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Posted On: Oct 31, 2006
Views: 651
Everything you needed

Happy Halloween. Where is the toothpaste and who changed all my blue clothes to red. I have one finger that aches slightly under any pressure. The one that got cut. If I was a treee I wouldnt care about money and would have no urge for money to grow on me. Maybe thats why money doesnt grow on trees, I wouldnt want people coming over ripping me off and taking loans. I like music but yodelling more than 3 seconds is quite annoying.

Posted By:

Posted On: Oct 31, 2006
Views: 650
RE: Everything you needed

Happy Halloween. Where is the toothpaste and who changed all my blue clothes to red. I have one finger that aches slightly under any pressure. The one that got cut. If I was a treee I wouldnt care about money and would have no urge for money to grow on me. Maybe thats why money doesnt grow on trees, I wouldnt want people coming over ripping me off and taking loans. I like music but yodelling more than 3 seconds is quite annoying.

