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Posted By: ?

Posted On: Sep 26, 2006
Views: 686

I think we should have to use usernames and passwords, that way all the impersonating bull**** will stop. I left my name as a question mark on purpose so no one can impersonate me.

Posted By: ?

Posted On: Sep 26, 2006
Views: 685
RE: RE: usernames


Posted By: observant

Posted On: Sep 27, 2006
Views: 683
RE: usernames

I mentioned this in an earlier post. The other message boards on tOdds site don't have this problem.
Not sure why it's a problem here.

Can you believe I was banned from this forum once? I was! For saying something not PC.

The times, they are changing.

Posted By: That one idiot guy

Posted On: Sep 27, 2006
Views: 665
RE: usernames

Banned, yeah I remember that. I bet you'll never make fun of Odd Todd's family like that again! That was funny though!

Posted By: That one idiot guy

Posted On: Sep 27, 2006
Views: 659
RE: usernames

Actually I don't remember that one but I don't think it was for what our retarded little impersonator said. Don't mind him, he is just a god damn Honda SRV hating son of a bitch. I hope his belly button gets caught in a bus door and his innards get unraveled like a ball of yarn.

Posted By: That one idiot guy

Posted On: Sep 28, 2006
Views: 653
RE: usernames

Look Ma! I never got smarter as I got older! I sure am one god damn dumb son of a bitch.

Why the hell did i mentio the Honda SRV anyway? I love talking abotu thinkgs have have to do with nothing.

That one idiot guy

Posted By: Child

Posted On: Sep 28, 2006
Views: 648
RE: usernames

Ha ha! you can't spell! Ha ha you can't spell! Look at me. I can spell. Look at you - you sure can't. He can't spell. He can't spell. I', sorry that was mean but you ought to check your stuff being posting it.

Ha ha.

Posted By: Child

Posted On: Sep 28, 2006
Views: 647
RE: usernames

Look at me...clearly I am developing a problem as well. Ha ha I am a total moron.

Posted By: Everyone

Posted On: Sep 28, 2006
Views: 643
RE: usernames

Look ma, some retard is wrecking the message board with childish posts, bad impersonations, and spelling that makes Dragonmaster look like a spelling bee champion. He doesn't seem to notice that nobody else is posting any more.

Posted By: Ma

Posted On: Sep 28, 2006
Views: 638
RE: usernames

Show me where he is and I'll smack 'em good with a frying pan! Kids got no damn respect now a days.

You best be respectin'.