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Posted By: Not a Real Person

Posted On: Oct 7, 2006
Views: 692

Hope surgery continues to go well for you. But you said in the last poll you were on Neopets. Feck Neopets. Get a real pet. they are way more rewarding. Just ask tOd. I have 2 ferrets and have just got a dog, and I am hardly ever so bored that I have to come on here!

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Oct 7, 2006
Views: 688

I'm on neopets for the games, not the pets. It's a decent time waster, and you get these worthless points to spend on fake stuff. I'm just there when I'm on Yahoo or myspace. When I'm in the mood for a PC game I play Morrowind.

I've got a few pets, Cara my cat is the only one I keep inside. Then I've got a few other cats that are outside only, unless it gets really cold...I tend to draw cats for some reason, odd.

Posted By: Not a Real Person

Posted On: Oct 7, 2006
Views: 685

I adore cats, but wouldn't keep outdoor cats here for 2 reasons. First even tho we live on a quiet little lane, a couple times a week a really fast motorbike comes by for the craic, and would squash the kitty. Second, we get a lotta songbirds in the garden and I know this would be reduced if we had a pet prowler free to roam and catch them.

Indoor cats are out because of the ferrets and dog. Please do watch out carefully for your outdoor cats. Their life is very dangerous. I hope your kitties are vaccinated and neutered, by the way, cos otherwise they are just adding to a very serious problem!

Posted By: Only Virtual Person

Posted On: Oct 7, 2006
Views: 682

Have you tried muds (multi-user-dungeons) instead of neopets? Woulda thought they were much more suited to someone who was heavily into medieval-type stuff. One that I can highly recommend is here http://imperial.modeemi.cs.tut.fi/basics.html
tho you do need a client such as wintin to play well. http://www.wintin.org/
I imagine you already know these tho. It strikes me you would probably be someone who has as little of a life as I and my friends do, so it must be that you don't acyually like muds really? Maybe the stuff is too hard to see til your eyes are sorted? I dunno.

Posted By: That one idiot guy

Posted On: Oct 7, 2006
Views: 679

Outdoor cats are god damn murderous sons of bitches. They kill anything they can catch just for the hell of it. Great Horned Owls will kill outdoor cats. I hope some find your cats. I have owls around my house. Outdoor cats don't seem to live very long here thanks to death from above.

Posted By: Not a Real Person

Posted On: Oct 7, 2006
Views: 676

May I draw your attention to the fact that this is World animal Week?!? So if you have a grudge against someone could you please curse them something else than that their pets meet a bad end? Enough bad stuff has happened to animals in this week that was supposed to be in their honour, thatyou could spare them that, please? In my country we've been keeping a file on the bad stuff that's happened to animals through neglect and misinformation, to pass on to the government for their attntion. Feel free to say I have no life. Then I can say you have no compassion and it will be great fun all round.

Posted By: Not Real

Posted On: Oct 7, 2006
Views: 673

And by the way, a large proportion of outdoor cats are what we call "ex-domestic", or what you woud probably call feral, if you were arsed mentioning them ever.And these do not kill anything"just for the hell of it", they are trying darned hard to survive. If peeps would neuter their pet cats, look after them properly, and keep them home, you would be having no problem with these guys. Don't blame the cats, blame the owners, or the owners of their grandparents, who allowed them to roam and breed indiscriminately.

Posted By: That one idiot guy

Posted On: Oct 7, 2006
Views: 671

Feral cats kill just for the hell of it just as much as a domestic cat given the chance. It is in their nature. I didn't know it was world animal week or I would have eaten a steak in their honor. Owls are animals so in that regard I hope all the owls living near Dragonmaster's cats eat extra good this week and that the feral cat population in that same area drops drastically. See good all around! Either that or they round them up and turn them into crisps.

I don't have probelms with the god damn homeless son of a bitch cats because there isn't a night that goes by where owls and coyotes aren't out back.

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Oct 8, 2006
Views: 666

Well, I didn't get those outdoor cats, they came around and stayed. I'm not in town, which pretty much means in the woods here in WV, so lots of cats would be a good thing. I keep them well fed, their food bowl is always full, and I've only seen one of them go after a bird, but my bird feeders are way to high for a now fat cat to get to, lol. Thanks to the neighbors we don't have anything like rabbits or other small animals to worry about. (he's an asshole that sets traps and poisons just so they don't crap in his yard, thank the goddess the cats know better than go around there)

I used to have a rabbit, and it chased the cats around, lol. It used to get outside once in awhile and go run after birds in the yard, lol. I guess it hung around to many cats. It died awhile back at 9 years old, very old for a rabbit I hear...

You are proving to be an idiot guy, I have owls here and no missing cats. Lots to trees, so they can get away before any dog could get them. Besides, if the cat is hungry, I like knowing that it can go up in the woods and find it something to eat.

There's only one female here, the one I keep inside. As soon as I go back to work the first thing I'm doing is getting her fixed. All of them have had their shots.

I've tried to play runescape, but it sucked. I'll check out those sites though. I guess if I ever wanted to play an online game bad enough I'd get Everquest or something. lol, hey, did you see that new southpark ep.?

I didn't know it was Animal week...I've lost track of these things. I'll have to buy the better bird seed this week and stuff...

