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Posted By: Hellsing999

Posted On: Jul 22, 2008
Views: 1475
Nina XD

I wuv Nina. I dont care if she`d eat me, i love that girl XD

Posted By: Erin Ptah

Posted On: Jul 21, 2008
Views: 1437

Oh, for crying out loud. I'm looking for accuracy, not a vote total that suits my own personal preferences. (Otherwise, don't you think Integra would be in first place? Use your head.)

I don't know what's happened to any uncounted votes for Incognito, and I would really appreciate it if the people currently voting up Kim would STFD and stop screwing with my poll.

Posted By: Tsukasa_Macleod

Posted On: Jul 20, 2008
Views: 1442
selective vote counting

Myself and at least 3 others have voted for incognito. But he only has one recorded vote. I think you aren't counting them simply because you hate Incognito. Once again, I don't see what you have against him.

Posted By: Erin Ptah

Posted On: Jul 20, 2008
Views: 1429

Someone admitted to having fixed votes in Rip's favor, so I made an adjustment based on her relative popularity before the fixing started.

This isn't going to affect things like "how much I use them in the comic"; I'm just looking for accuracy.

Also: Meimi gets a vote? Awesome!

Posted By: VonRipper

Posted On: Jul 20, 2008
Views: 1413
Huh? What's going on?

Didn't Rippy used to have forty something votes? I'm confused...


Posted By: Zox

Posted On: Jul 20, 2008
Views: 1403
St. Tail!

My "somebody else" vote goes to Meimi Haneoka. :)

Posted By: Tsukasa_Macleod

Posted On: Jul 12, 2008
Views: 1491
Incognito rocks!

I LIKE Incognito, It was cool to have an epic fight between two true undead warriors. I don't know what people have against him! He kicks ass!

Posted By: Erin Ptah

Posted On: Jul 3, 2008
Views: 1609
Re: Nina

Nina's there! Right between Stephen Colbert and the sailor senshi ^_^

Posted By: Hellsing999

Posted On: Jul 3, 2008
Views: 1622

..... no Nina choice? T_____T

Posted By: Seamus Osuillabhein

Posted On: Jul 1, 2008
Views: 1598
Vive Pip!

The only mercenary you could actually call lovable! Thank god he's getting SOME character dev from someone ^.^

Posted By: Udoran

Posted On: Jun 23, 2008
Views: 1594

*blink*.....*sneaks over to Alucard and steals his hat*

Posted By: VonRipper

Posted On: Jun 22, 2008
Views: 1613

Rippy is in first place?
::jumps for joy::

Wow. =^__^= This is a happy day.

Posted By: ObsessiveOtakuChick

Posted On: Jun 21, 2008
Views: 1543
Decisions, Decisions...

Um...Alucard! No, Integra! No, Alucard! No, Pip! No, Integra! No, Alucard! No, Heinkel! No, Young Walter! No, Integra! No wait, I was right the first time, Alucard!

*Curls into fetal position and rocks back and forth, unable to choose.*

Posted By: Kai-chan

Posted On: Jun 15, 2008
Views: 1575

The Doctor, but not that particular one -sweatdrop- I couldn't help myself.

Posted By: Xuanwu

Posted On: Jun 14, 2008
Views: 1523

Gotta go with Rippy on this one, because she needs more love. And now she's tied for 4th place! Not bad.

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