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Posted By: Henk Gadellaa

Posted On: Apr 17, 2018
Views: 704

blind as you are you don't read all. I walk that extra mile because because I Showed by the hand of the Holyfied Scriptures how, where, when and why someone can and become Full of The Holy Spirit. You and yours don't and if you do you and yours story is full of holes, twists and lies as you can see because you and yours can't deliver Full-Prophecies and Full-Prophets. You can't reveal the true story of the creation, you can't reveal the awakening of Jesus Christ by H.Mary and the H.Spirit, you can't get in the garden of Eden, Gods Court and Heaven during life on earth, so you never can stand alive and defend others against de anti-christ, you can't stop a war, or over inherited disease! You can't cure deafness or blindness or paralytic! You can't reveal darkness of the soul and thoughts! For that you have at least to be as H.Pastor of Ars, who you call holy but his life doing you and yours hate because no one of you learn and walk that way the H.Pastor of Ars did! And the same is with the most of orther you call Holy humans! The one you like are the same as you like Pope John Paul II or Thomas of Aquino or Augustinus. But the real ones, like Teresia van Avila, Benedictus, Franciscus, Pastor of Ars, Niclaus von der Fluehe, Anthonius the great, Simon the Pilar saint, Fincenz Ferrer and there are much more saint likewise them, and I don't even speak of Henoch, Mozes, elia and the parents of H.Mary because you lie about them!

And above all I don't ask to follow me or want a church of my own, I don't ask blind obedience of blind believe I ask the least someone have a right to ask: Do your research with Full loving appropriate doubt, God to the only one Full in All Holy Appearance of Jesus Christ, as apostel Paul teaches and then judge me and I say! That is the opposite of you and yours learn, you and yours teach blind believe and blind obedience, and no human can be Holy without sins and if so no human will be God Equal and God is above understanding! You and yours never show by hand of the Holyfied Scpritures, who you and yous call Holy Scriptures why, how, when and where you can become and get Full in the Holy Spirit, you can't pass the church and there teaching to go to heaven as if every teaching is complete holy! You don't teach to go to Jezus Total Full Holy Appearance, nor to the Court of God!, you and yours not only a hypocrite you and yours are evil! You and yours lie about the Scriptures and there Holiness, make your own conclusions, cut whole passages away, excommunicate others without Holy Faire trail, rape, murder children, women, men and nature and keep the rich and evil out of law and conviction because there tables are full of food and there house protect and you live well by that! It is by you the same as God say about psalm 82:

1 [Psalm Of Asaph] God takes his stand in the divine assembly, surrounded by the gods he gives judgement.

2 'How much longer will you give unjust judgements and uphold the prestige of the wicked?

3 Let the weak and the orphan have justice, be fair to the wretched and the destitute.

4 'Rescue the weak and the needy, save them from the clutches of the wicked.

5 'Ignorant and uncomprehending, they wander in darkness, while the foundations of the world are tottering.

6 I had thought, "Are you gods, are all of you sons of the Most High?"

7 No! you will die as human beings do, as one man, princes, you will fall.'

8 Arise, God, judge the world, for all nations belong to you.

And even about that Psalm you lie, because you write:

6 I had thought, "Are you gods, are all of you sons of the Most High?"

and not:

6 I had thought, "Are you Gods, are all of you sons of the Most High?"

becaus who loves totaly everywhere the same and complete full makes no sons the Most High who are not in all God Equal! If God make not the same as God Equal where does the Parent's equal Child come from? The example can not be from God so it is evil! because evil don't want equal because they have to share as they have!

Now you see how sick and evil your teachings are!

Posted By: Bookish

Posted On: Apr 16, 2018
Views: 694
re: the hypocrite Gadellaa

The charlatan Gadellaa proves himself able, as usual, to rant on about how his opponents should behave.
Yet he himself is apparently under no obligation at all to comply with the demands he makes of others.

We have a name for people like that: hypocrite.

Posted By: Henk Gadelloos

Posted On: Apr 16, 2018
Views: 656
Yes I know

I am a slack old whore.

Posted By: Henk Gadellaa

Posted On: Apr 16, 2018
Views: 649

The first in courtesy is the one who teaches and that are the leaders in the catholic church and the ones who teach the teaching! And as you are teaching out of the teaching of the catholic church who says she has the Only Truth, you are the first one who has to show courteous and following of Jesus Christ! Not me! Its is not me who have to prove first:

23 So then, if you are bringing your offering to the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you,

24 leave your offering there before the altar, go and be reconciled with your brother first, and then come back and present your offering.

