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Posted By: Essi

Posted On: Apr 19, 2011
Views: 1058
Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory is the most retarded Theory I have ever heard of!

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Apr 20, 2011
Views: 1056
RE: Big Bang Theory

That remark tells us all we need to know about you.

Posted By: Essi

Posted On: Feb 14, 2012
Views: 967
RE: RE: Big Bang Theory

Well considering that you believe in the Big Bang theory i think it's the other way around. We need to learn more about you cause no person in it's straight mind would believe in it.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Feb 15, 2012
Views: 965
RE: Big Bang Theory

The evidance supporting the Big Bang is over whelming and to this day continues to increase. And your alternative better theory is? Oh yes, of course, you don't have one, you just like to rubbish countless brilliant scientist's ideas that are backed by years of proof.

Posted By: Doomsday .INC

Posted On: Feb 27, 2012
Views: 962
RE: Big Bang Theory


I am a strong believer in the big bang theory. So far this is one of the few theorys i have researched and their is a massive amount of factual information supporting it. It makes alot of sense if you take the time and read about it. In a nutshell the theory is (or my description of it) in the beginning at the time zero all of the planets were drawn together by some force (Some say the force is god others say science) when the planets got to close the heat level increased to lets just say super hot temperatures. Then an explosion erupted and created earth and other planets. They quickly cooled down and than organisms inhabitated earth. Eventually the organisms made human kind. And here we go, the big bang theory.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Feb 28, 2012
Views: 960
RE: Big Bang Theory

I am afraid that your description of the Big Bang theory is completely wrong. The Big Bang was not caused by the drawing together of planets, what planets? Where did they come from?
The Big Bang is the moment a singularity - a point of infinite smallness and density - exploded into existence, thus creating the universe. As the universe expanded and cooled it formed matter, which after a number of processes, mostly to do with star building, created the matter that made the planets and everything else. It is not known what created the singularity that started it all, but everything that happened after the Big Bang is pretty much understood although some questions still remain.


Theories with Problems