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Posted By: Paul

Posted On: Apr 15, 2005
Views: 1039
To our neighbors

Turkish people and Greek people lets be united. We love you neighbors. Leave the politicians away and i am wishing the best to Greece and Turkey. Kisses from GREECE

Posted By: George

Posted On: Apr 15, 2005
Views: 909
To Stelios and Marijn

Marijn i do not know what propaganda they make in your country's history but Alexander the great was GREEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Also i don't know if you have seen the movie correctly and it wasn't compile and had subtitles.In Greece the movie came out with subtitles and it was exactly as it was made. You can see that all the world (and the hollywood) say that Alexander the great was Greek.
Also to Stelios the things that you say are stupid. Do not use a Greek name and if you don't like the way you live in Greece you can GO HOME.Why you came in Greece? Oh i forgot that your country's economy is taking apart.
Dear people of FYROM i would like to inform you that you have taken the wrong pathway, that it doesn't lead you to the Europian Union. If you continue to think like this, you will never enter the Europian Union and you will continue be a very poor country. Europian citizens want a united Europe and not countries that will cause problem to the union.Thank all of you and i hope that you will see your mistake.

Posted By: TAYFUN

Posted On: Apr 15, 2005
Views: 958
Turkey - Greece

Hi from Turkey!
I think our song, Rimi Rimi Ley, is very strong but our neighbour greece's song is very nice and rhythmic too. Turkey or Greece THE WINNER!

Posted By: Mary

Posted On: Apr 14, 2005
Views: 911
For Stelios

Stelio, if you dont consider yourself Greek but Macedonian then thats better for Greeks as we are proud people. I would advise you though to read more history.....

Posted By: jim

Posted On: Apr 14, 2005
Views: 943

this is a message especially written for stelios: go to a library and read a history book. you will find out that some of the things that you think are correct are totelly wrong. By the way I live in Greece and I know that everyone is free to speak on every language he likes. Which authorities have forbidden you to speak particular language? Finally I ' ve got news for you: Alexander the great was greek-this is a fact that is well known globally. Why do some of the people in FYROM don't ynderstand it?

Posted By: Bojan

Posted On: Apr 13, 2005
Views: 978
We should be friends!

Greece and Macedonia should be friends! The peoples of the both countries probably wont this and enough of stupid history lessons.
I wish them both good luck at the Eurovision

Posted By: Stelios

Posted On: Apr 13, 2005
Views: 807
Macedonians in Greece

I live in Greece in Lerin (Florina) and i am a Macedonian and not a Greek. My parents were macedonians and there parents before them. We were forbidden to speak our macedonian language from the greek authorities. Still are but we will get our rights through the european courts of justice. Please don't insult our intelegence and tell us that we are greek or that the macedonians are of eever were greek! Roman historians tell us that they were barbars for the anciant greeks and cirtaniny not greeks! But it does not matter because the truth will come out from all the people that were driven out of their homes because thay were macedonians. 15 yaers ago you didn't know what that ment and now all of the sudden you are all macedonians. Well it does not work like that!

Posted By: Martijn

Posted On: Apr 13, 2005
Views: 781

Aleksandar learned greek when he was 18!! And start to learn real history and not your propaganda history! Its enough till now that Greece has terrorised all her nighbours! Your history should be revised to tell the truth abouth the macedonian people! That you ocupied part of macedonia after the first world war does not give you the right to say stupid things!

Posted By: Nikos

Posted On: Apr 13, 2005
Views: 679
Before you speak learn some history

For all of those who tell that FYROM is Macedonia. You CAN'T have an opinion if you haven't read ancient history! Alexander the Great (and all ancient macedonians) were greeks, because he spoke greek and most of all because everywhere he went was saying that he was greek and fighted in the name of Greece. That's history writen from historians of ancient Rome, not from greeks! OK?

Posted By: Marijn

Posted On: Apr 13, 2005
Views: 681

In the Netherlands we all call Macedonia by its own name! Stop this greek stupidity because we all know that you came from Turkey the nowdays greeks! So you have nothing from the macedonian blood in you! If you seen the film you can see that Macedonians were never greeks!!!
Macedonia forever

Posted By: David Richards

Posted On: Apr 13, 2005
Views: 687

Hurragh !
Bulgaria has got a point !

Posted By: George

Posted On: Apr 13, 2005
Views: 739

It is FYROM not MACEDONIA.This happens when a country doesn't have its own history and wants to steal the history from another one. But if somoeone has seen the movie Alexander he can see that macedonians were Greek and not from Skopia. Were Greek and not slavic.When Greek people were building Parthenons people from Skopjia were living on trees and caves.I do not think that you will ever enter Europian Union if you thik like this. CU Go EUROPE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted By: Ludo

Posted On: Apr 13, 2005
Views: 780
Força Portugal!!!

My Top 10:

1 - Latvia
2 - Hungary
3 - Iceland
4 - Belgium
5 - Portugal
6 - Malta
7 - Germany
8 - Norway
9 - Greece
10 - Sweden

Posted By: Pavel

Posted On: Apr 13, 2005
Views: 781

Stop this stupid greek insults to all of Europe!
We all call Macedonia only greeks that do not have any propaganda left!
By the way go Bulgaria and Macedonia!

Posted By: Bojan

Posted On: Apr 13, 2005
Views: 717
Of course it is Macedonia

and Zorba is a "Greek" buried in Skopje!

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