25 Come to terms with your opponent in good time while you are still on the way to the court with him, or he may hand you over to the judge and the judge to the officer, and you will be thrown into prison.

26 In truth I tell you, you will not get out till you have paid the last penny.

41 And if anyone requires you to go one mile, go two miles with him.
(Mat 5)

When the day come I have to prove I will go to Gods Court and Tell God that you and yours are not willing to listen and don't follow the Rules of Courtesy and Compleet Holy Research of there teaching and prophecy and prophets and don't stop raping and murdering children, women, men and nature with there teaching and I will come back with His Word and Power, and there will be no negotiating anymore! You and yours will hear the same als Abraham told the rich one in hell and Samuel to Saul, as Mozes to the Pharaoh and gets the earnings of your teaching From God as God Gives! I'm not a fool like you who dwells blind in "Entitled Holyfied" and count myself rich in Jesus Christ as my Savier and don't know how to get Gods Right Directly. I won't use violence in what or who's sense, just Loving Rightful Righteousness without any revenge or evil As God does! I have Gods time, you don't, I have only to wait till the measure of your and yours ignorance is full and the Time of Mercy is over! And every second gone is one step closer! So I dearly hope you and yours will go inside yourself(s) and return before that Time of Mercy is over because it will not give pleasure to come at that Time, but if you and yous don't come back on your and yours teaching you and yours are accountable to you and yours own deeds! I have warned you and yours all The Time as When Asked me!

Posted By: Bookish

Posted On: Apr 16, 2018
Views: 666
rer: the uncouth jerk Gadellaa

Is this clown as ludicrously unconvincing in Dutch as he is in English?

Has nobody ever explained to this lout that if you demand from people to be "courteous", you have to be courteous yourself?

Posted By: Remarkable

Posted On: Apr 16, 2018
Views: 664

It's like you say: your evil is always the same story.
You have proven that you are influenced by a bad spirit.
Repent and stop with it!

Posted By: Henk Gadellaa

Posted On: Apr 16, 2018
Views: 668


You do as if you are a good Christian and good christians follow the rules of courtesy: Someone speaks the truth until holy proven evidence and every one is his brother/sisters guardian!

that has to be:

You do as if you are a good Christian and good christians follow the rules of courtesy: Someone speaks the truth until holy proven evidence says you are not and every one is his brother/sisters guardian!

Posted By: Henk Gadellaa

Posted On: Apr 16, 2018
Views: 665

the Truth is always the Same Story, and evil also. That's why you have to be full in the Holy Spirit to make the distinction between the Truth and otherwise!

That's why you write evil because you don't teach how to become full in the Holy Spirit during living on earth because you don't know and even when you know you don't want to do the Work for it as Prophets do!, you hate Prophets for that, that's why you pronounce that there will be no prophets anymore after the death of the last apostel and that even when de church calls a saying supernatural, you don't have to believe to come in Heaven, because you know who Jesus Christ is by de prophecies of the apostels and that is enough!

Posted By: Henk Gadellaa

Posted On: Apr 16, 2018
Views: 664

the Truth is always the Same Story, and evil also. That's why you have to be full in the Holy Spirit to make the distinction between the Truth and otherwise!

That's why you write evil because you don't teach how to become full in the Holy Spirit during living on earth because you don't know and even when you know you don't want to do the Work for it as Prophets do!, you hate Prophets for that, that's why you pronounce that there will be no prophets anymore after the death of the last apostel and that even when de church calls a saying supernatural, you don't have to believe to come in Heaven, because you know how Jesus Christ is by de prophecies of the apostels and that is enough!

Posted By: Henk Gadellaa

Posted On: Apr 16, 2018
Views: 654

De evangelist Mattheus had voor de kinderen van den boze een passende straf in gedachten: En zij zullen hen in de vurige oven werpen; daar zal het geween zijn en het tandengeknars.

kun je nog eens zien dat men de H.Schrift niet kan lezen zonder de vol in de H.Geest zijn want de liefde straft niet omdat liefde vol van vreugde is, daar is geen plaats voor straf! Kwaad straft zichzelf door liefde te doden en kwaad met het loon van dit werk geen ander kan vinden om het af te schuiven en er zelf mee blijft zitten!

