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Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Sep 24, 2006
Views: 1416
What a week to miss...

Damn...I could have gave a long great religious rant...and I'm gonna miss it...But I'll go with this...

I'm Pagan, just a mix of stuff really, most of the books I want/need to read were either burned, or so over told before printing that they are now our stories that we tell kids. The closest on the list there would be Wiccan, but that's to new and lots of stuff was made up to fill in the blanks. They probably have the best idea though, don't hurt anyone or your ****ed, it doesnt matter whether they are in the same religion as you or not...If I had to choose another it would be Buddhism.

Christianity, Islam, well, most of them are based on good, but have degraded into meaning hatred of anyone that doesnt think as you do.

Scientology a religion? LOL, believe what you wish, but I don't ever want anymore **** about always wishing that dragons were still around and I were a wizard/dragon rider. lol

Anyway, whatever you believe in try and go by this and you'll be fine. Don't hurt anybody on purpose and well, thats it. If you can do that then you should be fine, if any god that made this race wants anything more he/she's asking to much of us mortals, lol.

So here is my last post till at least Friday, at least, anything else is impersonations, regardless of what may be said.

This is my, well you know, "just and case" thing. I go for surgery early Tuesday morning, it's nothing major, and I've had MANY operations, most more difficult than this, but you people know my luck, lol. My last one was the summer between 11th and 12th grade, so it's been a few years. If something were to happen to me or something check my myspace thing and my bro will post about it. Again, I don't expect any problems, but they are going to drill a hole in my head, through old scar tissue, and put in a tear duct where nobody else has one, so another first comes out of me, lol. Now I'm not sure if they are going to fix the cataracts on this one,all I know is that they are going to put in an artificial tear duct in my left eye, and fix an aneurysm in the right. Hopefully the docs will fix up the cataracts while they are there,
but I think they are going to let me heal up first. I'll be offline till at least Thursday or Friday.

Alright, I'm gonna stop typing now I guess. Thanks for all the support and stuff. May you
all have long, happy, healthy lives. Even the impersonators and assholes ;-P

Posted By: Irish Girl

Posted On: Sep 24, 2006
Views: 1414
RE: What a week to miss...

Hiya, in case anyone suggest, this is not James replying to himself lol! I am a girl and I am from Ireland and my name is not James (tho actually my brother's is, and he is a total nerd, but that is 100% a coincidence!) Anyway, I have long been a fan of tOd's toons, but only recently wandered about on his site and saw his polls, and the responses to them.

DM, this may mean I am as weird as you, but I got intrigued by them and read them back for ages, so whether you like it or not, I have read a fair bit of what you have said about yourself on here.

Relax tho, if I were to have something I called a religion, it would be pretty close to Wiccan, so I would never judge you as harshly as the peeps on here tend, too, and let them say what they will about that :P

Anyways, I do believe in your medical probs and your upcoming surgery, so right from the heart, I am wishing you the very best with that. And hope that any God(desse)s you believe in will be right with you too. All the best, James, and never mind the A******s!

Posted By: The Assholes

Posted On: Sep 24, 2006
Views: 1411
RE: What a week to miss...

James you created a new character just in time for your surgery! How nice for you. Also nice how you totally pay no attention to the post times or the odds that someone claiming to be Wiccan and read all your **** would happen to post minutes apart from you. Well done.

Anyway. We believe in your medical problems too. We also believe in fairies, leprechauns, and honest politicians. While they have you under during your fake operation, maybe you can ask them to give you a set of balls. It should be easy. They just need to take an ice cream scoop and get a few scoops out of your fat ass.

Posted By: Irish Girl

Posted On: Sep 24, 2006
Views: 1409
RE: What a week to miss...

This is gas! I can't believe that someone recently posted that it is difficult to impersonate James :) Apparently I pulled it off effortlessly right away! I must be a natural or something. James, if you do pop back on before you go under the knife, say hi if you could be arsed running the gauntlet of these gits :)

Posted By: The Assholes

Posted On: Sep 24, 2006
Views: 1406
RE: What a week to miss...

You are a figment of DM's imagination not an impersonation of him. Don't you know the difference James. It isn't like you haven't done this several times before. Now lets have your 'brother' pop in and steal your passwords and then a long lost aquintance pop in 5 minutes later by chance and offer to help get them back. Remember that one? Hilarious!

Posted By: Crackerz418

Posted On: Sep 25, 2006
Views: 1403
RE: What a week to miss...

I find it hard to believe that a girl from Ireland who says stuff like, "James, if you do pop back on before you go under the knife, say hi if you could be arsed running the gauntlet of these gits :)," also uses the word "peeps." What the hell does that expression even mean. P.S. - Have any of you guys ever heard of the expression ramedy jam and if so what does it mean?

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Sep 25, 2006
Views: 1391
RE: What a week to miss...

well peeps tottaly not me. but whateva.

Posted By: That one idiot guy

Posted On: Sep 25, 2006
Views: 1389
RE: What a week to miss...

James doen not say peeps....

What was the point of that??? Just poke fun at him like the rest of us damn it!

Posted By: That one idiot guy

Posted On: Sep 25, 2006
Views: 1385
RE: What a week to miss...

Stop posting with my name you god damn son of a bitch!

Posted By: That one idiot guy

Posted On: Sep 25, 2006
Views: 1378
RE: What a week to miss...

Haha. Very funny. Dont impersonate me yelling at someone else impersonating me who is really me you god damn son of a bitch! Your a god damn son of a bitch!

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Sep 25, 2006
Views: 1376
RE: What a week to miss...

I don't go in till 6am tomorrow, and I just came here for a second, I'm making the rounds before I go, lol. I'll be on yahoo messenger on and off today and tonight, so if you want to talk to me or something here is my name there.


Posted By: adam

Posted On: Sep 25, 2006
Views: 1368
RE: What a week to miss...

DM has done it again....next we'll hear that he can go on a laptop while he's being worked on, and give us a play by play

Posted By: That one idiot guy

Posted On: Sep 25, 2006
Views: 1356
RE: What a week to miss...

Again, if can't impersonate be since you don't even know the difference between your and you're you god damn uneducated son of a bitch loser. I hope you get a chopstick jambed into your eye.

Posted By: Crackerz418

Posted On: Sep 25, 2006
Views: 1345
RE: What a week to miss...

I love it when people complain about grammar and the like and in their complaint they don't use proper english themselves. Maybe it's just me, but what does "if can't impersonate be" mean? I think there's a whole word missing in there. To put it in your own words, "You god damn uneducated son of a bitch loser."

Posted By: That one idiot guy

Posted On: Sep 25, 2006
Views: 1341
RE: What a week to miss...

Oh get a life you god damn stupid screwing the entire neighborhood slut of a whore. I hope a badger makes a home in your vagina.

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