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Posted By: David

Posted On: Apr 21, 2005
Views: 1120

Anyone else bored by this boring Macedonia / Greece thing yet ?

Posted By: Karousos

Posted On: Apr 20, 2005
Views: 1131

Just some quick answer to what you were all saying
macedonians were greek, in ancient greek there
1) greece was the nationality, but every city had its own state, athenians, spartans, macedonians
2) macedoninian spoke greek, it is obvious from the archaelogical discoveries, (e.g coins, statues,etc), check ur museums in FYROM if they have any coin with alexander or philip which does is not in greek
3)Greek cities and areas were always in war with each other (e.g Vs Spartans Vs atheneans) this does not mean they were not greek
3)the Slavs (bulgarians, scopje etc) moved to the areat at 6th centurie, this was stated by the first president of FYROM in 1992,
4)macedonians took part in the ancient olympic games where only greeks were allowed to participate
5) all ancient writters clearly state that macedonians were greek
6)Even FYROM historians and press believe that,

anyway anyone who has doubts about it it is his problem, but please do a bit research and be objective , just because FYROM has no nationality(bulgarians 60%, albanians40%), it does not mean they can use the name MACEDONIA, because it is something that represents greek history, MACEDONIA WAS GREEK< IS GREEK AND WILL GREEK

Posted By: Harry

Posted On: Apr 20, 2005
Views: 927
Actually you are all wrong

None of you have any idea about history so just give it up. By the way I just heard the FYROM song not bad I like it. I did not care for Albania though.

Posted By: Samer

Posted On: Apr 20, 2005
Views: 966
Macedonia for the Macedoniana

For all those who have no idea of history...for all those who thinks that my Macedonia is helenic... for all those who are stupid enough to believe this kind of crap..
i am not gonna make a lesson in history but i will state a few facts and the one who has some kind of mind will think about it and realise what i am talking about. First of all in 331 B.C. there was a war between Philip II - the king of Macedonia and the greek cities which were ununited back then and they were forced to agree with a peace treaty in order to keep their civilazation under the ruling Macedonian authority... We all know that the greek people believed in several Gods and Zeus was The greatest and he lived in Olympia (well ya they were stupid enough to believe this!!!) and if u have a map u can see that olympia is where greece starts to the south and macedonia to the north...becoz greek people where afraid to pass this Mount as they believed that Zeus will punish them...Another fact is that Macedonia was declared as an idividual republic in The Socialist Federative Republic Of Yugoslavia and greece didn't say anything about it coz both serbia and greece where in a war (the Balcan wars 1913 - 1914) becoz of macedonia ...they both were trying to concur it but they opposed on its independence in 1991 coz greece thought that they might take it back to them coz they know how beautiful and significant country is....
Republic Of Macedonia is the north neighbour of greece and this fact is acknowledged by more than 60 countries in the world including (USA, China , Russia) so this question is who cares what you helenic people think? Macedonia is not in the European union only becoz the country's econmoy collapsed after the SFR yugoslavia collapsed and nothing more...indeed Official Greece has a lot of interest in macedonians economy which proves that its reviving and that greece still has political and teritorial aspiration towards my country...
But after all i am very big fan of Greek music (which is totally different from the Macedonian) and i can only say Go ahead Greece for this Eurovision as well as Go Macedonia...SAMO NAPRED

Posted By: Harry

Posted On: Apr 19, 2005
Views: 990

I would simply like to say that this is supposed to be a site for the song contest. As far as what should be the name of the FYROM that was if I am not mistaken decided by the UN and that should have resolved any conflict. Lastly I have never lived in Greece myself however I believe that If the person who said that the Greek authorities forbit him and his family from speaking his Macedonian language then I think he should move back to FYROM.

By the Way I like Greece I think Helena ruled in the video too J.Lo but that is a good think... no. Did not care for Swiss or UK, like the Bosnian song as well as the Serbian song. Tought Netherlands is horrible. Germany, Lithuania, Slov, Latv, really boring. I also though that the Hungarian song is Horrible I do not understand wy everyone is so hyped about it.

Posted By: tania

Posted On: Apr 19, 2005
Views: 1040
ts ts ts ts...idiots

hey u...from skopja. you have to learn history first and then talk about macedonia... if u searching a name about ur country .. try to find one from the yellow pages..ok!!! learn history and then talk...macedonia is greek always and forever


Posted By: Irene

Posted On: Apr 18, 2005
Views: 1021

the last place!
GREECE is number one! Helena you are our number ONE!!