Daarbij is er helemaal geen vurige oven, tandengeknars en geween in de hel er is slechts pijn van hunzelf die daar zitten, elk ander(s) is niet toegestaan want die daar zitten vernietigen alles dat ander(s) is! Dwaze citaten en uitleg krijg je als je verbeelding niet naar waarheid weet te verstaan!

Posted By: Remarkable

Posted On: Apr 16, 2018
Views: 660
@Patient Gadellaa

It is still your same story, I see.
Do you still suffer from hemorrhoids?

Posted By: Henk Gadellaa

Posted On: Apr 16, 2018
Views: 658

re: the jerk Gadellaa

Is anybody taking this pathetically pompous jerk seriously?

And why does he think that copying out random bible texts proves anything other than his ability to cut and paste?

You do as if you are a good Christian and good christians follow the rules of courtesy: Someone speaks the truth until holy proven evidence and every one is his brother/sisters guardian!
Everyone use those rules, the teachers of the christian teachings, the teachers on school, the leaders of the world, governments, mothers and fathers, friends, workers, every human being! And everyone is accountable to this rules by God and there neighbor! Everyone when he/she speaks or writes thinks he/she speaks/writes the truth, you too! Because if not and found out you lose credibility! Not for nothing Paul writes to everyone:

1 People should think of us as Christ's servants, stewards entrusted with the mysteries of God.

2 In such a matter, what is expected of stewards is that each one should be found trustworthy.(1 Cor 4)

The church put this in the Bible for everyone because every christian is seen as a guardian of his neighbor and accountable to God and his/hers neighbor and everyone is by that a steward not only the priests, bishops and pope!

Not even a so called "no-one" can not escape because everyone uses life to live and is accountable to life and not even no-one is living a life of his own! Al started as totally Good from God! Even the ones who became evil and that's why not even "no-one" can escape!

So bye bye with your:

Is anybody taking this pathetically pompous jerk seriously?

And why does he think that copying out random bible texts proves anything other than his ability to cut and paste?

everyone has to take everyone and all seriously! And everyone has to see it as the full truth until Holy Proven Otherwise! So come with Holy Proof or shut up! That's why Paul also says to all:

1 Make love your aim; but be eager, too, for spiritual gifts, and especially for prophesying.

2 Those who speak in a tongue speak to God, but not to other people, because nobody understands them; they are speaking in the Spirit and the meaning is hidden.

3 On the other hand, someone who prophesies speaks to other people, building them up and giving them encouragement and reassurance.(1Cor 14)

And it is not only about the difference between speaking tongue to God and prophesies, it is also between other speaking:

24 But if you were all prophesying when an unbeliever or someone uninitiated came in, he would find himself put to the test by all and judged by all

25 and the secrets of his heart revealed; and so he would fall down on his face and worship God, declaring that God is indeed among you.

34 women are to remain quiet in the assemblies, since they have no permission to speak: theirs is a subordinate part, as the Law itself says.(1 Cor 14)

and if all(Vers 24) are prophesying it also means children and women or "strangers" so for women in vers 24 does not stand women only, it stands for al men, women, children, priests, bishops and pope who does not prophecies!!

Posted By: Informant

Posted On: Apr 15, 2018
Views: 673
Profetisch bruxisme

De evangelist Mattheus had voor de kinderen van den boze een passende straf in gedachten: En zij zullen hen in de vurige oven werpen; daar zal het geween zijn en het tandengeknars.
Hoewel tandenknarsen dus al zo oud is als de wereld, zijn nog lang niet alle oorzaken ervan in kaart gebracht. Tandheelkundigen stuiten nog steeds op nieuwe verklaringen, gebruik van prozac bijvoorbeeld.

Tandenknarsen, of bruxisme zoals het in wetenschappelijke termen heet, is een aandoening waar een op de tien Nederlanders last van heeft. Frank Lobbezoo is oraal kinesioloog bij de Academie voor Tandheelkunde. De sectie waar hij werkt houdt zich bezig met drie aandachtsvelden: craniomandibulaire dysfunctie (CMD), tandenknarsen en gebitsslijtage. Lobbezoo: Mensen met CMD ervaren problemen bij het bewegen van hun onderkaak.
Zo kunnen ze bijvoorbeeld last hebben van pijn in de kaken, van een beperkte mondopening of van rare geluiden in hun kaakgewrichten tijdens het openen en sluiten van de mond. Vroeger was dit het belangrijkste aandachtsgebied van de sectie, tegenwoordig zijn daar ook tandenknarsen en gebitsslijtage bijgekomen.

