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Posted By: Bob Dole

Posted On: Nov 17, 2004
Views: 867
Serious question...

Is it ok to wear jeans on a first date? My friend said I should wear khakis instead.

Posted By: Bob Dole

Posted On: Nov 17, 2004
Views: 863
RE: Serious question...


It doesn't matter. Your date will probably want to be paid up front though.


Posted On: Nov 17, 2004
Views: 844
RE: Serious question...

Depends where you are going. If it is a casual date then jeans and a nice shirt or sweater are fine... you can dress them up or down depending on the shirt or shoes. So long as you don't look sloppy you'll be fine. Be a gentleman. Good luck... hope she's one of us.

Posted By: Bob Dole

Posted On: Nov 18, 2004
Views: 838
RE: Serious question...

Thanks Halli. I don't know if she's one of us yet. We'll see.

Posted By: The Frenchman

Posted On: Nov 18, 2004
Views: 822
RE: Serious question...

For the sake of everyone else reading this thread, could you clarify something? What do you mean by "one of us"? Having read most of your posts I figure "one of us" could mean (a)homosexual, (b) mentally retarded, or (c) political zeolot. I suppose there is the possiblility of (d) all the above.

I don't think 'A' would interest her unless she just wanted a free meal. 'B' is a distinct possibility since she accepted the date in the first place. If it is 'C' you could have a problem. Political zeolots of the female persuasion tend to be of the left wing variety and even when they are of the right wing variety, they tend to be more moderate than their foaming-at-the-mouth counterparts. I'm not saying it isn't possible, just that the odds are against you here. Keep some hand lotion on standby just in case.

Posted By: Bob Dole

Posted On: Nov 18, 2004
Views: 815
RE: Serious question...

Surrender Monkey:

Thanks for tip about the lotion. I'll pick some up this evening.

Thanks for the breakdown, but I think you're analysis is missing one critical factor. This particular woman has graduated from college. Everyone knows that more educated people are conservative and that hoodrats, the homeless, and people that have no potential of ever becoming successful are liberal. You gotta love the maybe-I-can-get-the-government-to-give-me-things-I-didn't-earn-and-could -never-hope-to-afford-without-a-handout crowd...

...wait a ****ing minute, no you don't.

Posted By: Pavlov

Posted On: Nov 18, 2004
Views: 807
RE: Serious question...

You are mistaken. I included education in my analysis. You claim of 'everyone knows' should have been worded 'it is my unfounded belief'. College alone does not signify political tendencies. As a matter of fact, there are several major colleges known for leaning to the left. The southern states are strong republican states and yet the word educated wouldn't describe many of their residents.

I also considered that going to college does not automatically equal educated. There are many people coming out of college that should have saved their money and just gone with the Sally Struthers HVAC correspondence course.

Success in life doesn't figure into political choice. All you have to do is look at the limousine liberals in Hollywood to see that.

Women are not as likely to be found out on the extreme right edge where you live. The far right edge is more about tribes, testosterone, black and white, and a mistaken mentality of good vs. evil and less about facts. Women tend to use a little more common sense in these matters so even conservative women don't get as nutty. That being said, you could get lucky and she could show up in a dress made of the confederate flag with tickets to Jerry Springer.

Thanks for the Pavlovian response. It's always fun to see theory in action.

P.S. no, I don't have to love anyone.

Posted By: Bob Dole

Posted On: Nov 18, 2004
Views: 805
RE: Serious question...

I'm not on the far right. I am, like a majority of the country, a conservative.

Bush got re-elected, and the Republican party gained seats in both the House and the Senate. That's never been done before. It's the Democratic party that has become a fringe group. The election results alone should tell you that.

John Kerry, Howard Dean, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore...these people are all extreme left wing and completely out of touch with mainstream America. John Kerry even makes Ted Kennedy the conservative Senator from Massachusettes.

Nothing but good news on my end. As long as the Democrats continue to pick leaders from the fringe elements of the party and keep moderates from rising in their ranks, this trend toward voting out Democrats will continue. You can debate have a different opinion, but the results of the last several elections go a long way toward making this a fact.

Posted By: Bob Dole

Posted On: Nov 18, 2004
Views: 804
RE: Serious question...

Sorry for calling you a surrender monkey, but I don't know why anyone would willingly associate themselves with anything French.

Posted By: Pavlov

Posted On: Nov 18, 2004
Views: 801
RE: Serious question...

I have seen your posts before the election. You are pretty damn far away from center. I guess when you watch the left all the time you don't notice how few people there are to your right.

If my memory serves me correctly, the election results showed a difference of 3% of the popular vote. That doesn't make the Democratic party a fringe group. Your namesake lost by almost 9%. The Libertarian Party is a fringe group. It makes the country more divided than ever in history. The extreme left and extreme right are completely out of touch. They have been for many decades. This is nothing new. The past several elections have not shown a mass exodus on either side.

Not everything is good news for you. The 3 branches of the government are currently aligned to the right. In the past one branch has always been able to blame the other for nothing getting better. In four years when the country is still ****ed up, who are you going to be able to point your finger at? The Liberal Republicans?

As for the 'Frenchman' name, I did that just to see your knee-jerk reaction. I have a pretty big mean streak. I'm not really a big fan of France. I do like French toast though. And French braids are damn sexy.


Posted On: Nov 19, 2004
Views: 769
RE: Serious question...

Cheese eating surrender monkeys... no apologies - just calling them like I see them.

Pavlov - labeled youself 'the frenchmen' just to see Dole's knee jerk reaction??? What kind of reaction do you expect after writing "Having read most of your posts I figure "one of us" could mean (a)homosexual, (b) mentally retarded, or (c) political zeolot. I suppose there is the possiblility of (d) all the above." I mean come on - his response was clearly appropriate - American's with backbones don't take crap from cheese eating surrender monkeys.

As far as being Ultra Conservative or whatever you labeled Dole - just because you believe in right and wrong and have the courage to stand by your convictions doesn't make you extreme - it's just that the left has become soooo far left and has absolutely zero morals that anyone who does have morals is considered extreme. liberals claim to be so smart and tolerant - they are absolutely the least tolerant and intelligent people I have ever met.
liberalism: The huanting fear that someone, somewhere can help themselves.


Posted On: Nov 19, 2004
Views: 766
RE: Serious question...

*haunting - before cardio-idiot corrects me again

Posted By: Pavlov

Posted On: Nov 19, 2004
Views: 763
RE: Serious question...

Look what the cat dragged in. Bob Dole's right hand man. Actually, that multiple choice applied to you as well since you also used "one of us". The knee-jerk reaction is called Pavlovian Response, as I said. I find it funny in a sick way that I can type any word I want, knowing you and your buddy will reply exactly as predicted. It is like playing with trained chimps.

The fact is both of you are far right Conservatives. You can call yourself whatever you want. It doesn't change anything. The truth that you two keep running from is that the right is just as intolerant, just as stupid, just as lacking in morals, and just as clueless as the left. You have personally demonstrated this time after time. Your argument for your position has always been 'the left sucks'. That isn't right and wrong and that isn't courage. That is called posturing and if you learned anything about human behavior, you would know that posturing is one of the lowest forms of thought a person can have.

Don't worry about the misspelling of haunting. You made several other errors that could have been called out. As bad as your grammar is, you wit is worse. You might want to give that up completely. Cheese eating surrender monkey? Come on. It isn't original and it isn't funny. It is just stupid.

Posted By: The Fat Mexican

Posted On: Nov 19, 2004
Views: 731
RE: Serious question...

Can we spell 'zealot' right? Can we also skip the political campaigning since it's over anyhow? I may be asking too much. Eh...either way...