Posted By: ALEX

Posted On: Apr 18, 2005
Views: 1037


Posted By: Marijn

Posted On: Apr 17, 2005
Views: 1046
Its a Pity!!!

All that you think is wrong. Macedonia always exited wheter you like it or not. In the EU nobody even dreams of calling us other then Macedonia. And yes with your arguments sorry but Solun was Macedonian a century ago with 500.000 oh yes macedonian and not greek inhabitants. But well you get 10 milion US dollars every day from the US bases in your country so don't talk to me about american spys in Europe. You can call us whatever you want only in your borders but not outside! None of us wants to go to work in your country and soon all of northern greece will suffer the consequences of no tourists. Lets face it thay are all from Macedonia!

Posted By: nik

Posted On: Apr 17, 2005
Views: 1005
By the way..

Strasbourg, April 14 (MIA) - The European Parliament failed Thursday to accept a proposal of European MPs - members of the Greens (European Free Alliance) - for recognition of Macedonia's constitutional name by 139 votes "for", 398 "against" and 26 "restrain".

Posted By: George

Posted On: Apr 17, 2005
Views: 928
Calm down Marijn

The Thessaloniki airport was names Macedonia almost a century not like yours. You will not enter the EU, first of all because we will not allow it with VETO and because we don't want spys of America in the EU. If it makes you to sleep well you can continue thinking that you will enter EU.As a country you exist very few years and you haven't understant that what a country says can change in a minute if for example we give a big order for weapons in America. I don't like also the suggestion of a military officer that suggested that we should take over FYROM. You are so small with almost no army. Don't be scared if one day you wake up and FYROM doesn't exist and the hypothesis of the name will not exist any more.I don't like even thiking it.
Finally if your country is an economical paradise why you immigrate to Greece and other Europian countries to find a job? We all know that your country is very poor and people are very poor. Most big companies of FYROM belong to Greek Businessmen that's why a part of you economy is controled by Greeks.
At the end stop speak with bad words, because the only thing you show us is your culture and you education. Calm down

Posted By: Marijn

Posted On: Apr 16, 2005
Views: 887
Stop the bull****!

Macedonia has an inflation of 1,2%. The airport of Solun is named Macedonia two year ago. So cut the crape we all know those are lies. Luckely Greece has no saying in EU so we will become a member. And no in USA they refer to Republic of Macedonia and not your northern occupied territories.

Posted By: Bojan

Posted On: Apr 16, 2005
Views: 868
Not yet sick of your Propaganda!

Marijn talks about budget dificit of 6%. Greece entered the EU 1981!!! So do not tell lies! It was a military regime till then! Evryone knows about this because it happend, but i see that you do not have a molecule of knowlidge in you so leave it at that. Shame on you to tell such lies. Never anyone wanted anything more than what is rightfully ours. Greece has problems with all of its neighbours (oh i wonder why!!). The state states were never one state so just drop it. Macedonia will never be Greek!!!

Posted By: George

Posted On: Apr 16, 2005
Views: 795
To Marijn

When they say Macedonia they mean the noth Greece the airport mecedonia is in Thessaloniki for a century and not in FYROM. Macedonian history is a part of the Greek history and not of Skopjia (FYROM) like Crete history Athens history Sparta ect..Greece because of its position had a lot of problems with the neighbors. All wanted to have a part of the sea. This never happened. From the way you speak we can see your culture and your education!!!!!!!!! Calm down have a cool bath to relax!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally Greece was one of the 10 first countries that created Euriopian Union. Greece has euro i don't know which is your currency and what power it has. NOTHING!!!!!!!!! We have an inflation of 2-3% how much is yours 300% or more. I feel sad because you haven't understand your mistake and as we see you will not enter EU, you will continue to be very poor and you will try to come to GREECE and work here. It's a pity

Posted By: Marijn

Posted On: Apr 16, 2005
Views: 784
CIA Factbook on Macedonia

Go and read the factbook of CIA on Macedonian history and then we can talk about Macedonian history. Also you can go to the Russian pages there is Macedonia recognized aswell as Macedonia and from other 100 countries arrround the world. Only Greece is desperately trying to hold on to a story that falls appart. Its over with your propaganda. And for EU with your deficit of 6 % you have no right to tell anyone how to enter the EU because you should be expelled!

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