Posted By: Bookish

Posted On: Apr 15, 2018
Views: 667
re: the jerk Gadellaa

Is anybody taking this pathetically pompous jerk seriously?

And why does he think that copying out random bible texts proves anything other than his ability to cut and paste?

Posted By: Henk Gadellaa

Posted On: Apr 15, 2018
Views: 675

blind en deaf people can not see and hear! And the ones who doesn't go to Jezus Christ Totally Complete Holy Appearance are always blind and deaf because they do not Love the Same as Jezus and because they are not Humble as Jezus Christ!

And tell me how can you go to Heaven without being in purgatory? You don't know and because you don't know you can not learn others and escape purgatory! Tell me who of you do know? No one because no one of you have they Same Humbleness as Jezus Christ to get The Answer from the Holy Spirit!

Poor, Poor Observer thinks he/she can make a judgement.....

Posted By: Henk Gadellaa

Posted On: Apr 15, 2018
Views: 674

And because he is so obviously a lying and cheating jerk, it is highly improbable that he is "Prophetic", writing "Truth", or is even remotely relevant to followers of Jesus Christ, or to any other practitioners of wholesome religion.

Obviously one of Nazareth could never be the Messiah: John 1; 45-46
Obviously Saul would never be a apostel: Act of Apostels 9;1,
Obviously stones could not talk: Luc 19;40
Obviously Mozes would never be leading Israel out of Egypt: Exodus 2; 12-15
Obviously, obviously, obviously........

Did'n't you learn? Obviously doesn't make you free of you going to God to God and Gods Court to make a Right Judgement, That's why Paul said:

1 People should think of us as Christ's servants, stewards entrusted with the mysteries of God.

2 In such a matter, what is expected of stewards is that each one should be found trustworthy.

3 It is of no importance to me how you or any other human court may judge me: I will not even be the judge of my own self.

4 It is true that my conscience does not reproach me, but that is not enough to justify me: it is the Lord who is my judge.

5 For that reason, do not judge anything before the due time, until the Lord comes; he will bring to light everything that is hidden in darkness and reveal the designs of all hearts. Then everyone will receive from God the appropriate commendation.(1Cor 4;1-5)

and before Paul Jesus Christ said to his apostels on the last supper after they had lived with Jesus for more then 3 years:

7 Still, I am telling you the truth: it is for your own good that I am going, because unless I go, the Paraclete will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.

8 And when he comes, he will show the world how wrong it was, about sin, and about who was in the right, and about judgement:

9 about sin: in that they refuse to believe in me;

10 about who was in the right: in that I am going to the Father and you will see me no more;

11 about judgement: in that the prince of this world is already condemned.

12 I still have many things to say to you but they would be too much for you to bear now.

13 However, when the Spirit of truth comes he will lead you to the complete truth, since he will not be speaking of his own accord, but will say only what he has been told; and he will reveal to you the things to come.

14 He will glorify me, since all he reveals to you will be taken from what is mine.

15 Everything the Father has is mine; that is why I said: all he reveals to you will be taken from what is mine.

16 In a short time you will no longer see me, and then a short time later you will see me again.

17 Then some of his disciples said to one another, 'What does he mean, "In a short time you will no longer see me, and then a short time later you will see me again," and, "I am going to the Father"?

18 What is this "short time"? We don't know what he means.'

19 Jesus knew that they wanted to question him, so he said, 'You are asking one another what I meant by saying, "In a short time you will no longer see me, and then a short time later you will see me again."

20 'In all truth I tell you, you will be weeping and wailing while the world will rejoice; you will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn to joy.

21 A woman in childbirth suffers, because her time has come; but when she has given birth to the child she forgets the suffering in her joy that a human being has been born into the world.

22 So it is with you: you are sad now, but I shall see you again, and your hearts will be full of joy, and that joy no one shall take from you.

23 When that day comes, you will not ask me any questions. In all truth I tell you, anything you ask from the Father he will grant in my name.

24 Until now you have not asked anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and so your joy will be complete.

25 I have been telling you these things in veiled language. The hour is coming when I shall no longer speak to you in veiled language but tell you about the Father in plain words.

