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Posted By: DEA (Goverment Funded Terrorists)

Posted On: Feb 26, 2007
Views: 256
qft (11)

Cannabis is bad.

I like to pretend my life has meaning, even though I'm only DEA, and I know that we cause more damage than we fix, while spending peoples hard-earned tax money on an illegal and imoral drug war, while feeding the publics head with false positives. I know that we're fighting human temptation and urges that go back to the dawn of man, but, due to the small-mindedness of me, and the other ignorant fools who choose to do this so-called "profession", we just don't really care about the public welfare. We have a good racket going, and we're not about to give it all up, just to do the right thing. Hopefully, when I pass on into heaven, and God is judging me before the pearly gates, he will have the heart to forgive me of all the wrongdoing I've done, in the interest of a goverment founded on the erradication of one race, and on the backs of another, and bless me with the grace of heaven. But, until then, I'm going to continue to rip apart families, murder innocent victims, and steal Americas money..... all over a plant. GOD BLESS AMERICA, THE LAND THAT I LOVE! HOME OF THE BRAVE, AND FREEDOM FOR SOME, AS LONG AS YOU DON'T DO DRUGS!!

Forget that George Washington, our founding father, had several hemp plantations. Forget that the Declaration Of Independence is, ironicly, printed on hemp paper. Forget that many products can be derived from hemp plants, such as rope/twine & cloth, and oils from the seed, which is still used today as the base of paints. Forget that the mayor of New York City at one point did an investigation into cannabis and it's harmful effects at the behest of Anslinger, and found that there are few negatives to marijuana use and more positives, much to the dismay of Anslinger. Forget that racism had a heavy hand in this unfair and unjust prohibition against a god-given plant. Forget that crime would dramatically drop if marijuana was re-legalized, putting cannabis dealers out of business. Forget that re-legalizing cannabis would free up precious prison space for the real criminals such as rapists, murderers & child molesters. Forget that re-legalization would save billions of dollars alone in the war on drugs. Forget how the American goverment could generate millions of dollars by re-legalizing and taxing marijuana. Forget that no matter what the goverment does, and how illegal it makes this plant, that the American public who choose to indulge in the consumption of cannabis will do so, no matter what. Forget how this war on drugs will never be over, and we will never win.

Marijuana is bad.

