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Post InfoTOPIC: lan Davis
Posted By: second!!!

Posted On: Sep 24, 2006
Views: 775
lan Davis

Once again, I am the self proclaimed faggot lan Davis!

Posted By: Ian Davis

Posted On: Sep 24, 2006
Views: 774
RE: lan Davis

Nice try impersonator but I already posted as the first person. We now know that you are the idiot posting as the faggot Ian Davis though.

Posted By: impersonator

Posted On: Sep 24, 2006
Views: 768
RE: lan Davis

you wish that I would wear your name =P

Posted By: Ian Davis

Posted On: Sep 24, 2006
Views: 755
RE: lan Davis

There are literally hundreds of Ian Davises on this board and yet the thought of you joining the ranks makes me throw up in my mouth a little.

Posted By: impersonator

Posted On: Sep 25, 2006
Views: 743
RE: lan Davis

is that vommit that you will produce for sell on ebay?

Posted By: Ian Davis

Posted On: Sep 25, 2006
Views: 726
RE: lan Davis

Can't imagine why your posts kill threads.

Posted By: That one idiot guy

Posted On: Sep 25, 2006
Views: 721
RE: lan Davis

Hey fake Ian davis! Its obvious your not the real Ian Davis and your not even funny you god damn son of a bitch!

and impersonator: Your also...a god damn son of a bitch!

Posted By: Ian Davis

Posted On: Sep 25, 2006
Views: 717
RE: lan Davis

gezz you guys why are you picking on my i'm only some gay pornbum liveing im my perints basement you guys are SOOOOOOO MEAN >:(

your mayer,
Ian Davis

Posted By: That one idiot guy

Posted On: Sep 25, 2006
Views: 714
RE: lan Davis

Hey you god damn son of a bitch. Stop posting as me. You aren't fooling anyone. I know how to use capitol letters properly and the difference between you're and your.

Posted By: That one idot guy

Posted On: Sep 26, 2006
Views: 705
RE: lan Davis

Why is everyone on here a god damn son of a bitch?

Posted By: Draginamasterina

Posted On: Sep 29, 2006
Views: 675
RE: lan Davis

Please don't refer to my son Dragonmaster like that. I am not a bitch. I am a Wiccan Goddess.