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Post InfoTOPIC: HAHA adam!
Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: Jul 8, 2006
Views: 463
HAHA adam!

You got another coff-ay cup! LOL That is so funny, but actually, I'm sorry that you didn't get the signed book! ;(

Posted By: Matty

Posted On: Jul 8, 2006
Views: 461
RE: HAHA adam!


Adam is still is on this thing?

Its sad really...

Never liked him...

:o Befor i forget

France to win the world cup XD


Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: Jul 8, 2006
Views: 457
RE: HAHA adam!

Of course they win! I already saw Pink Panther!

Matty - where are you from?