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Posted By: Barack Hussein Obama

Posted On: Oct 6, 2008
Views: 374

I'd use it to start paying back all the people pulling out all the stops (getting convicted felons the right to vote, for example) to ensure that I have the votes- by any means necessary- to take the White House for my liberal agenda. Not to mention all the hush money I've been paying to keep my past hidden from the people who I've brainwashed into thinking I'm the man for the job.

Responses from this group of deluded individuals to follow shortly.

I just "Hope" that they don't all come to their senses and "Change" their minds about voting for a man with no leadership experience, a virtual unknown four years ago, who also- coincidence?- has a Muslim first, middle AND last name.

That would be bad. Very bad. For me.

Posted By: Barry O'Bama

Posted On: Oct 6, 2008
Views: 372
RE: Payback

Me again- my handlers told me to drop the ****ing Arab terrorist name, and try to sound more "regular guy-ish"- not an easy task considering I'm a Harvard- educated elitist who knows you're all bitter people clinging to your guns and religion. Please don't use them on me, as much as you want to.

Oh, and they told me to mention that I like peanut butter, too- whatever that is- because apparently the polls say that 12% of Odd Todd's readers will vote for me based on that.

How many gay child molesters are out there?

Posted By: OsamaBinLaden

Posted On: Oct 6, 2008
Views: 368
RE: Payback

You know it is hard enough with the dialysis everyday. Now there are these two jokers running for office in the great evil empire the USA. They are totally ripping off my name, ObamaBiden, OsamaBinladen. If you say it real quick there really is no difference at all. He is just another coat tail rider. Quit stealing my thunder. Infadels!

Posted By: Dip**** racist redneck moron

Posted On: Oct 6, 2008
Views: 354
RE: RE: RE: Payback

Hi, it's me again. I'm posting under my real name this time because it is obvious by now I am one stupid mother****er that will come up with anything I can think of to belittle Obama in order to hide my racism.

I like to point out "facts" about Obama that I truly believe regardless of the fact that they have been proven overwhelmingly false for months. I do this as a distraction to keep me from dealing with the truth about my candidate.

I mean so what if he pulled every string he could to keep his Navy career alive despite crashing 3 planes. So what if he ran below deck on his aircraft carrier to the pilots lounge during one of the worst fires aboard a ship in Navy history while his fellow shipmates died trying to save others. So what if he then jumped on a helicopter with a reporter for some "R and R" (his words) and then used his connections to get transferred to another ship. So what if he has manipulated his POW story for his own gain. So what if he cheated on his former model wife for 9 months after she had a car accident that caused serious damage to her legs. So what if he took yearly vacations with Keating and was his political pawn for years. So what if he used his political influence to block or stall the Keating investigation. So what if he stalled the investigation of his wife's drug abuse until she was able to "confess" on TV. So what if he used his Senate position to pressure the FCC to approve a TV station for one of his friends. So what if he set up a 501c3 org that happens to get all of its donations from his lobbyist friends. So what if he is a hothead that calls his wife a **** and pushes wheelchair bound mothers of vets and swears at them. So what if he has documented flip-flops on most every major issue. So what if I haven't even scratched the surface of all that is wrong with McCain.

At least he isn't a scary black man that is more educated than I am. At least he doesn't have a funny name.

Posted By: Barack "YoMama" Obama

Posted On: Oct 7, 2008
Views: 345
RE: RE: Payback

Ah, yes, I see my little minions have responded already. As I, with my elite Harvard education, knew they would. Notice how in their little tirade, not once did they say anything positive about me, or refute any facts I stated about myself, but instead spewed forth a barage of hate and negativity about my opponent. I just love it when they cloud the waters so much that you, the bitter gun-and Bible-totin' rednecks who now are key to my campaign, cannot see me for who I really am. Excellent work, minion. Excellent. You will be rewarded.

For a candidate such as myself, who supposedly is all about "Hope" and "Change" in Washington, yet espouses such dirty politics, to still remain in the running only proves my point. And that being that the American voters, let's face it, are schmucks. As proved by the responses above.

By the way, you may have noticed I changed my name again, as my puppetmasters have reminded me that in successfully brainwashing the American public into not noticing I'm black, I've probably lost the black vote. So, "what up, dog?" "Get down with your bad self, Bro". Are you convinced yet?

Besides, as I've said many times on the campaign trail in Germany and Kenya, this isn't about race. This is about the smoke and mirrors I need to keep people from noticing how incredibly unqualified I am to lead this nation, or anything for that matter.

Now, if only history won't repeat itself- in that the vast majority of supposedly "liberal" voters will switch their votes at the last minute, as they are secretly the biggest group of hypocritical racist bastards anywhere- I would actually stand a chance of pulling this scam off.

Pass the Kool-Aid, minion.

Posted By: B.O. Bama

Posted On: Oct 7, 2008
Views: 342
RE: Payback

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081007/ap_on_re_af/af_kenya_obama_author_de tained

This is how we handle the voices of criticism. Kenya-style. You'll never see this infidel again.

You've been warned.

Posted By: Dip**** racist redneck moron

Posted On: Oct 7, 2008
Views: 322
RE: RE: Payback

See how I do it. I ignore everything said about McCain and attempt to spin this all back to the illusion that Obama is the bad guy here. Now I know that his life, both personal and political, as well as his mother's life are well documented. I know that all of the GOP claims against him are half-truths or outright lies and they really are grasping at straws to come up with anything they can spin. That isn't important. What is important is that enough idiots like me believe it all while at the same time turn a blind eye on what a truly bad choice McCain is. Unfortunately, it appears less and less are drinking our Kool-aid :(

T will continue to do my part by spouting out lie after lie and still claim to be a free thinker and then call anyone that sees me for what I truly am a minion.

Yes, I know that technically I am the schmuck as I have proven with my racial attacks and brain-dead comments. I am totally clueless and it shows. But so what! Don't start up with all your facts because I refuse to allow you use them to wreck my arguments. I don't care if everyone on the planet says Obama is not Muslim, I am going to keep saying he is because he has a funny name. He also has a name that sounds like he could be a terrorist so I'm going to assume he is. It is well known that everyone with the name "Adolf" is a megalomaniac hellbent on genocide. Everyone with the middle name of Wayne is a gay serial killer that enjoys painting pictures of clowns. And I think we can agree that the guy with one house and one car is far more of an elitest than the guy with 8 houses and 13 cars.

You may think I am bitter. Hell yes I am bitter. My candidate doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning. He's losing states left and right. So now we are going to have a black man as president. How do you think that makes me feel. I feel inferior and inadequate enough as it is without that piled on top.

Posted By: B.O.Bama

Posted On: Oct 7, 2008
Views: 314
RE: Payback

That's a lie. "Everybody" on the planet is not saying I'm not a Muslim- just me and my diehard supporters.

By definition, I can't be the Christian I claim to be. Too many out and out contradictions from anybody's definition of "Christianity". There's more than enough information out there to prove that point, if you care to look for it.

So. I'm not a Christian, so that makes me a liar and a blasphemer. So, you ****ing answer me- what am I?

Posted By: B.O.Bama

Posted On: Oct 9, 2008
Views: 291
RE: Payback

And now the sh*t's really hitting the fan about me not only being a f*cking New Party far left socialist, but lying my bl*ck ass off about it for years.

I am so f*cked now. I'm giving up this whole running for President scam- I knew I couldn't pull it off, I kept telling Michelle.

Posted By: 8-

Posted On: Oct 10, 2008
Views: 275
RE: Payback

Obama's gonna win.

It's not that bad, racists.

He's half white.

