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Posted By: Cinealta Draiodoir

Posted On: May 21, 2008
Views: 1097
How's everybody doing?

Fresh sheets, Rainy days and Driving way fast. Actually, I've got a problem with driving to fast...I miss my old car. I added a performance chip, which also removed the speed limiter whatever thingy. I guess that and the red lights are what ****ed up the transmission. I'm driving moms piece of **** car now. (I take most of the family to work in that thing) it's a 2005 ford Taurus...uch...well, at least it runs, right? I only tried to push that one once, I did get it to 110, but my olds could go much higher and get there faster even though it was heavier...anyway, enough about ****ty cars...

How's everybody been? I just got out of the hospital, my blood pressure was way up there. It was 150/116 in the ER. The doc kept me for a few days to try and find out why, then he came in while I was watching the news, found out why, and sent me home, lol. It was kinda fun running on that tread mill though. Not so fun doing so shirtless hooked up to all kinds of wires, with two IVs and two hot nurses looking at my lame fat ass trying to run...(shutters) Anyway, I'm good now. Still no work, I'll starve to death before I go back to fast food. (I'm just inching my way to a Darwin Award aren't I?)

So how's everybody been? I see that the impersonators have run just about everyone off. Great (eyeroll)

Well, I'm off to bed. Good luck to you OT with all the business stuff. One of these days I hope to see some kind of show on comedy central featuring OT. It would be so much better than that Kenny vs. Spenny ****.

Posted By: Odd Todd

Posted On: May 21, 2008
Views: 1090
RE: How's everybody doing?

Coolio and thanks! Doing aok..

Posted By: Chili Bob

Posted On: May 21, 2008
Views: 1088
RE: How's everybody doing?

Hey Dragonmaster, when you come here to talk about yourself there is no need for the whole fake "how's everyone" question. We know that is just how you start of some BS you want to say about yourself.

First, you didn't buy a mod chip for any of your cars. They are pieces of **** and if a mod chip was even available, you couldn't afford it. You have been whining on here for years about not having money, not having a working car, or not having eyesight. Now why would you then be wasting money you don't have on a chip? What ****ed up your transmission was not red lights They were ****ed up because they were old and not maintained. Don't even pretend you service your vehicles. By your own admission you are lazy and you do not have the tools. You once were all excited because you changed a tire. No way could you repair a transmission. You never went 110 in your Taurus and you never went faster in your Olds. You probably went 80-85, got scared, and backed down. Even if you could get your POS cars to 110, given that you probably don't maintain them, you would probably would throw a rod or seize a piston. The tires are either well worn originals of cheapo replacements from WalMart so either way you don't have tires rated for 110MPH. They would overheat and blow.

Moving on to your hospital "story". a blood pressure of 150/116 is high but nowhere near a point where they would admit you for a few days. Since you are extremely overweight and probably have cardiomyopathy, it would take a doctor all of about 2 seconds to figure out why your blood pressure is high. Even a WV doctor wouldn't need 2 days. If you had been admitted for dangerously high BP levels the LAST thing they would ever do is stick you on a tread mill unless their goal really was to kill you.

There is one bit of truth to your whole post though. Kenny vs Spenny is pure ****. A long time ago Comedy Central was funny. Then some morons bought the channel and they wouldn't know funny if it was dry-humping their leg.

Posted By: Cinealta Draiodoir

Posted On: May 21, 2008
Views: 1084
RE: How's everybody doing?

I do actually wonder how everybody is doing. Like, have any of you had to cut back because of gas prices? ext. The "how are you doing" is an invitation to tell whatever you feel like telling me. I guess you doing a little bitchy there Chili Bob.

I payed less than $100 for that performance chip, and it's super easy to put in. They come for ALL cars. Your right though, I didn't add other apparently vital performance parts to match it, like a clutch for the trans...the whole blond thing catches up with me once in awhile. :-P All well, it's just a car.

They did the stress test after they got it down with meds. The doc wanted to see why someone 25 years old had BP this high. It was that high with my usual bp meds. They still haven't gotten back to me yet. The thyroid test came back fine, and the blood glucose thing was normal. He told me the chest pains could just be nerve damage from that mediport I used to have. I've been eating better for the last few months also, I have oatmeal for breakfast and Cheerios with skim milk and equal for snacks instead of my usual ****. I haven't even had a glass of Mt. Dew or bag of doritos for over a month. AND I"VE GAINED 20 ****ING LBS!!! ....sorry...just a little ****ed that I've done what the doc says and it's not working.

Posted By: Cinealta Draiodoir

Posted On: May 21, 2008
Views: 1081
RE: RE: RE: How's everybody doing?

Hey! Good news. I just had a job offer. It's not the best, I'll be putting together furniture and then driving it to customers houses... but it's a payday till I hear from something better.

Posted By: Chili Bob

Posted On: May 21, 2008
Views: 1076
RE: How's everybody doing?

Any Doctor that actually went to school for a degree would have looked at you and your history and would have known instantly why your blood pressure was high even at 25 years old. 150 is not not something they would admit you for regardless. They would have handed you a prescription and said "Next!". They would not have said "here we have a morbidly obese guy who has been overweight for a good portion of his life, and lives a sedentary life. Wonder why his blood pressure is high. Let's stick him on a treadmill and see what happens." They would have been more surprised if you didn't have high blood pressure.

You think you needed to replace a clutch in an automatic transmission? You spent $100 on a chip for your POS all the while you were complaining about not having money?

I don't think you were interested in hearing how anyone else is doing but to answer your question, no I haven't cut back on anything. I make money by the bushel basket so I am one of the lucky ones. I feel bad for the people that are actually working hard (not you) and still not making ends meet.

