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Post InfoTOPIC: fyuck.....
Posted By: impersonator

Posted On: Dec 5, 2006
Views: 703

I rolled so hard the other night. I popped 4 pills, then an hour later I popped two more. I was rolling my ass off.

Am I the only one here who occasionally takes X? Or are there others?

Posted By: mepball

Posted On: Dec 5, 2006
Views: 702
RE: fyuck.....

You are the only one but don't let that stop you. I say keep taking them. The long term damage it causes is pretty wicked and I would like to witness it first hand through you.

Posted By: guy fox

Posted On: Dec 5, 2006
Views: 695
RE: fyuck.....

might have started but i heard about seretonin receptor damage and decided to fyuck that.

Posted By: your an idiot

Posted On: Dec 6, 2006
Views: 664
RE: fyuck.....

normaly i dont comment like this but since your being an idiot. *! CHILDREN LOOK AWAY !*

i have always associated ex with gay clubbers, who are dumber then rocks, and who are too scared to do harder drugs which are actually safer.

But hey a quicker way to go through this experiance would be to just smack yourself in the head with a hammer. It would be about the same amount of brain damage.

oull your head out of your ass.


Posted By: impersonator

Posted On: Dec 6, 2006
Views: 662
RE: fyuck.....

first of all, I happen to be a gay clubber so I guess the shoe fits, doesn't it.

Second, if you are going to call someone an idiot you should learn how to spell words like normally and experience and the difference between your and you're.

Posted By: impersonator

Posted On: Dec 7, 2006
Views: 659
RE: fyuck.....

wow, I knew that I'd get some negative feedback on this lol, but I was hoping that the person giving the feedback would be atleast half-way intelligent. Although I envy gay clubbers and their happy lifestyles that never seem to fade away, I am not one. I just wish that not all drugs were constantly looked at in such a negative light, and that some would see their uses in the world.

For me, X has opened up my eyes and has torn down some of the walls in life that can be really hard to get over. I don't use it to just "get ****ed up", or because I'm tired of being sober. I use it for self exploration, and bonding with others on a different level then what others are use to.

I hope that someday, you all can experience the same joys that I have, I think that happiness is worth risking your life over. Although, the chances of actually dieing from it are slim and none, I know of no one who has died from it.

peace and love,

Posted By: impersonator

Posted On: Dec 7, 2006
Views: 657
RE: fyuck.....

^^^ not me. Someone pretending to be me.

Posted By: wino

Posted On: Dec 7, 2006
Views: 654
RE: fyuck.....

How about just go for LSD or shrooms, those are real eye openers

Posted By: Sara Tonin

Posted On: Dec 7, 2006
Views: 647
RE: fyuck.....

As someone else stated, you are an idiot. Lots of people die from X. The number has been growing exponentially as more and more impure forms of X are being made. Even pure Ecstasy can kill you. You probably don't know anyone that has died because X damages memory. If you take more than 2 pills every 2-3 months, you are damaging your memory 20-40%. Another fact is that Ecstasy is a neurotoxin. Long term use causes permanent damage to the serotonin system.

Drugs are looked at in a negative light because they are negative and even the best of drugs are a trade-off. Taking Tylenol in large quantities over a long period of time can cause serious liver damage. Too much Aspirin can damage your stomach. Even birth control pills, one of the safest drugs in distribution, kills women every year.

X is not some magic drug that provides the user with some special insight into life. All it does is cause a mass dump of serotonin, resulting in a strong feeling of happiness and love. The problem is that all this serotonin use causes a shortage in the body and the user will go through a depression while the levels stabilize. Basically you are becoming bipolar temporarily. Long term, your body will adjust to the serotonin overload and the highs will get smaller and the lows will get much longer. Your body will not find normal levels of serotonin pleasurable so you will find it harder and harder to be happy.

Your claims that X has helped you in ways nothing else could just means you have some serious psychological issues that need to be dealt with in a safe manner. Trying to shortcut your way to some resolution will not work for you any more than alcohol does for a drunk.

Posted By: Justin

Posted On: Dec 7, 2006
Views: 643
RE: fyuck.....

X sucks. Just smoke or eat a little weed. There's nothing wrong with that.

