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Posted By: Joe Sixpack

Posted On: Jun 13, 2008
Views: 600
Days of Outrage

OK, does anybody else here think that there will be some major crap hitting the fan if Obama is NOT elected Prez? Especially if the election is as close as it was in 2000, which, let's face it, it just might be.

I'm talking Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, "Day of Outrage". I'm talking Tawanna Brawley, Michael Stewart, Rodney King, Sean Bell. Massive protests, LA riots, violence in the streets. Stuff like that.

Please, no racist comments here, and if you think what I said above IS racist, it's not.
There's a history here- these are just the facts.

Posted By: whitey

Posted On: Jun 13, 2008
Views: 591
RE: Days of Outrage

Yes, I will be out there rioting too.

Posted By: ...

Posted On: Jun 13, 2008
Views: 589
RE: RE: Days of Outrage


Posted By: Blueboy

Posted On: Jun 13, 2008
Views: 586
RE: Days of Outrage

I'll be outraged. I wouldn't riot, but I'm sick of our country going in the wrong direction. If McCain gets elected it would be the same as electing Bush for a 3rd term. I don't understand how anyone could think that would be a good thing.

Posted By: Joe Sixpack

Posted On: Jun 13, 2008
Views: 581
RE: RE: Days of Outrage

Duly noted.

But what I'm really trying to figure out here is if Obama loses, especially by a slim margin, the so-called "leaders" in the black community will take it on themselves to organize protests and stuff to overturn the vote- like they do whenever there's a devisive, racially-charged issue such as Rodney King, and they don't like the verdicts that are handed down by the courts.

Posted By: whitey

Posted On: Jun 13, 2008
Views: 576
RE: Days of Outrage

they may make a fuss but who cares? there are much more important issues at stake that supersede the grievances of the black community.

and by the way let's not forget obama is half white.

Posted By: Gordon

Posted On: Jun 14, 2008
Views: 556
RE: RE: Days of Outrage

Um, no, I don't think so. Nor do I think leaders of the white community will riot if McCain loses.
It will be truly outrageous if McCain wins though. This country simply can't survive 4 more years of Iraq and the same Repubiclan ideals in the office.

