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Posted By: That one idiot guy

Posted On: Oct 30, 2006
Views: 758
What really happened

I am REALLY first because I posted on the poll that was up shortly before this one about halloween custumes that was recycled from 2004.

I am the real first you God damn son of a bitch.

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Oct 30, 2006
Views: 756
RE: What really happened

No, actually I made two before you did, you just started a new one, lol.

Posted By: That one idiot guy

Posted On: Oct 30, 2006
Views: 748
RE: What really happened

Um.. no you didn't you god damn moronic son of a bitch. Go back and look at it. Of you posted anything it was a reply to one of the threads that were 2 years old. Wake up you low Iq'd rubbish of a life fat rodent.

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Oct 30, 2006
Views: 737
RE: What really happened

Didn't I just say that you just started a new one? It was only one sentence, sorry to overload you, lol.

Posted By: That one idiot guy

Posted On: Oct 30, 2006
Views: 730
RE: What really happened

Don't sweat it Dragonkid. Any post claiming to be me on this board has been a fake because some of us leave the house while other god damn "haven't talked to a girl in 7 years" son of a bitches can only get their tiny little rocks off by pretending to be me. I hope a cotton weevil bores a hole into their tiny little nutsack and takes up residence. It will be the first living thing to ever see it.

Posted By: That one idiot guy

Posted On: Oct 31, 2006
Views: 700
RE: What really happened

Although most of that post is true that was not me. I would not call Dragonmaster "Dragon kid". I would just call him a dumb son of a bitch as usual. Put more efforts in your impersonations. It looks like you eve scared away the other faggots that are usually on this board.

Posted By: That one idiot guy

Posted On: Oct 31, 2006
Views: 690
RE: What really happened

You are a moron. I would and did refer to him as dragonkid. I would not call him a dumb son of a bitch as usual because when compared to you and your coworkers, Dragonmaster looks like a genius. Yea, what a suprise that I can tell you are the the same god damn troublemaking overpaid at any price lazyass son of a bitches that started **** last week. I am not interested in playing with you so go find someone else to bother. I hope the next time your little band of losers are performing a group wank to photoshopped photos of Tara Reid's crooked nipples, your computers get hit with a powersurge that travels right through your keyboard into your under-developed nutsack, causing permanant sterility.

Posted By: That one idiot guy

Posted On: Nov 2, 2006
Views: 665
RE: What really happened

Now your looking even more retarded. I assume since you are calling DM a genious that your are infact DM himself impersonating me. your a damn son of a bitch. I dont know what you get out of this but no one would believe that BS post is mine.

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Nov 2, 2006
Views: 661
RE: What really happened

Both of you idiots are a shame to the Odd Todd site.

Posted By: mepball

Posted On: Nov 2, 2006
Views: 655
RE: What really happened

^^ that one was me! did you laugh. I did. I peed myself a little I laughed so much. my mom thinks I am really funny and not just to look at.

