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Posted By: Cinealta Draiodoir

Posted On: Jan 17, 2008
Views: 671
How about odd questions?

Like who's that redhead in the cheetos commercial?

Why does getting cut not hurt until you see it?

Why do women seem to get ****ed at you for no apparent reason?

Why do you get treated like **** at work, while the person that calls in all the time and sucks at what they do get the promotion?

Why is there a rule #34, and from what list is this from?

Why do we say **** like, "I'm a cat person" instead of "I prefer cats to dogs"

Why do people who claim NOT to be racist say **** like, "thats Steve, my black friend" instead of "thats my friend Steve"

Why do women say they want a caring, nice, chivalrous man when they usually end up with an asshole that hits them and only wants to ****?

Why is it that nobody can answer these question without being a smart ass?

Posted By: paul

Posted On: Jan 17, 2008
Views: 668
RE: How about odd questions?

Who cares?

For normal people it hurts, you just have a genetic skin defect.


Douchebags promote douchebags

WTF are you talking about?

Because you're a moron.

Most racists are too ignorant to know they are racist

Psychosis comes with the PMS and the breasts

Impossible not to be cause half of your questions suck

Posted By: weeze

Posted On: Jan 17, 2008
Views: 658
RE: How about odd questions?

carrot top

stupidest question ever. pain does not depend on vision.

the very sight of fat virgins with hair half way down their back anger a lot of people.

(see above) plus the lazy ass that calls in all the time still does a better job than you

because guys like you will look at anything even if it involves a dwarf and a giraffe.

because they have 2 different meanings. one states you only like cats while the other says you have some level of interest in both but prefer cats. it's like asking why someone would say "i like chicks" instead of saying "i prefer women to men".

it depends on the situation as to whether it is racist. if there were 20 guys standing together all dressed like waldo, saying steve is your black friend would make sense since it is the easiest identifier. if steve was alone while you said that it would just show that you are trying to look cool because you hang out with minorities or you are assuming people would think that if you did not say that, they would think steve was your butler. since we all know you don't have any friends what is the point of this question anyhow?

A couple reasons. lots of women are insecure. the asshole that hits them and only wants to **** usually has a lot of self confidence. they are too stupid to know better. people are attracted to self confidence. caring,nice,chivalrous guys are usually insecure losers aka not attractive in the least. also, women like to **** too and some dork talking about chain maile or how many hit points his sword of destruction has is not a turn on.

because your reputation proceeds you and you are taken as seriously as chunk from the goonies.

Posted By: SoHappyTogether

Posted On: Jan 17, 2008
Views: 651
RE: How about odd questions?


Why did I quit coming here?

hi adam! love ya baby

Posted By: Cinealta Draiodoir

Posted On: Jan 17, 2008
Views: 645
RE: How about odd questions?


Posted By: Tee

Posted On: Jan 17, 2008
Views: 642
RE: How about odd questions?

One of the best posts evah!

Posted By: cool chick in boston

Posted On: Jan 18, 2008
Views: 633
RE: How about odd questions?

Here's one - why do people who are clearly sexist take a self-righteous tone about racism? (see above)

Posted By:

Posted On: Jan 18, 2008
Views: 627
RE: How about odd questions?

Why is it someone that doesn't know what sexist means would ask such a question?

