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Post InfoTOPIC: Your opinion Keith
Posted By: Bubbap

Posted On: Jun 22, 2007
Views: 991
Your opinion Keith

Hi Keith, I haven’t posted here in quite a while. I have spent the last 2 years remote viewing a conversation between God and some TK'ers spinning a PSI wheel on an alien planet.

Anyhow, I know this is off topic, but recently I have watched a few documentaries about cold fusion. To be honest I do not have the mental capacity to give an informed opinion about this topic and I was wondering if you thought this idea of cold fusion was fact or fiction


Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jun 22, 2007
Views: 986
RE: Your opinion Keith

When presented with new ideas that are discovered/invented it can be very difficult to know how valid the case is unless you are an expert in the field. Most of us are not experts when it comes to nuclear fusion. That being the case we have to rely on acknowledged experts being able to duplicate the results and confirming the new claim.
In this particular case the claimed results have never been duplicated.
It would appear that there was an error in the initial experiment. It is not in fact quite as clear cut as that due to it being a very complicated experiment, so it cannot be categorically ruled out. Most experts however consider it a non-starter.
Time will tell, but in the meantime the cold fusion theory is not accepted.

Posted By: Jesse

Posted On: Jul 6, 2007
Views: 932
RE: Your opinion Keith

Hey Kieth,

Great site. I recently have been pondering the existence of life on other planets and personally (just statistically) feel that there is almost assuredly life out there. However, I recently was posed the question on whether or not there was extra terrestrial life on earth and/or how to determine if there was. It got me to thinking and although I am not an expert in the field I do follow it and know they have been pursuing research on fossilized remains and meteor fragments. The problem being our weather cycles churn everything up and only fozzilize things rarely that most evidence would have been destroyed or will likely never be found.

I guess my question is this. Have you given any thought to this and come to a decision one way or another whether or not extra terrestrial life I guess first off exists and secondly if indeed it does what are the chances it has visited earth(in the form of microbes in a meteor even)?

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jul 6, 2007
Views: 930
RE: Your opinion Keith

What you suggest is a hot topic just now. A number of scientists are proposing that life was introduced to this planet by meteors, possibly even from Mars.
It is a very difficult thing to prove, you would need for example to find some fossilised bacteria and then find the same on Mars that was even older.
I have no idea if this is what happened, but it would come as no surprise if it proved to be the case.
One thing I am certain of, we just can't be the only planet in the universe to harbour life, the odds of that happening are just too astronomical to be possible.
There has to be life out there, I hope we meet it during my life time, I would hate to miss it.

Posted By: Delphinus

Posted On: Oct 2, 2007
Views: 855
RE: Your opinion Keith

Hey Keith, you sound really smart! Quick question not to judge your integrity or anything but what is your background field of experties, you seem to have a logical answer for everything and I was wondering what it is you do or study? (if it's not too personal...) As for extra terrestrials on other planets i definately think that's a possibility!!

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Oct 2, 2007
Views: 847
RE: Your opinion Keith

No expertise in anything, just a lifetime of study of things that interest or puzzle me.

Posted By: Delphinus

Posted On: Oct 2, 2007
Views: 842
RE: Your opinion Keith

oh okay :) keep up the good comments!!!

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Oct 3, 2007
Views: 835
RE: Your opinion Keith

I'll try :-)


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