26 When that day comes you will ask in my name;(John 16)

and Jesus Christ is not talking about a appearance as they saw Him then, and also not als they saw Him when He came from the death! Because they still could not get the Holy Spirit at that time, so they were still not humble enough! Even when they saw Him alive after His dying on the cross!

So blind and foolish you are with your "obviously", the same as all the others who think they can judge without Jezus Christ Complete Totally Holy Heavenly Appearance

Posted By: Tja

Posted On: Apr 15, 2018
Views: 698
Die HG toch!

Het Onweerlegbaar Onontkoombaar Bewezen Bewijs Is Nu Toch Echt Wel Geleverd.

Posted By: Bookish

Posted On: Apr 14, 2018
Views: 709
re: the fraud Gadellaa


as I said before, you have not one Holy Fact that show your judgement is Heavenly Right, just nothing more than temporary personally blowing in the wind!

Your English is as abominable as your Dutch.

My use of "obviously" is grounded in the applicability of:

"If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck".

If a person writes like a jerk,
lies like a jerk,
insults like a jerk,
abuses Holy Scripture like a jerk,
hates like a jerk,
he is probably a jerk.

And because he is so obviously a lying and cheating jerk, it is highly improbable that he is "Prophetic", writing "Truth", or is even remotely relevant to followers of Jesus Christ, or to any other practitioners of wholesome religion.

Posted By: Observer

Posted On: Apr 14, 2018
Views: 714
Poor, poor Gadellaa

The only thing you can show us is your weeping and grinding of teeth!

Posted By: Henk gadellaa

Posted On: Apr 14, 2018
Views: 727

@Poor, poor Gadellaa

Your sacred facts come from the underworld.

a comment like yours without proof don't stand in court, and not only there, in Gods Court it have to be Sacred Proof. And untill now you never deliverd, even worse, you don't know how you can get in Gods Court during your life!

Posted By: Observer

Posted On: Apr 14, 2018
Views: 735
@Poor, poor Gadellaa

Your sacred facts come from the underworld.

Posted By: Henk Gadellaa

Posted On: Apr 14, 2018
Views: 749


You are so obviously a pathetic self deluded fraud, it is amazing anybody would think you are worth the attention you are getting.
It is grotesque how, after being unmasked hundreds of times, you still maintain the illusion you are anything other than a quasi-spiritual idiot.


as I said before, you have not one Holy Fact that show your judgement is Heavenly Right, just nothing more than temporary personally blowing in the wind!

Posted By: Bookish

Posted On: Apr 14, 2018
Views: 752

You are so obviously a pathetic self deluded fraud, it is amazing anybody would think you are worth the attention you are getting.
It is grotesque how, after being unmasked hundreds of times, you still maintain the illusion you are anything other than a quasi-spiritual idiot.

Posted By: Henk Gadellaa

Posted On: Apr 14, 2018
Views: 740

re: de roeptoeter van satan


When this idiot is through with playing the antichrist, he can have a brilliant career being a Number 45 impersonator.

I don't want your career nor the one you offering, you don't even know who the anti-christ is nor how he is begotten! You don't even know who satan really is and how satan can make a child! You poor soul!

Posted By: Henk gadellaa

Posted On: Apr 14, 2018
Views: 734

Wat fijn voor jou dat je dit alles zonder zonden kunt openbaren! Maar ja, het blijft wel levenslang kruipen op je buik en stof eten.
Vertel zelf eens hoe dit zo gekomen is? Of zal ik dat doen?

droevig uw "Of zal ik het doen" want u kan nog eens Openbaren hoe men gedurende het leven bij de Hemelpoort aan en in het Godsgericht en Tuin van Eden, kan komen! Niet één keer heeft u Geopenbaard hoe, waar en wanneer je Zo ver kan komen! Niet eens aan de hand van de H.Schrift! Arme ziel en dan denkt die te kunnen beleren!

Posted By: Bookish

Posted On: Apr 14, 2018
Views: 738
re: de roeptoeter van satan


When this idiot is through with playing the antichrist, he can have a brilliant career being a Number 45 impersonator.

Posted By: Opmerker

Posted On: Apr 14, 2018
Views: 740
Arme Henk

Wat fijn voor jou dat je dit alles zonder zonden kunt openbaren! Maar ja, het blijft wel levenslang kruipen op je buik en stof eten.
Vertel zelf eens hoe dit zo gekomen is? Of zal ik dat doen?

