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Posted By: cool chick in boston

Posted On: Dec 11, 2007
Views: 615
saying merry christmas

Is the annoying thing that people aren't saying it (like bless you after a sneeze) or is it that they feel they have to say 'happy holidays' instead of merry christmas?

Posted By: hebba

Posted On: Dec 11, 2007
Views: 594
RE: saying merry christmas

I have never had anyone get upset with me for saying "Merry Xmas". However, this year alone, I have had 5 people YELL at me for saying "Happy Holidays".

Posted By: Cinealta Draiodoir

Posted On: Dec 13, 2007
Views: 575
RE: saying merry christmas

A few people at work got mad at work for the Happy Holidays cards i gave out. (except for Sing, but he's from Pakistan) I think it's cause you can't pick a side. There's one other Pagan where I work and she's not talking to me cause her card doesn't say Happy Yule. She said I should know better...? This German woman I work with is always talking about growing up in Germany. I simply wrote out Happy Holidays in German...she's not happy either. I know she was born during "the war" and all, but she's the one always talking about, Anyway...whatever. **** coworkers, no more cards from me.

Posted By: cool chick in boston

Posted On: Dec 13, 2007
Views: 571
RE: saying merry christmas

geez people should lighten up - I guess people get testy around the "holidays" don't they?

Posted By: Dobie

Posted On: Dec 14, 2007
Views: 563
RE: saying merry christmas

This whole thing is a Bill O'Reilly fabrication! Absolutely NO ONE felt this was an issue until 2 years ago when Bill alone declared a "War on Christmas".

Take a look: http://mediamatters.org/items/200511210003

He knew that if he could make Christians feel that the secular culture wanted to prevent them from openly celebrating their biggest religious holiday, he could get a ratings boost! There are enough things out there to spoil what should be a time of peace love and cookies, don't fall for it. Both "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Holidays" are acceptable phrases for conveying your bliss for the season.

