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Posted By: Cinealta Draiodoir

Posted On: Jun 11, 2008
Views: 694

Why is it that everybody seems to forget that religion and politics are to be kept separate? Not only is it in our constitution, but look at who we are at war with, a religious run government. It doesn't matter what religion. And I love to tell you this, but you Muslims and Christians are VERY similar.

Well, anyway. Not that anything I say matters.

I probably won't be back much, if at all this week. I'm working lots and when I'm not working I'm studying. I did tell you people I'm working on my EMT stuff right?

Posted By: YoMamma

Posted On: Jun 11, 2008
Views: 690
RE: Religion...

It is freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. The constitution only requires that government place no restrictions or interference with religion. Religion CAN and DOES place restrictions and interfere with government. You'd be surprised at who REALLY owns the land your house is on as well as your local gov't buildings. Chances are it's that church you scoff at.

Posted By: city dba

Posted On: Jun 11, 2008
Views: 688
RE: RE: Religion...

Um as far as separation of religion and politics - the issue is not whether or not he has a right to go to a church of his choice, the issue is that do you want your president to be someone who goes to a church led by a crazy rascist? I'm not anti-Obama or anything like that I am just saying I can see where it would bother people if they think a candidate's religious values are all out of whack nutso.

Posted By: wazoo

Posted On: Jun 11, 2008
Views: 677
RE: Religion...

Dragonmaster, you are an idiot. You always go on about separation of church and state like there is a brick wall between them. Instead of showing everyone how uneducated you are, why not just spend some time learning what Thomas Jefferson meant when he created the freedom from religion laws in Virginia that were used as a model for the constitution.

Posted By: Joe Sixpack

Posted On: Jun 11, 2008
Views: 673
RE: Religion...

"And I love to tell you this, but you Muslims and Christians are VERY similar."

OK, Cinealta, explain the similarities. Really. Then the differences. I, and I'll bet a number of people, would like hear your views on this subject.

Posted By: Cinealta Draiodoir

Posted On: Jun 11, 2008
Views: 666
RE: Religion...

LOL, I've been driving old, senile, dementia patients from nursing homes all day. I come home and read this and there's really not much difference in the way you people talk, LOL

You know what. **** it. None of you people are going to be persuaded by any ****ing thing I say so I'm not going to waste my time here. LOL.

And you know what else? All of you christians out there, go buy a Koran and read it. It's not my place to push religion on you. You missed my point in my last post. If your content to blind faith and not for looking for yourself you can go fornicate yourself with a rusty iron stick.


Posted By: JesuMohamaHindaBuddaStein

Posted On: Jun 11, 2008
Views: 665
RE: Religion...

The MCAA, Muslim Christian Alliance Association, agree on ten principles, what the Christians want to change about America and what the muslims hate are the same.

1. Quit marrying fags.
2. Don't force women to work by taking money from men.
3. Allow people to worship freely.
4. Stop killing babies.
5. Help people in your own country first.
6. Allow only the best to succeed.
7. Allow divorce only for infidelity and death.
8. Do not imprison the poor for crimes of poverty.
9. Military service should be required.
10. Voting should be required.

With all of these changes, America would be stronger and most capable of bringing forth what this world needs.

Posted By: Cinealta Draiodoir

Posted On: Jun 12, 2008
Views: 658
RE: Religion...

some of the reasons I converted years ago...anyway...

Sorry about how I acted yesterday. I've only got so much patience, and I save it for the patents. ...I"m sure I've ****ed up the spelling on those, but on almost 0 sleep who gives a ****?

Posted By: thankfully not you

Posted On: Jun 12, 2008
Views: 649
RE: Religion...

"With all of these changes, America would be stronger and most capable of bringing forth what this world needs. "

Most ridiculous statement ever. The big change that needs to take place in this country in order to make it stronger is for wackos like you to spend some time learning why this country was started and understanding the concept of individual freedom means. It most certainly does not mean "you are free to do anything, as long as the fanatical right approves". Neanderthals like you bring shame on the whole human race.

Posted By: DidSum1SayDonuts

Posted On: Jun 12, 2008
Views: 647
RE: Religion...

Look at who were the ones who drafted the constitution and signed it. All of them Masons and all of them Christians. Get you facts straight unless you are too crooked to do so.

Posted By: Rev. John

Posted On: Jun 13, 2008
Views: 635
RE: Religion...

Any body who's been duped into thinking Isalm and Christianity are "similar" needs to compare:

The Words of Christ:

Mat 5:44 I [Jesus] say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.

1Th 5:15 See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good.

Rom 13:9 Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

Mat 5:44 Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.

Rom 13:10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

The words of Muhammad:

009.005 fight and slay the Pagans ''''wherever'''' ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war.

033.061 They shall have a curse on them: whenever they are found, they shall be seized and slain (without mercy). Cursed: wherever they are found they shall be seized and murdered, a (horrible) murdering

009.123 O ye who believe! fight the unbelievers who gird you about, and let them find firmness in you.

047.004 Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers in fight [jihad], smite at their necks. [Behead them!]

005.033 THE PUNISHMENT of those who '''wage war''' against Allah and His Messenger IS: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet.

033.050 O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee; and daughters of thy paternal uncles and aunts, and daughters of thy maternal uncles and aunts, who migrated from Makka with thee; and any believing woman who dedicates her soul to the Prophet if the Prophet wishes to wed her;- this only for thee, and not for the Believers at large

033.051 Thou mayest defer the turn of any of them that thou pleasest, and thou mayest receive any thou pleasest: and there is no blame on thee if thou invite one whose turn thou hadst set aside. This were nigher to the cooling of their eyes, the prevention of their grief, and their satisfaction - that of all of them - with that which thou hast to give them

Pay close attention to the following:

033.052 It is not lawful for thee to marry more women after this, nor to change them for other wives, even though their beauty attract thee, except any thy right hand should possess as handmaidens

They are permitted to trade back and forth the ones they took as prisoners of war [after killing their men] - as though they are merchandise just so they can have their way with them. [''justifiable'' mass rape. This is Islam]

The non-Muslim men are to be slaughtered [until the land is thoroughly subdued 008.067 ] and their wives and daughters raped by Muslim men - as they please.

See the difference? Between the two?

Or have you been completely and thoroughly decieved?

Posted By: thankfully not you

Posted On: Jun 13, 2008
Views: 621
RE: Religion...

"Look at who were the ones who drafted the constitution and signed it. All of them Masons and all of them Christians. Get you facts straight unless you are too crooked to do so."

You must have flunked out of History. All of them were NOT Masons and all of them were NOT Christians. A good many of them were Deists. Buffoon.

