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Posted By: KO

Posted On: Jun 11, 2008
Views: 667
What about having no clear plans?

Jeeze! The guy is all talk. He spouts all these lovely dreams for a better America but really has not demonstrated how he would attain them. I'm all for decreasing our huge debt, environmentalism, improving the economy, saving social security, reducing our demand for energy, world peace, etc. If he is elected, he will likely do squat for these and other issues. He is all talk and has not demonstrated how he would even start solving these issues. The man has no experience and does not surround himself with a brilliant group of advisors. I'm not saying he would be a bad president, just there is no evidence pointing to the fact that he would make a good president. At least McCain has experience and plans.

Posted By: Usa Aok Mister

Posted On: Jun 11, 2008
Views: 662
RE: What about having no clear plans?

Oh yeah, McCain has plans alright... and experience too!!!


Posted By: Elmo

Posted On: Jun 11, 2008
Views: 655
RE: What about having no clear plans?

John McCain is very much not equipped to be President. Anyone "man" who can take it in the ass from W for that long and flip flopping around on all issues is not a strong man. He's just an old man.

Posted By: wazoo

Posted On: Jun 11, 2008
Views: 650
RE: What about having no clear plans?

KO, your logic holds water like a rusty old colander. History is filled with examples of leaders with "experience" failing and leaders with none succeeding. You only have to look back to George Bush Sr. He had 25 years of political experience before becoming President. As a President he was a failure in pretty much all areas. The only thing he will be known for is vomiting on the Japanese Prime Minister and the quote "Read my lips...". JFK on the other hand came in with the same criticisms of being unexperienced and having no plans. He was also viewed as trouble because he was Catholic. He is regarded as one of the best Presidents in the countries history.

Posted By: KO

Posted On: Jun 11, 2008
Views: 643
RE: What about having no clear plans?

I agree Kennedy was a great president. He had little political experience himself, but came from a very political family and surrounded himslef with some of the most brilliant people to ever serve their country.

Experience or not, Obama still has no concrete plans to attain any of his goals. I applaud him for going after some of the big issues, but I would not vote for him unless he outlined HOW he would attain his goals.

What would really help the whole political situation is if a third political party could actually gain some ground. The last few elections have been more about who not to vote for. It seems to me that if a majority of America is voting for the lesser of two evils, the system is broken.

Posted By: GinFilledBunnies

Posted On: Jun 11, 2008
Views: 641
RE: What about having no clear plans?

Really, Kennedy was a great president. Or is that what they told you to believe. He was horrible. Smoking pot, getting drunk and screwing around on Jackie. He also went after the Mafia. He let the Commies into our Hemishpere. He violated the Monroe Doctrine. That in my books was a Capitol Offense and punishment was delivered.

Posted By: ceeks

Posted On: Jun 11, 2008
Views: 634
RE: What about having no clear plans?

what about checking out his website?

Posted By: GinFilledBunnies

Posted On: Jun 11, 2008
Views: 629
RE: What about having no clear plans?

I have shit for brains

Posted By: jd

Posted On: Jun 12, 2008
Views: 613
RE: What about having no clear plans?

Well I'm sure Sen. McCain would love to personaly add his/W's "plans" to this thread...oh but that's right, he just admitted that he's never used a computer in his life and relies on his botox infused, pain-killer ridden, Foundation-robbing wife to do it for him.

Posted By: Bob

Posted On: Jun 13, 2008
Views: 585
RE: What about having no clear plans?

It doesn't matter that he has no clear plans, there is precedent. FDR had no clear plans and he turned into one of the greatest presidents in history, through tenacity and just being willing to try new things.

