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Posted By: Prongorg

Posted On: Aug 20, 2016
Views: 2423

But wat if jery get ipad

Posted By: Fabien

Posted On: Mar 6, 2010
Views: 4759
Final Fantasy series

I'm still clinging on FFVII, FFVIII, FFX and FFXII, but XIII is what appeals me the most for 2010

Oh yeah, viva Square-Enix, baby!!


Posted By: Leonhart231

Posted On: Aug 23, 2009
Views: 5170

I guess everyone else is in a different part of the world than me. Didn't realize that. lol All these except FF XIII have been released here in the US.

Posted By: Chris

Posted On: Jul 25, 2008
Views: 3934
I Have a cheat for the reel in FF7 Crisis Core!

E-mail me and I'll let you know what it is, you can try it on your game if you have it. Thanks.

Posted By: Rachelle

Posted On: Apr 15, 2008
Views: 2449

I love real time gaming! FF X11 is one of my favorites, the gambit system makes it as hands on or hands of as you like, and the challenge of real time battles is so much fun.
I have played it through 3 full times now, and can't wait for X111!
Thanks Steve for some great walkthroughs, I have enjoyed some of the older games much more fully because of them.
(BTW, I am a 44 year old mother of 2 gaming teens)

Posted By: tacobot

Posted On: Feb 14, 2008
Views: 2279

I actually don't mind the real time fighting. it still requires an immense amount of strategy. They have been working on blending turn based and real time fighting since FFVII with the ATB. (i'm not sure if they had that before FFVII cause i've never played them.) and i think they did very well in FFXII. It's not like you're just running around and mashing X to kill things. It is a little scary though because it's a new style of playing an RPG, but I have faith that Square-Enix won't ruin this awesome franchise.

Posted By: Game_Geeks

Posted On: Jan 22, 2008
Views: 1653

I wish they'd stick to turn based combat and not try to combine it with real time combat like in FFXII. I understand why then had to use that system in FFXI but that was because it was an MMO and couldn't be helped. Though I may give up on the FF series if it keeps going down the road it's on. I'll give FFXIII a try if I get a PS3 but if I don't like it then I'll begin my search for a new RPG series with turn based combat.