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Post InfoTOPIC: the return of Christ
Posted By: Lionhearts

Posted On: Jun 27, 2003
Views: 314
the return of Christ

To all Americans out there,if you haven`t found Jesus,then I strongly suggest you do. You don`t want to miss the train and be left behind to suffer the supernatural nightmares that will come soon.The Antichrist is alive and well and sits on his throne in Madrid,Spain.Jesus died for each and every sin of all of mankind.You were forgiven over 2000 years ago,and that is why GOD went willingly to the cross for us,and at that same moment in time Satan knew that Christ had overcome death,and Satan knew he had lost and that his days were numbered. Since "ALL"not just some but "ALL"WERE FORGIVEN AND FORGOTTEN,then all "ANYONE"has to do is get on your knees and ask GOD {Jesus) to come into your heart and life as your personal Savior,and HE will instantaneously,and bingo,you will have received the "gift" of Eternal Life. When Satan incarnates into the body of Antichrist,and rules this Earth for 42 months it will be the worst experience for mankind in all of recorded history. Demons will walk this world openly and pestilence,nuclear war,lawlessness,cannibalism,earthquakes that move entire continents,murders,rapes,chaos,terror,and God`s wrath and judgement will be poured out on those who haven`t accepted HIM but denied HIM instead.Those that have chosen Satan as their god,will be damned,while those that haven`t accepted Jesus at that time,will suffer great persecution and will have to forfeit their lives to save their eternal souls from damnation,while those that decide to take the mark of the ANTICHRIST (beast)will temporarily save their lives but will be cast into the molten sulphur{as their spirits are eternally conscious of their plight)along with satan and his disciples.Hell is temporary,while the lake of fire is eternal torment where your soul never dies.Their will be Billions of tormented,agonized,souls screaming out in pain to no avail.This is called the 2nd Death (Spiritual Death) and is in such a horrible place,not even the HOLY SPIRIT WILL BE FOUND THERE.We have an asteroid in a collision course with Earth and a 10th Planet named Nemesis which passes near the Earth every 10,000 years or so and wreaks havoc on this Planet and others in it`s destructive path,and it`s due this Summer. Please do the right thing if you haven`t did so already,because this is just a one shot deal. Peace breathren.