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Post InfoTOPIC: first!!!!
Posted By: impersonator

Posted On: Sep 24, 2006
Views: 794

booya bitches!`

Posted By: impersonator

Posted On: Sep 24, 2006
Views: 786
RE: first!!!!

OK people I have a serious question for all of you. Why is it whenever I post either as impersonator or under a different fake name that thread seems to die instantly. I mean if I start a topic nobody ever posts and if I reply to one it is like ereryone avoids it like a **** sandwich. Come on now. Am I that unfunny or that awful that you al have to avoid me that much? It is enough to give someone a complex and god knows I don't need any more of those.

Posted By: impersonator

Posted On: Sep 24, 2006
Views: 775
RE: first!!!!

hahaha, well, I guess that's true, I do like to make **** sandwiches....

Posted By: Syrgot

Posted On: Sep 24, 2006
Views: 770
RE: first!!!!

Don't feel bad. The reason I stopped posting here for the most part, is becaue whenever anything funny is said the thread dies becuase most of the people here have no sense of humor. Either that or everyone just hates us. Probably the latter.

Posted By: Ian Davis

Posted On: Sep 24, 2006
Views: 768
RE: first!!!!

I can't speak for anyone else, but I just always thought you (impersonator) had some kind of mental problem and it would be mean to make fun of you. Its always like when you are having fun with a bunch of friends and that one slow guy comes up and tries to join in but usually just says something so stupid that you all just look at each other and say "we goota go now". You know he can't help it being a waterhead and all but still, he just killed the whole scene.

Syrgot, you were always funnier than Carlitos so that is something.

Your Mayor,
Ian Davis

Posted By: impersonator

Posted On: Sep 25, 2006
Views: 756
RE: first!!!!

waterhead?!!? Uhmmm....k

Although I am obscure, I am definately not slow. But as for you lan Davis, your personality is lacking in silliness strangely enough. But it's ok, that will come to you in time.

Posted By: Ian Davis

Posted On: Sep 25, 2006
Views: 742
RE: first!!!!

I suppose you wear that helmet as a fashion statement? I think you are selling yourself short. You are very slow. Otherwise you have no excuse for your sad little posts. For someone wondering why their posts kill threads, you are certainly not quick enough to see the obvious answer. Just because some people don't like the written equivalent to **** smeared on a wall doesn't mean they don't know what silly it.

Posted By: Syrgot

Posted On: Sep 25, 2006
Views: 734
RE: first!!!!

I am very funny and most people have no problem seeing that the second they see me.

Posted By: lan Davis

Posted On: Sep 26, 2006
Views: 710
RE: first!!!!

I am very sorry impersonator, I am just a lonely faggot with nothing better to do, my appologies.

Posted By: observant

Posted On: Sep 26, 2006
Views: 698
RE: first!!!!

Sometimes threads just die.
I don't post a lot on here because it's slow and doesn't bump newly posted on threads to the top. I can't remember how many replies a post has had from one day to the next so I tend to not re-read threads unless they get a lot of posts.

The impersonation stuff can be a bit much too, and it has all but killed this board.

I usually post on the TV board and even though log-ins aren't normally required, people still don't post as someone else. It's just different here, I guess.

Posted By:

Posted On: Sep 27, 2006
Views: 694
RE: first!!!!

yeah, this is where you get to be a jackass

Posted By: Carlito Carribean Cool

Posted On: Sep 27, 2006
Views: 678
RE: first!!!!



Posted By: Draginamasterina

Posted On: Sep 29, 2006
Views: 664
RE: first!!!!

Carlito - Where have you bean?