we have today. There are some animals that we cannot simply go readserve becouse they are not here anymore. The previous articals arent taken into question becouse the way info is written is still done that way now. You cant take most of Darwin or some of the others in parts only, it's like saying you belive in the first half of the Bible or Kuran (spelling?) and not the other half.


Yes, I've wonderd about the Dinosaur thing, course if you look at the religious standpioint the earth isn't billions of years old, it's only about 8,000 years old. If thats the case then Dinosaurs where here the same time that we where. And as far is Dinosaurs, whoes to day that we are putting the bones together right? Without soft tissue these is no way of being 100% shure that we are doing it right. Any arceologist will tell you that.

Sneaky Penguin,
The large dragon everybody thinks of probably would have died out by the 1700's, competition of food with humans would have slowly dwindled their nombers. It's generaly accepted that larger animals have smaller brains, thus decresing the potential knowledg that it has. The smaller, much more inteligent dragons survived till latter, in some rare cases dragon scales where used as armor by primitive people.
By the 1700's Dragons where mostly considerd evil, so you'd not be bringing them home to the kids and wife. Primitive people also had a habit of burning things that they considerd evil.


Posted On: Jul 22, 2004
Views: 1443
RE: I blow so much

Are you kidding me? turned people against dragons... wow now thats deep. Do you spend time at night, imagining the wars they had, the secret pacts, the traitors, the hero's, the tears? Do you wish you lived during that time? Seriously someone's lost a bit of a grip on realty ehh? The earth 8,000 years old? Are you a crazy? In America for instance there is proof of people as early as 20,000 years ago, and this isn't just going by carbon dating. And they can't be 100% positive without tissue? Well the truth is you can't be 100% positive on anything, based on the laws of probability. But trust me you have to be pretty slow to think dinasaurs can be built other ways. Oh and please don't tell me people lived with dinasaurs there is soo much overwhemling proof against it, that the idea is disgusting. Competition for food? You're telling me that a giant super predator, would die out from competition of so much food, when nothing stands in it's way? Thats stupendesouly naiive. Dragon scales as armor? Well thats amazing, where the hell is the proof? Seriously you play too many games, you make a fantasy world and live in it, games help further it because of the limitation in you're knowledge, and in the capacity of you're imagination.

Posted By: Sneaky Penguin

Posted On: Jul 22, 2004
Views: 1436
RE: I blow so much

A dragon would be the almost perfection of evolution flight ravor-sharp teeth and claws really i dont think a human wouldn't stand a chance so i think that that dissmissies that idea.

Posted By: SuperNerd

Posted On: Jul 22, 2004
Views: 1433
RE: I blow so much

THE EARTH IS 8000 YEARS OLD??!! Where did you get that ****? I know the Christian religion belives it is only 6000 years old. Explain to me your reasoning to how the world is only 8000 years old.

Biblical dragon reference: Leviathan

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