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Posted By: Ashley

Posted On: Dec 3, 2008
Views: 793

Todd, I felt the same way this time last year, so I decided to catch up on Lost before it started last season. When it first came out, I thought the same thing about it being weird and stupid with aliens and polar bears and crap. I was so wrong. It is the best show I have ever watched! There are so many details and overlapping plots that you can not jump in in the middle.

The good news is, ABC has every episode available to watch on their website (which is how I did it). If you start watching it, realize that it is a big time commitment to get caught up, but it is completely worth it. Also, to keep track of what is going on, I often read stuff at It is fun to read the theories. I also listen to the Jack & Jack podcast where viewers call in about what is going on on the show.

Have no fear that the end will be stupid and unresolved. The producers have promised that it won't end in some cop out like "it was all a dream" or aliens. They have already planned out the rest of the show, and told the main actor who plays Jack what happens. None of the rest of the actors know how it will end.

If you like Stephen King stuff, you will love this show. Other shows on TV are like magazine articles, and LOST is a novel. I think it will go down as a show that changed television.

I can't wait until January 21st!