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Posted By: Brandon

Posted On: Aug 4, 2005
Views: 10997

KOTOR & KOTOR 2 are a couple of the best games for this generation. Anyone who likes star wars has to own these games. And anyone who like RPG's has to have this game. Greatest story telling in video games and 40+ hours of gameplay,now that's good value!!!!

Posted By: rob

Posted On: Jul 9, 2005
Views: 12298
kotor 2

star wars kotor 2 was an amazing game but the story was no where near as excellent as the original kotor but besides the story i thought it was great and i reccomend any one who likes turn based rpg's to go out and buy it if you alredy havent

Posted By: Kardon

Posted On: Jun 20, 2005
Views: 4724
KOTOR 2 Rocks!!

KOTOR 2 was an amazing RPG game. I think this one was way better then the first. AWSOME!!

Posted By: tom horne

Posted On: Jun 8, 2005
Views: 4743
kotor 2 sith lords

best x box rpg ever stunning gameplay

Posted By: Loudkid

Posted On: Jun 2, 2005
Views: 3709
This is malt-poo poo

This game is garbage, with a capital G. Straight up boo boo to a T. Take that you sleezie slackin non-playing, wannabe gamerz without skillz!!!

Posted By: Bret

Posted On: May 15, 2005
Views: 4027

best sw game evr? mayb... but it left u with a crummy ending! stil do urself a faver and get this game

Posted By: Sid Vicious

Posted On: May 13, 2005
Views: 3292
Worst Ending Ever!

The game wasn't finished and was rushed to market plain and simple. The game was a waste of time! Obsidian and Lucas Arts can bit me!

Posted By: gAMER dOUSCH

Posted On: May 4, 2005
Views: 3872

This game kicks ass and is one of the best games ever But its nothing to Splinter Cell Chaos Theory now that game kicks ass And IF U Say anthing Else I Will GuT U like A Fish Got U **** Tards Ok OK OK OK

**** U all u Retarded ****
Heads And go to Hell All U ****s OK

Posted By: Marc-Antoine

Posted On: Apr 27, 2005
Views: 3117
Best game ever...

look at the title...

Posted By: matthew.b

Posted On: Apr 26, 2005
Views: 2947
star wars kotor2

I thout that kotor2 was brilliant with all the new stuff you can do and the new lightsaber stuff was cool but some of the places you whent to where a bit dull compared to the levels in the first game but its still a great game.

Posted By: cole

Posted On: Apr 15, 2005
Views: 3222
Old school=Suck ass

New is always better. Old sucks and that's all there is to it. The only reason i have bought this game was because it got such high reviews. THANK GOD I DID. I am so hooked on this game. I have beaten this game 5 times, gotten to lv. 60 twice. and can kill the last boss in 1 hit. I AM POWERFUL. fear me. Anyway, buy this game or i smack you in the head. If you don't like this game at first, that's ok. Neither did I. Strange? Yes. But then i played it for about 4 hours and i couldnt stop playing. My moom was yelling at me for sitting there instead of mowing the lawn. Who cares, I have my kotor.

Posted By: Erik

Posted On: Mar 27, 2005
Views: 4883
Old School = Better

The original KOTOR was way better,it actually had a story and the ending didnt suck. yeah u get more chances 2 be sinisterly evil in KOTOR2 but i think the original was way better. oh and its WAY easier 2 get lightsabers in KOTOR, in the sequal its like impossible 2 find the damn things.

Posted By: Bob O'reily

Posted On: Mar 23, 2005
Views: 5276

Everything was awsome from the combat to the sidequests, and the not so black and white decisions. The plotline was really good, and constantly kept you questioning, but it was morbid... Throughout the game, you find yourself a destoyer of billions and a hole in the force. after 36 hours of gameplay, you end up with a 30- second cutscene and your STILL a hole in the force. There is no closure and no redemtion regardless of your path.

Posted By: WhatThe?!

Posted On: Mar 23, 2005
Views: 4002
KOTOR bla bla bla

The music is boring, really no new game play changes, story line pretty good but has no replay value.

Posted By: The_Doc

Posted On: Mar 18, 2005
Views: 2322
Best RPG on the box

KOTOR kicks ass. It's by far better then Halo 2. The interactivity is great, the graphics are much better. Yea the story line's a bit weird but the rest is great, keep them coming :)

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