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Post InfoTOPIC: There really is no proof!!!!!!
Posted By: Grant

Posted On: Jun 30, 2005
Views: 1034
There really is no proof!!!!!!

I do find it hard to believe that so many people can believe in UFO's. It's all crazy in my view, there is not one bit of physical proof that UFO's have visited us! NONE AT ALL! Every bit of evidence we have is of a camera which means what, absolutely nothing. Please people do we not see how realistic they make films nowadays, it's so easy to make UFO images look real. I think a lot of the belief in UFO's comes simply from people wanting to belief that UFO's have contacted us when they obviously have NOT! Is it really that hard to belief that we havn't been contacted by UFO's, just how inteligent do these so called aliens have to be that they can whisk themselves across galaxy's and galaxy's just to perform a little dance in the sky and bugger of again. That's really inteligent isn't it! Why is there no direct contact with aliens themselves, i'll tell you why because they have not been here. Obviously these aliens travel a great distance what exactly do they use as fuel do you think, they must use some type of fuel. Whatever they use it must be good. It's all a hoax, one big hoax that some people want to believe in. And Roswell please don't reply back to me about that, it's a topic i don't even want to get started on because it's a pile of pish!! Anyway great site, highlighted some good facts.

Posted By: Frank Pearson

Posted On: Jul 3, 2005
Views: 1029
RE: There really is no proof!!!!!!

They probably use all kinds of fuel, not just one variety.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jul 7, 2005
Views: 1022
RE: There really is no proof!!!!!!

Yeah, some of its unleaded and some of its diesel.

Posted By: skinbath

Posted On: Aug 2, 2005
Views: 1001
RE: There really is no proof!!!!!!

Re above quote :- Yeah, some of its unleaded and some of its diesel.

I`m afraid you`re mistaken here as due to the sub zero temperatures found in space the diesel would wax.

Posted By: Grant

Posted On: Aug 2, 2005
Views: 998
RE: There really is no proof!!!!!!


i think if you read again you wiil notice a little hint of sarcasm.

Hence, Unleaded and Diesel don't mix to good!

Posted By: Skinbath

Posted On: Aug 2, 2005
Views: 995
RE: There really is no proof!!!!!!

Re quote :-
"i think if you read again you wiil notice a little hint of sarcasm".

Yes I`m perfectly aware of this.Surely you didn`t think I was serious!

Aside from this,can you tell me if the reason spacecraft are so large is due to the size of the fuel tank? And how many gallons do you think it holds and how many miles to the gallon do you think they get out of it?Or does this all depend on who`s driving? Or should I say piloting, said craft?
Do you think they collect coupons?

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Aug 2, 2005
Views: 993
RE: There really is no proof!!!!!!

The reason why UFO's are very large has nothing to do with the fuel tanks.
It's because of the holding tanks for the toilet.
It's a long way between fuel stations.......

Posted By: Grant

Posted On: Aug 3, 2005
Views: 991
RE: There really is no proof!!!!!!


Re quote: "Yes I`m perfectly aware of this.Surely you didn`t think I was serious!"

Er you made it sound serious enough!

Q1. Aside from this,can you tell me if the reason spacecraft are so large is due to the size of the fuel tank?

A1. What point are you trying to make here.

Q2. And how many gallons do you think it holds and how many miles to the gallon do you think they get out of it?

A2. I'll ask jeremy clarkson.

Q3. Or does this all depend on who`s driving?

A3. Depends more on the speed limit i reckon.

Q4. Or should I say piloting, said craft?

A4. Yeah you should.

Q5. Do you think they collect coupons?

A5. Do you?

Posted By: skinbath

Posted On: Aug 3, 2005
Views: 987
RE: There really is no proof!!!!!!


I rekon you need to get out more!

I`m off . For good .

Posted By: skinbath

Posted On: Aug 3, 2005
Views: 986
RE: There really is no proof!!!!!!


I rekon you need to get out more!

I`m off . For good .LEMMEEOUTAHERE

Posted By: Grant

Posted On: Aug 3, 2005
Views: 981
RE: There really is no proof!!!!!!

LOL please don't go. Come back

Your right though i could do with not having to work in this office and sliding of down the 'Can' with the lads for a couple of jars off 'wife beater'(Stella).

Sounds like you could do the same.

Posted By: Skinbath

Posted On: Aug 3, 2005
Views: 976
RE: There really is no proof!!!!!!

Firstly I must apologise for my attitude earlier,I was just having some fun but there`s no real justification for it.

I must say I reckon you`ve got it pretty much spot on with your views on UFOs.

Personally,I don`t discount the possibilty of UFOs but in my opinion there`s absolutely nothing that backs up any of the stories or reports.Below is something I posted on another site and Ive pasted it here as I thought it was relevant to what you`re saying.I hope you don`t mind.

For much of my youth I believed that those who were actually responsible for collecting and collating reports/photographs of UFOs and the like,came at it from an honest base and offered both truthful and accurate accounts of the many and varied incidents that are reported ( perhaps reputedly reported may be more accurate ) from around the world.
I`ve skimmed through many a magazine and talked about varied mysteries in the pub (it happens!) with pint in hand until the next amusement came along,but there was always a feeling of frustration left hanging over,an unfulfillment that inevitably lingered afterwards,an awareness that some piece of the jigsaw just wasn`t there - you know the sort of thing - blurred images ( this is a particular fave) of supposedly alien spacecraft and the like or images that seemed to relate more to some guy in the distance waving a torch around on a dark night; witnesses to events have moved away,gone awol,can`t be found,won`t talk about it ,blah blah.
On the many websites detailing this stuff there`s never any link or corroboration for the "evidence",nothing that remotely comes anywhere near the standard of proof required to feasably make the claims that are made,just mere speculation.

In contrast to this I`ve read and looked at some of the other side,the UFO debunkers if you like and I must say that the quality of investigation that goes into rebutting the claims of the UFO brigade is a breath of fresh air! Documents,links to supporting and related sites,the wealth of material that is given to back up assertions,real analysis of footage and an openness not found (to me at least) in the UFO sites is in total contrast to the spurious and misleading guff offered by them,and sadly leads me to believe that the truth is indeed out there if you only know where to look!

Posted By: Grant

Posted On: Aug 4, 2005
Views: 969
RE: There really is no proof!!!!!!

You needn't apologise it was only a little banter between us all in good heart.

I read your post carefully and i agree with what you have said. I myself like you am frustrated by these claims of UFO's or alien aircrafts that are reported but are never backed up with any hard evidence. It really annoys me when people are prepared to back their claim with a picture of the aircraft and all i feel is enmarresment for them.

When i was young i wouldn't say i believed in UFO's but i never questioned it neither. It wasn't until i was old enough that i started to see it from a mature point of view. And the fact is there is no hard evidence to back UFO's.


Theories with Problems