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Post InfoTOPIC: not to pull a dragonmaster, but i need some advice
Posted By: incomplete

Posted On: Dec 21, 2004
Views: 1055
not to pull a dragonmaster, but i need some advice

ok, my lady and i have been together for a year and 8 months. I graduated college in may, and she is in between semesters of her 4th year. she still has a year left on her program for her BA and teacher's certificate. i live around an hour and a half away from where she is now and i work full time so i only get to see her on the weekends. this is how it has been since i graduated. at the end of this most recent semester (like a week ago) she decided that she wanted to go to grad school. this is fine with me, if she wants to go to school more, great... i'll do whatever it takes to be able to see her. even if that means i need to fly across country twice a week or find a job near her. the thing is that she does not want me to have to do that, but she does not want to deal with this distance for another 3 years so she wants to break up now and save us some pain later. i keep saying that i'll do whatever it takes to make it work, since i know she's the one i want to be with forever. how else can i say this to maybe convince her to give us another try?

Posted By: some one whos been there

Posted On: Dec 21, 2004
Views: 1051
RE: not to pull a dragonmaster, but i need some advice

Sorry to be harsh bro' but it sounds like shes already made up her mind. Do your self a favor, and start getting over her.

Posted By: Syrgot

Posted On: Dec 21, 2004
Views: 1042
RE: not to pull a dragonmaster, but i need some advice

And just for the record it's not pulling a dragonmaster when you're asking for advice. He just asks for sympathy. I've asked for advice too (and been amazingly surprised at the good feedback I've been given.)

Anyway, I have to agree with "someone who has been there before." Theres another part to keep in mind though. There is only one way to see if you are truly in love with someone, try and live without them. She may be doing this as a test of your devotion for eachother, if she can bear to say goodbye to you, then she'll figure that she can live without you. The same should be true for you, I know it'll seem impossible at first, but see if you can let yourself be happy doing something new. If you're miserable and can't eat/sleep/think about anything but her (i think I used that metaphor incorrectly...) then you two need to have a serious sit down conversation and figure out what really needs to happen between the two of you.

Posted By: moogle832

Posted On: Dec 21, 2004
Views: 1038
RE: not to pull a dragonmaster, but i need some advice

where is Dragonmaster...?

Posted By: incomplete

Posted On: Dec 21, 2004
Views: 1032
RE: not to pull a dragonmaster, but i need some ad

get over her? impossible. how can one get over true love? she is the only woman i've ever said that to. i waited until i was 21, almost 22 to lose my virginity to her because i wanted it to be with someone i truly loved. likewise, she waited until she was 20 to lose hers to me for the same reason.

the color of her eyes is burned into my memory, they are blue, green, and brown all at the same time from different angles. her smile gets me higher than any drug i could imagine, thin lips spread wide across her beautiful, freckled face. she makes this one noise that just drives me crazy, an "mmmmhmmmm" that rises in pitch and then comes back down twice... i'd do anything to hear it just one more time.

she obviously still loves me, because she is still wearing my ring, and my shirt, and my jacket. do you know what it's like to love someone so much you'd give your life for theirs without a second though? i'd happily drench myself with gasoline and then light up a cigarette if it meant her life would be spared.

Posted By: moogle832

Posted On: Dec 21, 2004
Views: 1019
RE: not to pull a dragonmaster, but i need some advice


Posted By: someone

Posted On: Dec 21, 2004
Views: 1015
RE: not to pull a dragonmaster, but i need some ad

After the last post you do sound like DM. Is this your new name, make up life?

Posted By: moogle832

Posted On: Dec 21, 2004
Views: 1011
RE: not to pull a dragonmaster, but i need some advice

i think that is DM...i mean, he hasnt posted at all this poll, the person who's posting this is not a "regular" as in, i've never seen him before here. And by now DM would have like 40 posts.

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: Dec 21, 2004
Views: 1004
RE: not to pull a dragonmaster, but i need some advice

I don't think that it is Dragonmaster. It doesn't seem like him to make up a story that doesn't fit his situation at all...

Mr. Incomplete,

It sounds like the girl you like knows who she is and has her priorities set. She seems intelligent and goal oriented. Some people are just anal about having their life planned out and don't want to have regrets later that they didn't do what their heart was telling them to do. I think that she might be trying to spare your feelings, like, not wanting you to have to sacrifice while she is doing her own thing. On the other hand, she might be wanting to move on.