Posted By: impersonator

Posted On: Dec 7, 2006
Views: 639
RE: fyuck.....

wow sara tonin....I don't know where you get your facts from, but you definately need to double check your sources. Plus, it's obvious that you haven't ever taken it. How can anyone just stand there and critique another persons statement, when they haven't ever experienced it themselves, and the only thing they can go off of, is the commercials or negative documentaries that they see on TV. Open your eyes people, experiment with life a little ffs.


Posted By: Sara Tonin

Posted On: Dec 7, 2006
Views: 637
RE: fyuck.....

You keep fooling yourself if you want. I don't really care and it isn't as if you are really damaging your future. Most cash registers have touch screens with pictures of the items or bar code scanners so you will be ok. It is not as if society will be losing a great mind. As far as my sources, they are solid. The information comes from actual objective research*, not propaganda for or against any particular drug. Those are the facts regarding Ecstasy. If you don't like them, all that says is you are in denial. That is actually a typical symptom of a regular X user. Interesting how you repeatedly come here looking for acceptance of your drug use and what that says about your state of mind.

I use the same sources of information to advice that Justin not smoke weed but eat it instead. Smoking any drug damages lungs and marijuana has 5 times the tar as tobacco. Eating it is safe and there is no studies that show long term damage from THC and CBD. It is less addictive and damaging than tobacco or alcohol. Hash is also stronger. The conversion in the liver makes it 3 times more psychoactive and last up to 4 hours. I am not into any drugs myself but if you must, hash is a safe way to go.

"Reduced in vivo binding to the serotonin transporter in the cerebral cortex of MDMA ("ecstasy") users."

Semple DM, Ebmeier KP, Glabus MF, O'Carroll RE, Johnstone EC (1999) Br J Psychiatry 175: 63-6

"Impaired cognitive performance in drug free users of recreational ecstasy (MDMA)"

Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Daumann J, Tuchtenhagen F, Pelz S, Becker S, Kunert H-J, Fimm B, Sass H (2000) J Neurol Neurosurg psychiatry 68: 179-725

Posted By: impersonator

Posted On: Dec 8, 2006
Views: 628
RE: fyuck.....

well Sara Tonin, thank you for atleast being open to weed. My stance on X, is that I don't like to do it often at all since the following days you become REALLY out of it and kind of depressed. In fact, I don't know if I really ever want to use it again since I went really far this time, and I don't want to push myself over that edge. I prefer the use of weed or hashish. Unfortunately.....the stuff stays in your system for about a month (varying from person to person of course). I just don't appreciate it very much when people talk about the dangers of something, and the negatives, without looking at the positives as well. I don't really think anybody uses any drug continually for the negative effects you know?

Posted By:

Posted On: Dec 8, 2006
Views: 611
RE: fyuck.....

At the risk of making you look like a total retard, I'd like to point out that addiction is a negative effect, and is why most people continually use drugs.

Posted By: Sara Tonin

Posted On: Dec 8, 2006
Views: 608
RE: RE: fyuck.....

I think you only made yourself look like a total retard. He stated people do not continually use any drug FOR the negative effect which would be correct.

Impersonator, I am not open to any drug, I am just telling you the facts and by facts I mean real facts and not propaganda facts from the government or the hippy culture. The fact is that hash is safer than alcohol or tobacco and as I said there is no studies that support the claim that it causes long term damage or is a gateway drug. THC is stored in body fat and slowly is released so it will show up on screening for at least a month. Hair tests can detect THC-COOH for up to 3 months. 99% of X is out of your system within 48 hours. 60% passes through your urine intact so if you want, you can drink that and get high again. X is not physically addictive but it is emotionally addictive.

As I said earlier (when you questioned my information) X causes a mass dump of serotonin. You can't have something for nothing so the end result is a serotonin shortage that can last for a few days, during which time you will suffer depression. Your body will quickly develop a tolerance to the elevated serotonin levels so your highs wont be as high and your lows will be lower. Since you are damaging your pleasure center you will tend to find it harder and harder to be happy in every day life. The memory loss problems are not limited to just long term users. People using as little at 20 tablets in their life exhibit memory problems.

People fixate on the negatives of drugs because they greatly overshadow any good. A couple hours of high is not a worthwhile trade for a few days feeling ****ty and the risk of developing permanent damage. You have to ask yourself what is wrong with your life that you will take that risk to escape for a few hours.

