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Posted By: Dragonmaster's Buddy

Posted On: Oct 10, 2006
Views: 691

Hey DM, Sorry I havn't been around lately. I hope everything is going well with you. Probably best we didn't go bowling as I have been so tired lately I would have most likely would have had the bowling ball going in all directions. How can you refuse to fess up to your rainbow suspenders but ask me to talkabout stuff gran's house? Obviously this is not the L (Loretta) your thinking of as you have never sent me anything. The is a different L buddy! Hell I'd be surprised if you could rememebr who I am since you were so popular when we hung out. The whole tripping people with fising line thing I mentioned earlier should have tipped you off though. Rememebr that tiem we called all those people and told them they had won a big prize adn to call X number back for more details and we gave them Old man Grady's number to call. I still havn't heard yelling as loud as what came out of his house after that. Hey I hope that driving thing worksout for you and tell me what else is going on. Its been ages since we hung out..keep me up to date!

Your Buddy,


Posted By: Dragonmaster's Buddy

Posted On: Oct 10, 2006
Views: 690
RE: Around

yeah yeah..I made a series of typos. No need to cry or tell me 'bout it.

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Oct 11, 2006
Views: 669
RE: RE: Around

Popular? lol, I haven't been popular since before I had cancer...I dont remember much before that. I may have wore sespenders before that, who knows? Anyway, lets see...how to feed this...here's a few people that I DO rememver, do you remember Chris Fuller? How about Destiny (wow, even back in the day...just wow)? Brandon Scrow? Gina Milinno? Ok, spelling on all those is ? But anyway, theres a few names of people I knew for you to play with. I still cant think of another L...

Posted By: adam

Posted On: Oct 11, 2006
Views: 667
RE: Around

well, i think that settles it

