Posted By: Hannibal

Posted On: Jul 2, 2003
Views: 445

I find The Leonard Peltier fiasco,where he was found guilty of murder of Federal Bureau of Intimidation agent that was trying to send Mr.Peltier to "the Happy Hunting Grounds" but instead the agent was sent to Freemason Paradise,instead.Freemason Paradise is just 1 floor above Muslim Paradise,which is located in the basement. Mr. Peltier,a fine example of what a real patriot should be, WAS CONVICTED OF MURDER,even though the mortal wound was caused by a bullet from a different type of weapon. He is now a "political prisoner"in federal prison for life. Another example of Amerikkkan JUST-US.Next we have another fine example of Novus Ordo Seclorum murder and saber- rattling,better known as RUBY RIDGE,where Randy Weaver another Amerikan Patriot,became unpopular with the Rothschild-Rockefeller (intelligence???)commandos (feds)when a person offered to sell Mr. Weaver a "sawed-off"shotgun,which Randy declined to buy (as only the feds and other criminals are allowed to possess)and when questioned by the nazis (probably 1 of those fbi "cold-set-ups")Randy refused to identify the seller.This eventually cost him his 13 year-old son,who was shot in the back,and his wife who was shot through the face by an FBI SNIPER using a high-powered rifle and telescopic sight. She was unarmed,and holding a year old baby,when dead-eye shot her. About 6YEARS AGO ,I was talking with a former 70 year old Texas Ranger and a Korean War Vet,who is carrying 3 bullets from that first U.N. "police action",He was also a former homicide detective. These individuals were fully aware ,along with many other police officers in this nation,of what the U.N./N.W.O./FEMA TRAITORS ARE UP TO,AND ARE ready to defend this nation against those opposed to the U.S. Constitution and our freedom.The detective invited me to watch a film that showed what"REALLY" -"HAPPENED"at Waco,Texas and not the "zapruder-like" phoney -baloney Waco Fake-o FRAUD. There were to be no cameramen or reporters within 5 miles of the Branch Davidian Complex at Waco,by order of the lesbian,and good friend of Wild Bill Clinton,Janet Reno. It was one of her first days on the job and a wonderful setting for U.N. MASS-MURDERERS.Luckily,for us patriots there was some cameramen there at the complex.Helicopter gunships moved in with 50 cals and opened up first shooting through the roof and windows and walls. Then an agent(the one you see rolling down the roof gable and getting hit,on camera)proceeds up the roof behind 3 of his sub-ordinates ,who enter through the window facing the gable and followed by their leader who dispatches them with shots to the back of their heads,and then rolls back down the roof gable where he is wounded. The men he murdered were former Secret Service Bodyguards of President "Wild Bill". They were "officially"killed in the line of duty by those terrible Waco people. Next the Feds bring in U.N. troops because American troops are forbidden to use American weapons on American citizens,by law,but u.n. and nato soldiers are not bound by any such restrictions .They used one U.S. MEDIUM military tank with a driver,then on camera,a uniformed soldier with a helmet walked up ,strapped a WW II vintage flame thrower and 2 fuel tanks on to his back and climbed up on the "ONLY" tank there at that time(the film shown on the news was edited,doctored BULL**** ala N.W.O.)opened a hatch on top of the tank`s gun-turret and climbed inside (this is all on film)This military tank was fitted with "a false 105mm cannon barrel,and the driver proceeded to drive this barrel in and out repeatedly over and over,through the wooden walls of the compound.The soldier inside armed with the flame-thrower,would fire a stream of napalm(jellied gasoline)inside the complex each time the driver thrust the barrel inside(to keep this murder from the eyes of any possible observours)and would turn this stream of firey death off ,on cue whenever the driver would back away from the complex,several times towards the end of this premeditated murder the driver and his assassin,must have had their signals mixed,because as this blood-thirsty bastard backed out you could see this 50ft. stream of gasoline (ala Iwo Jima)shooting into the Branch Davidian Complex. As if this wasn`t enough this tank driver proceeded to purposely use this 60 ton behemoth to intentionally and repeatedly run over the entrance to the underground bunker where numerous women & small children were hiding. They intended to cave it in and kill these innocents,and they did.I saw this and I will never forgive or forget,what this evil corporation has done and continues to do to my countrymen.I give my oath to fight this totalitarian cesspool some call government but I choose to call a nest of treacherous,demonic,serpents,with my last breath, so help me GOD Almighty. Wake up American citizens,and protect yourselves,AN AMERICAN citizen.

Posted By: Perry

Posted On: Apr 18, 2004
Views: 427

I saw that video on TV when the agents went in thru the window and seconds later were fired upon by the man on the roof who in return was shot at(some coming right thru the wall.I couldn't believe what i was seeing.What a way to CREATE heroes/matyrs all for the CAUSE.What a blunder or should i say another day in the life of the US.Govt.

Posted By: Dudley Doright

Posted On: Aug 6, 2005
Views: 350

I saw the video as it was made available by a police supplies dealer.A ski-masked medium sized soldier in an U.S.Army camoflage uniform with no nametag or insignia picked up a portable flame thrower with 3 tanks hoses and a gun nozzle that was lying on the ground back from the B.D.tower. He picked this weapon up,put the straps on his shoulders and walked over to a Jungle Cam M-60 TANK with a single cannon barrel,that is "running"about 40 feet away. He climbs upon the body of the tank,opens the hatch on the turret (which isn`t locked) and with the entire weapon in hand,climbs inside and closes the hatch cover. They proceed to knock holes in the side of the complex,and then shoot jets of flaming gasoline into the interior of the buildings. All of this is clearly visable and there is sound recorded also. This soldier/assassin and his accomplises are responcible for the intentional fires and caving the underground bunker in on the women and babies at Waco.These bastards and their leaders should be drawn and quartered for infanticide and genocide.