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Post InfoTOPIC: City of Roses Burn-outs
Posted By: A.Tax Payer

Posted On: Aug 1, 2007
Views: 322
City of Roses Burn-outs

IT'S SUMMER AND THE POT HEADS ARE OUT IN FORCE IN THE CITY OF ROSES TRYING TO RAM THERE POLLUTED BILL DOWN OUR THROATS AGAIN.....You really do know it's summer or on the verge at least when two things happen. One it's rains almost the entire time the rose festival fun center is up and running and two, the pot heads in and around the core of downtown and certain parts surrounding the downtown are trying to gather signatures to try and legalize there love of smoking pot. Or weed. Or ganja or any number of other names in which the hippy and burned out folk have given it cutesy names. Either way you look at it or call it,it's illegal and will guarndamntee you to get a fine and or jail time. Depending on how much you have on you. I think it should be jacked up to a automatic felony even for the most minor possession really. It's a disgusting habit and frankly will kill your brain cells and turn you into a vegetable with the great traits of being unable to work,carry on a conversation and also relate to your family. I know there is probably some guy right now going:hey man it's natural. Well, have you seen the effects on people? If you step back and take a look at cold heard facts you will see that it is destroying the people that choose to use it. Brain damage,cancer,lost work ethic and jobs. I can go on and on and on. Trust me on this. These people want to legalize something that is bad for you and can kill you. I have had the unfortunate time of having to try and train people at work who have been upfront with me about there choice of recreation with weed and i have got to tell you those people lack any work ethic,drive and a attention span of a wee little one. That's not good when you are twenty one freakin' years old. I am upset because frankly i think it's time that people need to be taught a lesson and well i am tired of my hard earned money having to go to rehab programs here in the city of roses. Yes i understand that people do develop problems but let's put the blame where it needs to be and that is on rap music and the so called entertainment stars who get busted for possession. Kids see this and they do look up to you as role models. Let's crack down on this weed thang once and for all and get it off our streets. For kid's sake. A note to the pot heads/hippy goofballs that ask me constantly if i wanna sign your bloody petition. NO and get away from me!! If you wanna destroy your brain cells do it somewhere else and NOT ON MY DIME!!!!

