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Post InfoTOPIC: fist!
Posted By: weeze

Posted On: Jan 27, 2008
Views: 1154

I'm so awesome

Posted By: the REAL weeze

Posted On: Jan 27, 2008
Views: 1149
RE: fist!


Posted By: weeze

Posted On: Jan 27, 2008
Views: 1137
RE: fist!

the two of you can go **** in a hat, you fakes.

Posted By: Sh!tForBra!ns

Posted On: Jan 28, 2008
Views: 1126
RE: fist!

Stop fisting each other, you little pervs. That must hurt.

Posted By: weeze

Posted On: Jan 30, 2008
Views: 1085
RE: fist!

Why is everyone impersonating me all of a sudden? Bunch of assholes on this site.

Posted By: Sh!tForBra!ns

Posted On: Jan 30, 2008
Views: 1082
RE: fist!

"Why is everyone impersonating me all of a sudden? Bunch of assholes on this site."

And yet, ironically... here you are.

Posted By: weeze

Posted On: Jan 30, 2008
Views: 1080
RE: fist!

you would think that if you were going to post as me you would learn how i type things but it just makes spotting the fake easy so keep it up

Posted By: weeze

Posted On: Jan 30, 2008
Views: 1074
RE: fist!

I am an idoit.

Posted By: weeze

Posted On: Jan 30, 2008
Views: 1067
RE: fist!

oh my god it is ****ing me off that you people keep doing this!!

Posted By: phglemmy

Posted On: Jan 30, 2008
Views: 1065
RE: fist!

sow. reap. eff you.

Posted By: Sh!tForBra!ns

Posted On: Jan 30, 2008
Views: 1061
RE: fist!

I don't know which one I'd be more insulted by- the fact that people are posting as me, or the fact that they can't spell "idoit", thus making ME look like said "idoit".

Posted By: weeze

Posted On: Jan 30, 2008
Views: 1055
RE: RE: fist!

i dont really care how many people post as me. it isnt anything new here. anyone with half a brain can see a fake. ****forbrains nobody posted as you so i dont know what your problem is.

Posted By: Sh!tForBra!ns

Posted On: Jan 30, 2008
Views: 1050
RE: fist!

I was sticking up FOR you...idoit.

Posted By: weeze

Posted On: Jan 30, 2008
Views: 1047
RE: fist!

i see what you mean now. i like them to say things like idoit. it makes it obvious who the fake is. people wonder why they dont have anything better to dobut if you look at it realistically a person can only spend so many hours masturbating to anime chicks and keeping up with the latest WoW news.

Posted By: weeze

Posted On: Jan 30, 2008
Views: 1034
RE: fist!

help i forgot how to use the shift key to make capitals, not to mention that i don't know how to spell. plus i'm an idoit.

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