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Post InfoTOPIC: i am stupid
Posted By: gunfever

Posted On: Sep 24, 2009
Views: 221
i am stupid

i am stupid **** cuz i called out again and didnt do **** just posted some dumb **** so im the one makeing me laugh im a lil pussy nigga ****

Posted By: gunfever

Posted On: Sep 24, 2009
Views: 219
RE: i am stupid

**** atleast rewording my posts is more creative atleast u dumb qweers are improving dumb fagits nigga ****

Posted By: **** u nigga ****

Posted On: Sep 26, 2009
Views: 217
RE: i am stupid

**** u nigga ****

Posted By: gunfever

Posted On: Sep 27, 2009
Views: 215
RE: i am stupid

ya **** u pussy u cany say anything **** nigga

