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Posted By: Cory

Posted On: Oct 30, 2006
Views: 797
bloody twinkie

I saw that on the list and was like "nah, I wouldn't freak out." Then about an hour ago I was making eggs, and cracked one open and it had blood in it...totally freaked me out! So I guess I was wrong.

Anyone else ever cracked open an egg to have blood pour out of it? It's freaky!

Posted By: Bill

Posted On: Oct 30, 2006
Views: 794
RE: bloody twinkie

no, but I ate a fertilized duck egg. beak, claws, feathers and all.

Posted By: mepball

Posted On: Oct 30, 2006
Views: 791
RE: bloody twinkie

That is because you are a ****tard. I bet you ate you own afterbirth to, you sick bastard.

Posted By: John

Posted On: Oct 30, 2006
Views: 788
RE: bloody twinkie

I like pie!

Posted By: Bill

Posted On: Oct 30, 2006
Views: 778
RE: bloody twinkie

It's a delicacy in the Phillipines, as most people know. Another delicious treat is pig blood lollipops - the blood is mushed with rice.

Posted By: Cory

Posted On: Oct 30, 2006
Views: 775
RE: bloody twinkie

by the way, can anyone tell me how I managed to get a bloody egg in my carton o' eggs from walmart?

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Oct 31, 2006
Views: 769
RE: bloody twinkie

It happens. We eat the unfertilised eggs of a chicken. Lots of blood means that it was fertilised, and was on it's way to being a chick. Small amounts or "freckles" mean that blood from the chickens uterus got into the egg during development...either way ewww....

One way that you can keep from ruining a whole batch of eggs is to have two bowls, one to crack into and one to put the good ones in, that way if you crack a bad one you don't have to toss out all of them.

Oh, and if you just need the white or yokes don't toss out the other part, you can freeze it in ice trays for later use....

If you can find pasteurized eggs that helps. They radiate the eggs, so if any bacteria are in there it kills them, cool for uncooked egg foods such as Mayo.

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Oct 31, 2006
Views: 756
RE: bloody twinkie

happens. We eat the unfertilised eggs of a chicken. Lots of blood means that it was fertilised, and was on it's way to being a chick. Small amounts or "freckles" mean that blood from the chickens uterus got into the egg during development...either way ewww....

way that you can keep from ruining a whole batch of eggs is to have two bowls, one to crack into and one to put the good ones in, that way if you crack a bad one you don't have to toss out all of them.

and if you just need the white or yokes don't toss out the other part, you can freeze it in ice trays for later use....

you can find pasteurized eggs that helps. They radiate the eggs, so if any bacteria are in there it kills them, cool for uncooked egg foods such as Mayo.

Posted By: adam

Posted On: Nov 2, 2006
Views: 701
RE: bloody twinkie

ive heard that body builders like placenta

Posted By: mepball

Posted On: Nov 2, 2006
Views: 696
RE: bloody twinkie

^^ see what we did there? since nobody (and I mean NOBODY) has been posting this week except us, we started off posting as Dragonmaster to cause a stir. Everyone always gets ****ed at Dragonmaster so it is the best way to get some attention. Just to change it up we posted as adam. hopefully nobody looks at the post times.