Posted By: WK

Posted On: May 21, 2008
Views: 1074
RE: How's everybody doing?

In answer to your question, CD, the gas prices aren't affecting me at all. I take a bus to work and the fare is still the same. I haven't seen a noticeable jump in grocery prices either.

Posted By: Chili Bob

Posted On: May 22, 2008
Views: 1064
RE: How's everybody doing?

I know automatics have clutches. They are not the same as a manual transmission pressure clutch and pressure plate. It is routine to have to replace a clutch in a manual transmission as miles add up. It is not routine to replace the clutches inside an automatic. That requires a complete overhaul and would probably cost more than just replacing the transmission. So when someone says they didn't add a better clutch to the transmission that always refers to a manual transmission upgrade. If for some reason you did wreck the clutches in your automatic, it was because it was a POS not because of excessive power.

a systolic of 150 is not normal. It should be around 110 to 120. A diastolic of 116 is above the normal of 70 to 89 and is unsafe. Given your high systolic and your weight it would not be any real shocker. Meds and advise for you to lose a few hundred pounds would do the trick.

I don't shop at Wal Mart for anything ever. What kind of bread are you buying that only costs $1.50? Generic white bread? No nutritional value in that crap. Buy good whole grain breads.

Posted By: Chili Bob

Posted On: May 22, 2008
Views: 1062
RE: How's everybody doing?

Oh, and I found this great site called google.com, it helps me find miscellaneous facts so I can pretend to know everything. Doesn't work as well in real life, but I don't exist there much anyway. My girlfriend is a brunette Habbo.

Posted By: Gordon

Posted On: May 22, 2008
Views: 1055
RE: How's everybody doing?

The limit on rice is due to the decrease in available food (especially in areas like Egypt, hence the food/water strikes). The decrease in food, I'm pretty sure, is due to people using a large amount of corn for ethanol, but that is just my guess. Probably one of the many contributors.

Posted By: Chili Bob

Posted On: May 22, 2008
Views: 1051
RE: How's everybody doing?

"Oh, and I found this great site called google.com, it helps me find miscellaneous facts so I can pretend to know everything. Doesn't work as well in real life, but I don't exist there much anyway. My girlfriend is a brunette Habbo."

How sad for you. Do you find it rough going through life being so stupid or is ignorance truly bliss? Next time you can just post with your name or at least add "-tard" to the end so everyone is clear that the post comes from the idiot that needs google to look up simple basic facts that everyone should already know.

Posted By: Chili Bob

Posted On: May 22, 2008
Views: 1048
RE: How's everybody doing?

"If for some reason you did wreck the clutches in your automatic, it was because it was a POS not because of excessive power."

"a systolic of 150 is not normal. It should be around 110 to 120. A diastolic of 116 is above the normal of 70 to 89 and is unsafe."

Sorry folks, I asked around and I am obviously out of touch. Most people don't know what the hell I'm talking about. Come to think of it, I barely know what I'm talking about. I found some words I couldn't pronounce and some numbers I couldn't count to with my fingers so I figured they would make me look smart if I posted them here.

Posted By: Chili Bob

Posted On: May 22, 2008
Views: 1043
RE: RE: How's everybody doing?

I understand it bothers you that you are as dumb as a stump and big words scare you. Had you stayed in school long enough to go through basic health training (around 8th grade) you would have been taught all about medical voodoo magic like blood pressure, pulse, and blood type. If you stopped watching porn for just one hour a day and instead watched something educational you might even learn what crazy big words like "systolic" and "diastolic" mean and why when you went in for your hemisperectomy, the doctors couldn't figure out you had no EEG activity and instead only heard the sound of the ocean.

I'm sure you will need to spend several hours doing google searches to find out what all these big words like "dumb" and "stump" mean. It will probably anger you even more to know that I didn't need to do any searches to write this and that not only can I pronounce every word but I also know all their meanings. I bet it makes you want to kick the dog and throw feces around your room.

You forgot to add the "-tard" to the end of your name again. Don't fret, you'll get in eventually and until then we can easily pick your posts out. Best of luck Clili Bob-tard.

Posted By: Cinealta Draiodoir

Posted On: May 22, 2008
Views: 1039
RE: How's everybody doing?

Wow...it could just be that I've been up for almost 2 days now, but I'm a little confused about who is who here...anyway...I'll just drop the hospital stuff.

I wonder why were just using corn here in America for bio-fuels? Admittedly I know little how they actually make the stuff, but I'm guessing they turn the starch in corn into what is basically cheap alcohol? Pretty much the same stuff rednecks around here have been adding to their gas tanks for years for "that little boost"?

Anyway, why are we just using corn? Seems like any starchy or sugary plant could be turned into Ethanol....?

If it's such a drain on the food supply why don't they cross a corn or potato plant with something like sea weed or whatever grows in the ocean. Looks like that would be plenty of room to grow our fuel...and yes I realize that is an extremely simple view, but sometimes the most simple solutions are the best...

Posted By:

Posted On: May 23, 2008
Views: 1004
RE: RE: How's everybody doing?

The Senate passed a dumbass bill requiring a certain amount of corn ethanol to be produced. Ethanol is, indeed, related to alcohol, and can be used as fuel. Corn is used because it is the most efficient (read: cheapest) source of ethanol- see also "high-fructose CORN syrup" on every crappy food ever. As a result of a shitload of corn suddenly not being food anymore, companies started turning to wheat and rice for things corn used to be used for. This has put a strain on the supplies of all three crops, and resulted in higher prices.

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