There is that old thing, if you love someone, set them free, if they come back, they are yours, if they don't then they never really were.

Since I am older, and was in a really bad marriage where I was not allowed to follow my personal dreams, I unfortunately have a lot of regrets. I wish that I would have pursued a different education track that I did. I wish that I would not have given up that the love of MY life would have never came back, because sometimes I think that maybe he would have. He was pursuing his own education and goals and when he broke up with me it was more like, you are a great girl, we have great fun, but I need to focus on growing up and devoted his time to studying and getting a degree with a near 4.0 average. Me, like a stupido, married someone else that I didn't really love to fill the void, make sure that you don't do that. I knew that I could have loved him forever and it seriously took about 10 years to get over him.

Sometimes loving someone means that you have to be self-sacrificing, and let them grow up and live their dream. She may miss you terribly, you never know. Good luck, oh, and you shouldn't have the attitude that you are incomplete. A good relationship should be with two people that are happy with themselves, not needing another person to make them complete, but being able to contribute all that they are and all that they have to making a good union. Don't ever lose yourself for another person, because that is not doing you or them any good.

Posted By: incomplete

Posted On: Dec 21, 2004
Views: 1000
RE: not to pull a dragonmaster, but i need some advice

to those thinking that i'm dragonmaster, i assure you i am not... just another semi-regular who does not want to post about his personal problems under his regular name. i was wondering why he wasn't here yet too.... maybe he finally offed himself.

in any case, my girl said the same things some of you are saying, that i need to be able to be happy on my own. the problem is this... in high school (small private school, graduating class of 24 people my senior year) i was a bit of a geek and had very few friends. they mostly turned against me in order to join with the "in" crowd (wow, really am starting to sound like dragonmaster, sorry folks) anyway, long story short, i have no friends close to where i live. the people i'm used to hanging out with live at least an hour and a half away. the only friends who live near me, one is away at school 1:30 away, another is getting shipped out to iraq, and the last one is the first one's ex and i must say that i had to choose sides in that matter and the first one came out on top. so, stripping me of my girlfriend and our mutual friends (i usually hung out with her roomies) makes it very difficult to find happiness on my own.

anyway, i'm done venting/whining. hopefully she'll call me soon and we can try to work this out.

Posted By: Trisha

Posted On: Dec 21, 2004
Views: 995
RE: not to pull a dragonmaster, but i need some advice

Sorry, incomplete, to hear about your predicament. You really need to talk to her and find out what she is actually feeling. After being with you for so long, she should at least have the decencey to tell you the truth. If she decides she really wants to end your relationship, I guess all I can say is time heals and it's gonna take a while. I left someone who felt the same way about me as you do for your girl, and I was afraid he was going to kill himself. But, he made it and is doing well now. Not sure if it was the right choice now, but whats done is done and I have to live with my choices. Maybe you could let her go to school and after a few weeks of no or little contact, you could get together to discuss what you're feeling. By then you should both have an idea of what its like without each other and if that is what you really want. That's all the advice I have now...Good luck!

Posted By: Blue Ball Boy

Posted On: Dec 21, 2004
Views: 989
RE: not to pull a dragonmaster, but i need some ad

She is playing a game with you, and you have to win. People are fluid and there are no rules set in stone. You have to be smart enough to figure it out and not allow your emotions to cause you to lose control and show her the ugly side of you. Honestly it sounds like she either wants to move on or test you. Both problems are solve-able.

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Dec 22, 2004
Views: 975
RE: not to pull a dragonmaster, but i need some advice

Ok, I'm the last to give out girl advice, but just talk to her.

Posted By: Noah

Posted On: Dec 22, 2004
Views: 973
RE: not to pull a dragonmaster, but i need some advice

after reading your description of the feelings that she inspires in you... you should definately propose to her, asap. and then let her go to school. Absence makes the heart grow enormously more fond of it's chosen counterpart, and the future is not set in stone. The two of you will forever hold a bond that can never be duplicated by any other partner, should either of you ever hook up with another. That is the absolute truth and you can take it to the bank...

Posted By: Eloise

Posted On: Dec 22, 2004
Views: 971
RE: not to pull a dragonmaster, but i need some ad

Or maybe it is not about you so much... She may just want to embark on a new adventure and meet new people not burdened down with a "relationship that's not a relationship", long distance I mean. Either that or maybe she has someone else in mind. You talk about your feelings for her, but hers for you?

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