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Posted By: Acting Dragonmaster

Posted On: Sep 25, 2006
Views: 754
Dragonmaster sings recap

Does anybody have any guesses at too what the song was that I modified to my own views last week? In case you have forgotten it I have reposted for your enjoyment.

Hint: It is not MC Hammer...or anykind of HipHop.

~My future Wife~

My dear, you're like the fragrance of blossoms fair
Sweet as a breath of air fresh with the morning dew
My dear, you're like the sparkle of old chain maile
Armor in Rome couldn't compare to you

You are perfection, you're my idea
Of angels singin' the ";perfect wife";
Or you're an angel, I'd breathe and live you
With every beat of the heart that I give you

My dear, this is a heaven on earth we share
Caring the way we care, ours is a love so rare

It's just you and Dra...Gon...Mas...Ter!
Yeah I said just you and Dra...Gon...Mas...Ter!

You are perfection, you're my idea
Of angels singin' the ";perfect wife"
Or you're an angel, I'd breathe and live you
With every beat of the heart that I give you

My Dear, (Mydear) this is the heaven on earth we share (My Dear)
Caring the way we care (Mydear) ours is a love not bare

Posted By: That one idiot guy

Posted On: Sep 26, 2006
Views: 737
RE: Dragonmaster sings recap

I know it's Arlo Guthry! Not sure which song though you god damn son of a bitch.

Posted By: That one idiot guy

Posted On: Sep 26, 2006
Views: 733
RE: Dragonmaster sings recap

Nobody cares about htese stupid songs by a fraud or by your need to answer them with my name you god damn tone deaf son of a bitch. I hope William Hung sings She Bangs at you until your ears bleed.

Posted By: Crackerz418

Posted On: Sep 26, 2006
Views: 731
RE: Dragonmaster sings recap

Clearly That one idiot guy has some homo issues....first Geroge Foreman...now William Hung? Dont threaten people with your fantasy! maybe you can arrange something with both of them.

Posted By: That one idiot guy

Posted On: Sep 26, 2006
Views: 728
RE: Dragonmaster sings recap

Clearly you have some serious brain rot going on. The George Forman Grill is...well a grill, not a guy. I have also mentioned that you are a dyke so I am giving equal time as much as possible. I don't have issues with homosexual lifestyle. I have issues with people posting with my name, judgemental people, rude people, and people that use Z's like they were S's. You fit into at least 3 of those categories you god damn maturbating in public son of a bitch. I hope you lose all your fingernails in a cheese grater.

Posted By: That one idiot guy alter ego

Posted On: Sep 26, 2006
Views: 725
RE: Dragonmaster sings recap

(really just me posting as someone else pretending to be me!)

My fingenails? Thats the first place I would love to make someone hurt is thier finger nails! What a manly man you are! You probably tried grating your own because someone told you they would taste like cheese afterward. Do yourself a favor- Go grab daddy's nail gun and shoot a couple spikes in each eye.

Then you wont have to see all this "impersonating" that ****es you off. Oh wait heres another idea! Just dont look at the posts anymore dumbass! You cry and are far more childish than James ever was!

Posted By: That one idiot guy

Posted On: Sep 26, 2006
Views: 722
RE: Dragonmaster sings recap

Another stupid post from you I see. Fingernails that taste like cheese? Try bathing once in a while if you have that problem. You want to run around here posting the most idiotic posts under fake names and then cry and tell people to not read it if they don't like it. All your whining about homos, crybabies, and mean fathers sounds like you are projecting your life on the rest of the world. Just because you hate what you have become doesn't mean we all think that way about ourselves you god damn self loathing son of a nail gun shooting bitch.

Posted By: Son of a nailgun shootin bitch!

Posted On: Sep 26, 2006
Views: 718
RE: Dragonmaster sings recap

I think your a bit to sensitve for this board. Why don't you check out the fisher price site or something else more suitable for you. I know you feel inadequate go see a relative and they will tell you how special you are. The truth howver is that you are just what you call others: A god damn loser son of a bitch crybaby nobody whom no one loves. Stop bringing shame to your family and go live in a cave.