CERULEAN STUDIOS - PORTSTotal Comments 560 | Start A New Topic
TopicRepliesViewsStarted ByDate
Java12481ziggyOct 20, 2001
don't care just fix some bugs0274Zero_-_NLNov 12, 2001
NOOOOOOO0302XmSDec 1, 2001
Solaris?0244wysoftNov 7, 2001
BeOS1277wonkoNov 10, 2001
Windows Platforms7298WinXP ManOct 16, 2001
Java Portability11409WierNov 3, 2001
BeOS1281WesOct 16, 2001
Java would be best3305WebMasterPNov 15, 2001
Trillian in WAP!2316vonwerdtNov 29, 2001
BSD0279vincentmeanieOct 23, 2001
Port it to Jave... Once5271TrinitionNov 13, 2001
Beos4343TrilllNov 30, 2001
MacOSX2340TiMACothyDec 2, 2001
OS/22331Tim SerraOct 23, 2001
UNIX Port would allow other ports easily1394TimOct 19, 2001
Only reason I'm still on windows2288the great darkNov 16, 2001
Web-based client1299thadkOct 18, 2001
BeOS!1258T-ballNov 25, 2001
Psion1265Stephen SaidOct 27, 2001
RiscOS2313Stephen GrantOct 22, 2001
Java should be first14469StephOct 16, 2001
EPOC3255SpyDir2kNov 14, 2001
Java5270Spit_FireOct 25, 2001
Port it to the Xbox first8311Someone who caresOct 16, 2001
What about AtheOS?0342SolitudeNov 9, 2001
Linux has several existing alternatives2276SiWNov 7, 2001
haha Amiga still alive... never thought of that2294Sheean SpoelNov 17, 2001
I know what EPOC is, but PalmOS would be beter...0225Sheean SpoelNov 17, 2001
completed?4446Sheean SpoelNov 27, 2001
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