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Posted By: roula

Posted On: May 2, 2005
Views: 800

Go Helena Go!!!
I Thing that this year must take the first place.
Greece for ever and ever!!

Posted By: Aidan Feeney

Posted On: Apr 30, 2005
Views: 1136
"Saints and Sinners"

To Keith, Linda and the "Dublin pre-Eurovision Party"

" Anyone can lose it all, anyone can lose it all, Anyone can make a mess, anyone can make a mess,
It takes so much to make a mess.
She's making losers the winners!!
That's not what your dream shoud be"!!!!!

Posted By: voice of reason

Posted On: Apr 29, 2005
Views: 1276
Macedonia and FYROM

I think Luka's comment really strengthens my opinion. Thank you Luka for providing a fine example of illiterate thinking, ignorant opinion formation and unjustified fanatism that lacks of any rational,justified and well documented basis. By the way I love your song on the Eurovision, and you have one phonecall from me brothers.

Posted By: LUKA

Posted On: Apr 29, 2005
Views: 1238


Posted By: voice of reason

Posted On: Apr 28, 2005
Views: 1122
about FYROM and Macedonia

Hello all for a start. Have to confess that i was a bit hesitant to interfere in such a stupid argument. But then, I read lots of your messages and I concluded that much of the debate is purely based on bad management of the english language on both sides. Keeping in mind that borders in a civilized world do not change and that the bigger a country is the bigger its problems are, let me ensure the fyromian side that when greeks say that "macedonia is greek" they simply do NOT refer to the small and beautiful part of Southern Yugoslavia that Tito named after Macedonia. In fact many countries have given to their cities names after greek cities and territories all over the world and it has never been a problem. There are numerous cities named Athens around the world. The problem began when the small and beautiful part of Souther Yugoslavia who of course was inhabitted by slavs as a part of Yugo(union) Slavia (of Slavs) became indepedent. Confusion by people with no knowledge on both sides of history and english language made up the problem. As for the greek side, fellow greeks you should really be more compassionate to someone who likes you so much that wants to be you. The greek culture whether its macedonian, mycenian, athenian, spartan, cycladic ot minoan is a gift to modern world. It is not limited just within the greek borders. Thank you all. Peace.

Posted By: Mathias

Posted On: Apr 25, 2005
Views: 1414

The official name which the UNITED NATIONS and the EUROPEAN UNION recognize is FYROM.

Posted By: Mila

Posted On: Apr 24, 2005
Views: 1736

The official name of the country is Republic of Macedonia. This name has been recognized by most of Europe (East and West), and by the United States. It has been adoped as the official name of the country by dozens of nations in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, South America, and Oceania. Australia and New Zealand also recognize the country as Republic of Macedonia.

The nations that do not generally do not recognize the country as anything officially. Greece is the only country with an objection to the name.

Right or wrong, you've lost. Let it go.

Posted By: Team Ireland

Posted On: Apr 24, 2005
Views: 1568
Irish Song

Its not very good is it????.................................................................. ..............
bring JOhnny Logan back out of retirement. all is forgiven................

Posted By: Bosnian

Posted On: Apr 24, 2005
Views: 1003


Posted By: Bosnian

Posted On: Apr 24, 2005
Views: 671
BiH Song

Feminnem Rocks!!!!!!

Posted By: Samer

Posted On: Apr 24, 2005
Views: 605
I don't care

I don't really care whether Alexandar was Macedonian or Greek but people u have to admit that there exists a nation on this planet that wants to be called do u have the right to take it from them? In the bible it was written that the apostols went first to Macedonia then to greece which means that there were too nations back then...The macedonoins in the republic Of Macedonia are slavians and that is 100% correct and Alexandar was macedonian but not slavian...and that is also correct but when the slavians came from the north of europe they were mixed with the ancient macedonians (from which alexandar is) they aren't the same nations but the name macedonia is not greek...i am macedonian and i don't like Alexandar..he was a horrible person..he killed thousands of people and wanted to rule the world and be a God which is totally contradicted with our Christian Orthodox belief so greek people if u want him take him...i don't care but u don't have the right to take the name macedonia and the name greece in the same time...u r even greek or macedonians so if u want to be proud of ur civilization of platon, Aristotel and ur other philosophers leave the name macedonia to the nation who declare themself as Macedonians not to a nation who call themself greek but yet don't like others to be called macedonians...
lets stop it here people this is a site for eurovision prediction and nothing more.. i am more than sure that in the future our grandsons will be laughing at our argues when they will be all together in the European union...
Go Makedonija , Go mature for God's sake

Posted By: NEMO-SCG

Posted On: Apr 23, 2005
Views: 632


Posted By: George

Posted On: Apr 23, 2005
Views: 659
Let's stop it here

Ok let's stop it here!!!!. Enough!!!!!!!!!! I have leaved in UK for studies for three years in Bradford and they call FYROM as FYROM and no Macedonia. In the Eurovision contest the entry is FYROM and no Macedonia. So we all have to use the name FYROM. Finally Marijn it is ok we don't want tourist from FYROM. Every year we have more than 16 millions of tourist.We have tourist that come to Greece to have fun in the Greek islands and they enjoy the great beaches. I would like to say hallo to all europian citizens and i am looking forward to see you this summer in GREECE. Let's go clubbing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yeah!!!!!!!!

Posted By: Raphael

Posted On: Apr 22, 2005
Views: 916

I was surfing on the internet trying to find any polls and predictions about the song contest and while reading the comments on this site, I thought it is a political forum where Greeks and Macedonians blame each other.
I was very intrigued to comment on this "battle" as a neutral observer who happens to study modern history and focuses on ethnic cleansing and population exchanges (mainly about Poland, but I have done a significant research about the Balkans as well).
Some facts about Macedonia:
1) Macedonia is a geographical term describing a territory which includes FUR Macedonia, Northern Greece and SW Bulgaria.
2) Ancient Macedonians were of greek origin, as this is widely accepted by historians all over the world. However Slavic population have lived in this area for more than 1400 years.
3) The area was divided among Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria after the Balkan Wars almost 100 years ago. Although the parts of Macedonia occupied by each State represented their military power, it is widely accepted by historians that this division reflected the ethnic diversity in the area.

I believe that both FUR Macedonia and Greece are entitled to use the term Macedonia to describe their territories. Therefore, I believe that FUR Macedonia should not use only the term Macedonia to describe itself, as this prejudges Greece's right to use this term as well.
Why don't you people from FUR Macedonia call your country Vardar Macedonia, as it used to be called so far in the wider political and historical context? And stop saying that ancient macedonian weren't greeks. This argument is ridiculous.
And you greeks, you don't have the right to impose on other nations any claims on how they will call themselves. Everybody has a right to selfdetermination. Have you ever thought that Greece is the only industrialised country that still has substantial conflicts with its neighboors? Don't you think this is your fault? And since everybody calls FUROM Macedonia, why don't you finally accept that they are Macedonians and that they can use this term as well?

As far as the song contest is concerned I have a single thing to say: MALTA, 12 points!!!!!!

Posted By: Sendy

Posted On: Apr 22, 2005
Views: 1091

any1 who likes romania's song ?i think is a good song ;) and about javine well i think that all of us wil have a surprise with that song :mrgreen:

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