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Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Oct 30, 2006
Views: 669
The armor

I am letting one of my relatives sue some of my armor that I made to go trick or treating but am worried it may be to heavy for him. Do you think 60 pounds is too much weight for a 7 yr old to wear for a couple hours? I think he should be fine. he will have candy on his mind and be wearing a REAL suit not some cheap plastic crap from the store.

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Oct 30, 2006
Views: 666
RE: The armor

I've only got one full suit left, I sold the others already, and I'm wearing it. Have fun in your princess outfit, lol.

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Oct 30, 2006
Views: 663
RE: The armor

Nice try fake dragonmaster you're getting better. I would'nt be walking around in the armor all the time obviously and if you remember right I said I couldnt get anything on but the top and head when I posted the picture. What I am letting my cuz borrow is some thing modified from what I started since something my size wouldn't fit him.

Posted By: Kalli

Posted On: Oct 30, 2006
Views: 640
RE: The armor

uh...60 lbs for a 7 year old is like his total body weight, unless its a really big kid.

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Oct 31, 2006
Views: 629
RE: The armor

(sigh) I guess I have to explain myself here to...Ok, I only have one full suit left, it belongs to me until someone that wants a 3x buys one. I wouldn't even make a little vest for a kid, it weighs to much, and takes to long to make. It would take about two weeks of hard work to make...not gonna happen for a one time use. I'm wearing it for Halloween today, and I'm sure as hell not gonna wear it all day. The parts I'm gonna wear are almost 100lbs, I can only wear it for a few hours at best, lol. The maille pants aren't gonna happen tho...lol, I'd fall down and couldn't get up.

Anyways, have fun today people. :-P

Posted By:

Posted On: Oct 31, 2006
Views: 625
RE: The armor

One who is missing a button can not hide forever and the pockets in one's pants can't turn lead into gold.

I like candy.

Posted By:

Posted On: Oct 31, 2006
Views: 621
RE: The armor

One who is missing a button can not hide forever and the pockets in one's pants can't turn lead into gold.

like candy.

Posted By: impersonator

Posted On: Nov 2, 2006
Views: 594
RE: The armor

You are all a bunch of brainless retarded monkeys. Don't you want to seem atleast slightly intelligent?

Posted By: retarded monkey

Posted On: Nov 2, 2006
Views: 590
RE: The armor

"Don't you want to seem atleast slightly intelligent?" - No. You are a braindead idiot and we just want to be just like you.

Posted By: impersonator

Posted On: Nov 2, 2006
Views: 588
RE: The armor

I can see how you might like to play stupid because it requires the least amount of effort and you're a really lazy waste of space but you could try to portray a thought once in awhile. Atleast excersise your mind if your too damn lazy to exercise that greasy more rolls than a bakery disgusting flab factory body you got.

Posted By: Retarded Monkey #2

Posted On: Nov 2, 2006
Views: 584
RE: The armor

No. I enjoy being a retarded monkey. I get to fling poo.

Can you say you get to fling poo?\

I think not.

Posted By: mepball

Posted On: Nov 2, 2006
Views: 582
RE: The armor

we posted these one too. can you tell? do they sound like 5 guys that have nothing better to do with their days while they sit at a lonely deadend job? i hope not

