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Posted By: cp

Posted On: Aug 3, 2003
Views: 507
fix ur site

i wana download hm64 cause mine broke so fix ur site

Posted By: FarmerHMgurl

Posted On: Feb 17, 2002
Views: 522
HM 4 girl

Hey, I think all the HM games r awesome, but i would also like 2 c u cover hm 4 girl. Right now it is only in japenese, but i have heard alot about it through web sites, and it sounds great. There have been all kinds of petitions circulating so i think they're gonna translate it 2 english soon, and i would be deeply obliged if u would cover HM 4 girl. Thanx


Posted By:

Posted On: Sep 4, 2001
Views: 528

i like them all

Posted By:

Posted On: Sep 2, 2001
Views: 528

dude y? don't u have 64 on here?

Posted By:

Posted On: Aug 25, 2001
Views: 528

i think u should show all of them so people dont have to go to unreliable sites

Posted By:

Posted On: Aug 20, 2001
Views: 528

great site the colors hurt my eyes though

Posted By:

Posted On: Aug 1, 2001
Views: 528

harvest moon64 should be number 1 on your list because it has more stuff in it than the Harvest Moon Gb, GBC, and GBc2

Posted By:

Posted On: Jul 29, 2001
Views: 528

they all rock but i have all of them so i would get the strategy for all of them (if i get stuck)

Posted By:

Posted On: Jul 17, 2001
Views: 528


Posted By:

Posted On: Jul 8, 2001
Views: 528

do you ever see the snes version for sale anyore?

Posted By:

Posted On: Jul 6, 2001
Views: 528

your site sucks

Posted By:

Posted On: Jul 3, 2001
Views: 528


Posted By:

Posted On: Jun 26, 2001
Views: 528

Harvest Moon 64 rulz! HM64 fans email me at:

Posted By:

Posted On: Jun 18, 2001
Views: 528

I wish that I could get Harvest moon SNES!

Posted By:

Posted On: Jun 9, 2001
Views: 523

al l of them

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Harvest Moon World 64