Posted By: Henk Gadellaa

Posted On: Apr 14, 2018
Views: 736

Arme Henk

Je kruipt, eet stof en spreekt wartaal!

Als enige die een Schoon Oog heeft Ziet zonder misvorming! En een Schoon heeft men pas als men Jezus Volmaakt Verschijnen Ziet!
En u leert niet eens Daar Heen gedurende het leven te gaan! Dan ben je al ziek in je leer en zien! En Die Volmaakt Zien is nergens duisternis die niet Geheel Heilig zonder zonden Te verklaren en Openbaren is!

U doet niks anders dan beschuldigen zonder Geheel Volmaakt Volmaakt zonder zonden Openbaren dan heeft u ook niet Volmaakt Zien en daarmee ook geen Schoon Oog!

Posted By: Henk Gadellaa

Posted On: Apr 14, 2018
Views: 729


Samenvattend zou ik willen zeggen dat wat God
zegt absoluut in overeenstemming is met Zijn
Woord. De Heilige Geest kent de Bijbel, want Hij
is de Auteur ervan. Maar de woorden van Satan
proberen ons altijd op een weg te leiden die van
God afvoert. De duivel kan de Schrift ook citeren,
maar hij doet dat in strijd met Gods bedoeling
(vgl. weer de verzoeking in de woestijn). Hij
suggereert precies datgene wat wij graag horen, en
probeert ons geweten tot zwijgen te brengen.
Gods Woord is de enige betrouwbare gids. Hoe
meer wij het lezen en eraan gehoorzamen, des te
beter zullen wij het onderscheid zien tussen Gods
stem en die van de duivel.

u bent nu voor de 3e keer een leugenaar want zou de H.Geest schrijft niet in woorden van de wereld! De H.Geest Schrijft/Spreekt in Woorden die niet verbeeld horen te worden. Bij de mogelijkheid van Heiliging wordt het schrijven in wereldse taal tijdelijk toegestaan! En dat ziet u ook geen dode kan nog schrijven in wereldse woorden!

Met uw:

De Heilige Geest kent de Bijbel, want Hij
is de Auteur ervan.
beweert u dat alles is geschreven door de H.Geest dat in de Bijbel staan. Daar waar de Hele Waarheid geschreven wordt ZIJN NOOIT TEGENSTRIJDIGHEDEN! Nou die u Bijbel noemt staan er velen! kijkt u maar naar het scheppingsverhalen: 1e verhaal de mens is op de 6e dag als laatste geschapen toen de Tuin van Eden er al was in het 2e verhaal voor de Tuin van Eden

Satan schrijft ook niet noch spreekt die want schrijven en spreken is een vrucht van Goed en kwaad, satan vernietigt alles totaal die doet geen vruchten ven Goed en kwaad, kan die niet want er is geen Goed meer in satan, kan die ook niet geven!
Satan misleidt met een uitweg geven aan lijden die niks te maken heeft met liefde en alles te doen heeft met stelen, doodslag en moord! Die satan hoort en leest in woorden van de wereld verbeeld met eigen leven en/of leven van een ander!

Posted By: Henk Gadellaa

Posted On: Apr 14, 2018
Views: 719

Over de duivel en zijn werkzaamheid

Johannes 8:44
Hoe kan ik Gods stem onderscheiden van die van
de satan?

Men kan de Bijbel niet zomaar lezen, wil men volmaakt verstaan dan kan dat niet zonder Jezus Volmaakt verschijnen want pas dan is alles openbaar!

Lees dan eerst de volgende
Bijbelteksten: ‘God is geen man, dat Hij liegen
zou; of een mensenkind, dat Hij berouw zou
hebben. Zou Hij zeggen en niet doen, of spreken
en niet volbrengen’ (Num. 23:19). ‘Heilig hen in
Uw waarheid; Uw Woord is de waarheid’ (Joh.
17:17). ‘De duivel...staat niet in de waarheid, want
er is in hem geen waarheid. Wanneer hij de leugen
spreekt, spreekt hij naar zijn aard, want hij is een
leugenaar en de vader der leugen’ (Joh. 8:44).

u bent zelf een verleider leugenaar want u leert de H.Schrift te kunnen lezen zonder vol in de H.Geest te hoeven zijn en men kan niet! Zelfs de apostelen werden door Jezus er op gewezen en leerden zelf zo!

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