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Posted By: me

Posted On: Sep 27, 2001
Views: 387


Posted By: Felicity Campbell

Posted On: Sep 24, 2001
Views: 390
You really do need more pictures

You really do need more pictures because so far you have what, 7? That isnt enough to even make this a website. You have a couple good ones, and maybe you should just put them all on one page, instead of having to click on heaps of links to view one picture at a time. Well thats enough insults from me, hope you learnt something, and next time, dont waste my time by making me come here.

(Note: that isnt my real address so u cant abuse me back, hahahahahahhahahahahhhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahah ahahhahahahahhahahahaaahahaaaaaa ha ah haaa..)

Posted By:

Posted On: Aug 26, 2001
Views: 391

these are really good adoptable and can i put one in my neoshop?

Posted By:

Posted On: Aug 22, 2001
Views: 391

Sorry but u should get some more good 1's and have a doll maker if ya need props email me at

Posted By:

Posted On: Aug 13, 2001
Views: 391

Theese arent really adoptables, theyre neodolls! change th link,,,

Posted By:

Posted On: Aug 11, 2001
Views: 391

you REALLY should add some more


Adoptable dolls