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Posted By: mepball

Posted On: Oct 30, 2006
Views: 655

I am the last one to post so far. Now lets get the rest of you posting so me and my friends can start causing trouble and being all around assholes.

Posted By: the real mepball

Posted On: Nov 2, 2006
Views: 610
RE: Last!!!

Hhahahahaaaaa you fools are already involved with mepball but you just dont know it.


Posted By: mepball

Posted On: Nov 2, 2006
Views: 607
RE: Last!!!

actually since nobody has been posting this week except you and your retarded coworkers you are the only fools here

Posted By: the real mepball

Posted On: Nov 3, 2006
Views: 597
RE: Last!!!

Hahahahah fools! We are the wind you could never understand us! We are really one 87 year old lady with 16 cats. We love to smell the cat pee pee we think it like us to do that...

I had to canfess my sin to all of you oddtoddites i buy meth from male hookers too. But hey who doesnt. So there you have it the truth is told lads.


Posted By: you're hairy ass

Posted On: Nov 3, 2006
Views: 595
RE: Last!!!

Save your money and buy a dictionary so you can look up words like "confess". It would help you look a tiny bit less like a jackass.

